You're sitting on a diamond field!

I love a good story. I especially love a true story that inspires people for years and years!

An awesome story was told to me a couple of days ago and I can’t wait to share it with you. This story is a total game changer and it’s 100% true. As soon as I heard it I knew I was supposed to share it with you.

I was having one of those days. Total chaos actually. Boxes everywhere (I’m moving) and 2 college kids home with some nasty virus. I had work deadlines and a “to do” list a mile long.

Then my phone rang.

It was my very wise and gorgeous friend Kimberly Cartwright. (I was so busy I almost didn’t answer). After respectfully hearing my rambling, Kimberly felt called to read me a story by the late Earl Nightingale.

Thank God she did because it totally set me straight.

The Acres of Diamonds story is told of an African farmer who heard tales about other farmers who had made millions by discovering diamond mines. These tales so excited the farmer that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamonds himself.

He sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the African continent searching unsuccessfully for the gleaming gems that brought such high prices on the markets of the world. Finally, worn out and in a fit of despondency, he threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the man who had bought his farm happened to be crossing the small stream on the property one day, when suddenly there was a bright flash of blue and red light from the stream bottom. He bent down and picked up a stone. It was a good-sized stone, and admiring it, he brought it home and put it on his fireplace mantel as an interesting curiosity.

Several weeks later a visitor picked up the stone, looked closely at it, hefted it in his hand, and nearly fainted. He asked the farmer if he knew what he’d found. When the farmer said, no, that he thought it was a piece of crystal, the visitor told him he had found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered. The farmer had trouble believing that. He told the man that his creek was full of such stones, not all as large as the one on the mantel, but sprinkled generously throughout the creek bottom.

The farm the first farmer had sold, so that he might find a diamond mine, turned out to be one of the most productive diamond mines on the entire African continent. (Now known as the Kimberly Diamond Mine…the richest the world has ever known.)

The first farmer had owned, free and clear … acres of diamonds. But he had sold them for practically nothing, in order to look for them elsewhere.

The moral is clear: If the first farmer had only taken the time to study and prepare himself to learn what diamonds looked like in their rough state, and to thoroughly explore the property he had before looking elsewhere, all of his wildest dreams would have come true.

The reason this story has profoundly affected millions of people is the idea that each of us, at this very moment, is standing in the middle of our own acres of diamonds. If we could only have enough sense to realize it and develop the ground we’re standing on before we go charging off to look for diamonds every where else.

Remember, the ego’s motto is “seek and do not find”. It is literally designed to send us on one wild goose chase after another.

Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, “For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found.” (Please read this sentence over again because it’s HUGE!)

Can you get that right now? He doesn’t say, some of your pain or a lot of your pain. He says ALL of your pain comes from looking for diamonds in all the wrong places! How many times have we chased that carrot (karat, HA), only to arrive and say, “meh”.

acres of diamonds

The world has us scrambling about and seeking a replacement for the peace of God.

Never gonna happen.

Don’t worry. If you’re lacking abundance somewhere in your life right now, it’s totally temporary because lack is simply a state of mind.

In Truth, there is NO (NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCHO, NADDA) scarcity anywhere within or around you. It is simply fear and small thinking that are blocking the flow.

If the other guy’s pasture appears to be greener, it’s not that he has a better pasture than you;

it’s just that it’s getting better care.

acres of diamonds1

No one has more than you.

You’re sitting on a diamond mine!


You already are everything and already have everything.

Ultimately you are God, you are the Christ. There is nothing to do, for you already are what you seek. You already have 100% self worth. You are in the process of realizing this ultimate truth. There is nothing to manifest for you already contain what you seek.

You are in the process of realizing God.

You are spiritually good in all of its forms; health, happiness, wealth, peace love, fulfillment and unlimited possibility. Within you is the power to satisfy all of your needs and make your dreams come true.

Are you waiting for a day when God is going to give you more? Guess what? That’s not how it works! God is never going to give you more than you have right now. He has already given you everything. With all of His Love, He has already granted you the entire kingdom and everything in it. (This was a HUGE realization for me!)

Here’s the kicker.

True abundance doesn’t just “come along” as most people think.

It’s there all the time.

If you can’t see it,
that simply means you’re not looking
in the right place.

Make THIS what you seek and nothing else.

Abundance isn’t something you acquire. It is something you tune into.

Every single good thing you desire to have in your life comes from God and is made of God. Things can be made of nothing else.

Yes, yes I know. In this world, your good seems to depend on certain channels, like people, places, things and circumstances. You seem to have little influence over these things. But this is the great illusion of life. In reality, the very people, places, things and circumstances that you depend upon for your good are individualized expressions of the infinite power of God.
Listen and listen well.

In order to cultivate your diamond mine…
you must depend upon the Source and not the channels.

Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of diamonds lies within you?

Dig for your own diamonds.

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem and expect abundance on every level. (Because worry always blocks it.)

This was my #1 take-away from the 6 Month Living In Purpose Mastery Program. I was guided, reminded and given the tools to unearth and cultivate my diamond mine. I committed to 6 months of putting my full attention on all that I AM and all that God has already given to me. For me, it was definitely time to stop the struggle. I was ready to stop my daily digging for diamonds in the salt mine! LOL. I’m telling you, everything changed for me after that. It’s hard to really explain in human words but let me tell you that I have WAY more abundance, experience more peace, more joy and more Love than I thought possible.

Just like Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I shouldn’t look any further than my own back yard.”

I would love to hear from you! Please post in the Comment Area below about the DIAMONDS in your own back yard! 

I love you.

Linda Leland


acres of diamonds2


V-POW! The Vibratory Power of Words by Judy Morton

I am so excited to write about the Vibratory Power of Words.

I came up with an acronym for it: V-POW!

This reminds me of the phrase “Vibratory Power of Words” which comes from a metaphysical writer from 1925, Florence Scovel Shinn.

vibratory power of words

Whenever I catch myself saying something that is not helpful or not loving, I stop myself and say V-POW!

For me, this is part of the practice of LIVING THE PRINCIPLES of A Course in Miracles. I am training my mind to see things differently, to realize the truth of who I am AND to know just how powerful my thoughts and words truly are.

I have a really funny story to share about the power of our thoughts and our words. About a month ago I decided to surprise my boyfriend Gus, with a trip to watch a beautiful sunset. So we jumped in the car and drove to Laguna Beach.

There is this awesome, awesome community above Pacific Coast Highway that they call the Top of the World in Laguna.

There are hills everywhere. So I thought it would be so fun, to drive all around the hills and look at the views of the Pacific Ocean and the beautiful homes.

Here is a photo of it:


Well as we continued on this adventure, I realized that the hills we were driving on with my Honda CRV were really steep. I started thinking about how scary it would be to have my brakes go out on one of those hills. I kept saying things like, “Oh my God, I hope my breaks are ok” and “Wow, the people who live here must have to keep their brakes in tip top shape” and “How scary would it be to go off of one of these cliffs”. We were just laughing about it, just joking around, but I have to admit, I had this fear creep in, where I kept worrying that my brakes might not work “right”. I kept talking about it, all the while laughing.

You won’t believe what happened! We got down to the bottom of the main hill and we heard this really loud grinding noise when I put on my brakes and we could smell something burning! There was something wrong with my brakes.

I just stopped myself, and said, all that “joking around” about my brakes seemed so innocent and fun, and look what happened. My brakes broke!

It was an amazing wake up call for me, about the vibratory power of our words.

So I wanted to share this story with you because it has now become a great reminder for me to catch myself when I start to say things that are negative, even when I am joking.

But it if we want to look at this very closely we realize that it goes much deeper than any words that we say. It starts at the level of our THOUGHTS and our BELIEFS.

I love this quote:

“It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains. There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level.” A Course in MIracles, Chapter 2, Section VI, Paragraph 9, Fear and Conflict

Our thoughts really do create form and that’s what happened on that hill.

So you might say, “Well, I cannot control my thoughts, they just happen” and this is where the good new comes in. You CAN learn to control Your thoughts.

That is where the Workbook Lessons of A Course in Miracles come in.

These lessons were actually created so we CAN learn to control our thoughts AND we are also given the tools to forgive ourselves when we have momentarily forgotten this.

This ties so closely to the 40-Day Program where Lisa teaches us how to watch our thoughts like a hawk. I have found that this vigilance is very necessary, because thoughts can literally slip in between the words while we are speaking. I remember Bill Free writing about this recently in one of his blogs and it is such an awesome reminder.

Have you ever had that happen? Where thoughts will slip in right in between your words in the middle of a sentence? YUP! This happens to me and I am so happy to become aware of this.

This is where we can become A Miracle Minded Thinker!

“You are not used to miracle-minded thinking, but you can be trained to think that way. All miracle workers need that kind of training”.-A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, Section VII, Paragraph 1

I don’t know about you, but I am honored to call myself a miracle worker.


That’s what we are really here for, to remind people of the amazing light in this world that they truly are. And we don’t even have to try. We don’t have to try to change someone, or to change a situation, we just need to hold that person in the truth of who they really are.

We can use the vibratory power of our words in a very positive way when we interact with other people and we can also use it when we THINK of other people too.

I use this practice so much in my life now. I get more and more excited about A Course in Miracles every single day!

As you begin to pay attention to the thoughts that you think you’re thinking and to the words you use, you will begin to notice that your words and thoughts match identically to your experience in the world.

Also, we would love to hear from you. Do you have a story of how you had a thought about something or how you spoke about yourself, another person or a situation, and then it showed up exactly in your life? Let us know!

Please post about HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE in the comment area at the end of the blog.

With Love,


The 15 Second Gift by Bill Free

Remembering God …

It takes only one instant and you are back home where you never left. This is The Holy Instant of release.

“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time?” -A Course in Miracles

Calm and Quiet

Yet this is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more.

It’s so simple, we often miss it

Peace and healing is available to us right now in this moment…

I call it THE 15 SECOND GIFT.

You can offer it to friends and family to help them and you to shift into this Beautiful state of Quiet Awareness that brings peace, healing and the remembrance of Beingness.

This is our natural state.

I simply say to someone “ I’m going to Give you a 15 second gift. Are you ready?”

If they say “sure”, I share it with them by closing my eyes. I put my hand on heart and say “Rest here in quiet, rest in God.’

Then I count silently for 15 seconds or I just guess and then say I “Amen” or and “So it is” or anything that is coming to me to express.

What I’ve noticed is people are searching for this inner peace and when you as a practitioner know this you can give this gift to others. It doesn’t feel religious or even too! spiritual for most people. The ones I’ve done it with have all said “Thank you” and then we keep on talking or we’re finished.

You will find that you receive it even deeper when you share it.

This is sharing the Holy Instant.

Free yourselfin this Holy Instant

You can practice the mechanics of the holy instant and learn much from doing so. Yet it’s shining and glittering brilliance, which will literally

Blind you to this world by its own vision, you cannot supply. And here it is, all in this instant, complete, accomplished and given wholly.

This video will show you other ways I practice the holy instant in my life that may be helpful …

I love you.


I would love to hear from you! I invite you to try this out in your life and then post your comments below on your experience. You can give yourself a 15 Second Gift of peace and healing or you can offer it to someone else.

Confidence & Concentration: Learning to stay connected long enough to hear God's Voice.

As a long time student/teacher of A Course in Miracles, I had heard of the story about Bill Thetford wanting to hear the Voice of Jesus the same way Helen Schucman heard it.

The way I heard the story is that Bill asked Helen to ask Jesus what he should do. The way I heard it is that Jesus told Helen to tell Bill that he should start every day with the words “Lord, here I am.”

Well, this is not exactly the way the story actually happened, as I just found out this morning.

This morning I happened to open up the book Absence from Felicity by Ken Wapnick and it landed on the exact page that tells the story of this incident. Ken writes: “The idea of Helen’s asking help for Bill (and others) remained an important issue for her.”

Below are Helen’s notes about what actually happened with this “Lord, here I am” story  – this is Jesus speaking.

I LOVE this – because this is precisely and exactly what I have a tendency to do – get part of the answer and then disconnect and stop listening. Then I decide I can figure out the rest myself. Jesus says concentration and confidence are needed.

So this isn’t really a message for Bill Thetford. It’s a message for me.

And perhaps it’s a message for you if you have been frustrated with not being able to consistently and clearly hear God’s Voice.



Jesus to Helen: I can’t answer where he (Bill) asks amiss. When he asks right I have answered. He has a tendency to get part of the answer and decide himself when to disconnect. He should ask if that’s all. Since I don’t know when he’s going to ring off I have to be very short and even cryptic. It chops messages up too much.

There is also interference from three major areas:

1. He doesn’t have much real confidence that I will get through. He never just claims his rights. He should begin with much more confidence. I’ll keep my promises, but you (Helen) do not act as if you really expect him to …

2. He has to learn better concentration. His mind flits about too much for good communication. Suggest a very short phrase like “Here I am Lord” and don’t think of ANYTHING else. Just pull in your mind slowly from everywhere else and center it on these words. This will also him the realization that he (Bill) really IS here. He’s not too sure.

3. Tell him to be sure not to mistake your (Helen’s) role. If he overreacts to or over evaluates you as a person, both of you will be in danger (from your own guilt)


I would love to hear from you! Please post in the comment area below. What’s your listening practice? How is your concentration? How is your confidence (that God is with you and that’s God’s Voice will get through)? Do you stay quiet long enough to receive the whole message? Or do have a tendency like Bill to “disconnect” and “ring off”?

What Happened When I Trusted God

By Linda Leland

Linda Leland here. I got myself into a really tight spot last week and decided to use it as a demonstration; a God experiment. I went ALL IN and trusted God instead of my usual manipulation and control. It was the coolest thing ever. You won’t believe what happened! I hope it inspires you to do the same.

I was flying home from the Course In Miracles conference in Las Vegas. I had one hour layover in Baltimore before my next flight to Manchester, NH.

Upon arrival to the Las Vegas airport, the monitor said my flight was delayed 20 minutes. No problem, I’ve still got plenty of time make it to my connecting flight.

After we boarded the plane 30 minutes later than scheduled, the pilot came over the intercom and told us that we were 25th in line for take-off and it would be at least another 20 minutes before it was our turn to fly.

He said our new arrival time in Baltimore was 10:15 pm.

My connecting flight to Manchester was leaving at 10:10 pm.


This is what my mind did. “Are you kidding me? I’m going to be stuck in Baltimore after 10 at night with no luggage. Flights to Manchester, NH are few and far between; I’ll never get out of there. Maybe I can fly into Boston in the middle of the night and rent a car. I’ll never get any sleep on an airport bench! Would that even be safe? It’s going to be hell night. Maybe I’ll have to get a hotel room. That’s a big expense. At this hour, what if I can’t find someone in Baltimore to help me come up with a new plan? This is going to cost me an arm and a leg. I’ve got a BIG problem! This sucks.”

You won't believe

Then, I remembered!!

HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I’m a child of God! I say I trust God. I talk a good talk. I pray about it. I teach it and I preach it.

I am a woman of Faith and I’m going to act like it, DAMMIT.

How pray tell can I see the Power of God working in my life if I don’t give Him room?

Jesus says in the Course: “Do you really believe you can plan for your safety and joy better than He can? You need be neither careful nor careless; you need merely cast your cares upon Him because He careth for you. You are His care because He loves you. His Voice reminds you always that all hope is yours because of His care.” T-5.VII

I had to decide. So, Linda…is this just a nice little concept… or is it the Truth?

Are you going to choose fear or Love? Linda, are you ALL IN or just a casual child of God when life is smooth and comfortable? I say put up or shut up. I’m doing this.

I decided to give the whole situation over to God. I chose to trust Him with this entire shenanigan. I placed my hand over my heart and made the decision to put my trust in God 100%. I had a choice to make here. I don’t know what God’s plan is for me. Maybe I’m supposed to sleep on an airport bench. Whatever it is, I want to trust it. I decided not to do anything at all to fix this. I felt a sense of Peace wash over me. I thanked Him from the bottom of my heart.

You won’t believe what happened next! To read the rest of this article click on this link

Within 5 minutes, a girl whom I’d met days ago on my flight to Vegas found me and said she saw on her phone that my connecting flight to Manchester was delayed 15 minutes. It wasn’t leaving Baltimore until 10:25 pm. That gave me 10 minutes to make my connection.

I gave God a wink.

A few minutes later… (Enter again, the voice of doubt) “I’m sitting way in the back of the plane. I probably still won’t make my connection in only 10 minutes. I should go and ask someone at the front of the plane if they’ll switch seats with me right before we land.”

There was also a voice inside me that wanted me to tell another person and get some sympathetic attention. The beast wanted to be fed! Nope, I told no one of my situation but God.

NO. I’m not doing it.

I decided to give Thanks one more time and then I took a nap.

A couple of hours later, I was startled awake by the pilot talking over the intercom.

I had to ask the people in my row what the pilot just mumbled. “He said they’re holding the flight to Manchester for a passenger.”

I AM Loved. I AM supported.

Wait. It gets better. Right before landing, the flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder and said the pilot was going to make an announcement asking everyone to stay in their seats once we get to our gate so that I could get off the plane first.


This is so fun! I don’t need to worry about anything.

I made my connecting flight without a problem. It was as smooth as butter. But that’s not the point. The REAL point is that I was at Peace the whole time and I TOTALLY would have felt Peace and Joy, even if I missed my flight!

I used to spend a lot of time trying to understand ACIM. I studied it daily. Truthfully, since I took The 40-Day Program, I’m living it. I’m using everything that happens in my life to better know God. The 40 Day Program simplified the Course in a way that helped me translate it into action. Now my whole life is a demonstration of God’s Love. It’s as if the whole world has changed.

Both Heaven and earth are in you.
Both call to you.
Which one will you listen to?

You won't believe 2

You can wait around to feel God’s presence for another 2,000 years or you can choose it right now. That’s the thing. You have to choose it. You will hear the voice for fear but you don’t value it. You don’t answer it. You don’t try to fix it yourself. You choose to Trust God and He’ll never let you down.

Try it for yourself and see. How else will you know? Give God some room. Take a chance! Do an experiment. Use your right now life as a demonstration that God is there for you. Let His Love in. I promise you will be so glad you did.

The more we experience God’s Love, the easier it gets. But here’s the kicker…

We have to decide make room for the experience to happen.

Here’s a little trick I learned from a great teacher. Next time something happens in your life that appears to be a problem, don’t complain or worry about it for 3 days. Instead, look for all the gifts you can find there. If, after 3 days, you see the need for worry…have at it. (wink)

Take it from me. There’s nothing to wait for. It’s all right there for you now.

So much Love to you,

Remember that the 40-Day Program for Transformation begins on May 1, 2016!! Lisa will be sending out the first message and video this coming Saturday night at 10pm EST. So to get on this Love Train, click here:

40-Day Program Lisa Natoli

How open are you sharing your spiritual life with friends and family?

Hello Miracle Worker!

Around the time when the 40-Day Program is offered (3 times a year – January 1st, May 1st and September 1st), I invite people who have taken it and love it to tell their friends and family about it.

Almost everyone who has ever taken the 40-Day Program heard about it because they either saw it on my Facebook page or they heard about it from a friend or family member.

Word of mouth rocks!

We receive letters from people who loved the 40-Day Program and said it has changed their life but don’t want to tell anyone they did it, because of the God and Jesus references.

Let’s look at that today!

Is your spiritual life a hidden secret?

Does it make you feel nervous to talk to others about God?

Or are you out in the open sunshine, declaring your love for the Truth?

Here is a big one: Do you tell people you love them?

Do you openly declare your love and gratitude?



For me, for many years, sharing my spiritual  life with others made me WILDLY UNCOMFORTABLE.

Back in 1992, I found A Course in Miracles and I was immediately drawn to the ideas about God. I had very little religious upbringing (we went to a Methodist church as a family) but I don’t recall God being a part of our upbringing. I don’t recall having conversations about God, and certainly not about Jesus.

I was living in NYC at the time, and i had created my image as a sophisticated modern New Yorker. I laugh now at this, but there you go! I was very concerned with what other people thought about me, and I practically made it “my job” to have an image of sweetness and helpfulness that didn’t rock the boat. I didn’t like conflict (still don’t) but back then I did everything in my power to avoid it.

So even though a love for God and a love for Jesus Christ was growing in my heart, I didn’t want anyone to know!

I hid A Course in Miracles at the book of my closet, as if it was pornography. I was dating and living with a guy who was totally awesome, but who I didn’t think would be open to these idea of God or Jesus. So I kept totally quiet. When I knew he wasn’t around, I would be in Heaven with my “pornography”, my guilty pleasure: A Course in Miracles.

A couple years later we broke up (of course! How could a relationship based on secrecy last?) and then my Course back came out into the public – my coffee table in the living room!

That felt like such a huge move, even though it was my own living room and I lived alone.

I would sometimes move my Course book to the top of the bookcase in a pile of other books when guests came over … hide it a little.

I was THAT in the closet!

I didn’t want controversy and I also didn’t want people to think I was going to start a God conversation.

Instead I talked about the weather, food, my problems and difficulties, my next travel plans, what movies and books I was reading (conveniently leaving out A Course in Miracles from the list).

So that went on for a while, until finally I really wanted to talk about my love for God! I wanted people to know me, and not the image of me that I had built up. I wanted ME to know ME.

I was tired of hiding. I was wanting to share this part of my life with others.

Around this time I was starting to talk with Jesus and I didn’t know any one who was doing that.

I had an image of people who were in love with Jesus as fundamentalist extremists who preached and tried to convert others and I didn’t want to be associated with that. I had a lot of ideas back then!

And finally I decided to come out of the God closet.

I thought i would just put one little toe in the water and test it out, to see how it felt.

And you know what happened?? Nothing! haha! No one died. No one thought I was trying to preach to them. And I found out that people want to talk about God!

I started only talking about God in the beginning, and eventually I began to talk more and more about my love for Jesus. I noticed that some people got uncomfortable but the majority of people I talked with were curious.

They asked questions. They wanted to know more.

And some even bought A Course in Miracles based on what they heard from me.

Over the years hundreds of people have thanked me for being vocal about my love for God and my love for Jesus. I’m grateful for that. They say that one conversation set them on a new path, opened a door for them.

I think the biggest reason I stayed so quiet for so long about my love for Jesus is because I couldn’t explain it. I didn’t know the bible. I didn’t entirely know A Course in Miracles.

I thought people would question and challenge me and I didn’t want to have to explain myself and then screw it up.

And finally, I thought: I don’t have to explain myself!

I can simply say I’m in love with God. I’m in love with Jesus. I read this book called A Course in miracles and I love it.

in love with Jesus

There is such freedom in being yourself.

My friend Janet from the second grade took the new 40-Day Program and she wrote about finding joy and about telling people she loves them:

My beautiful and amazing childhood friend has helped me change my way of being. I have a hard time putting in words what her program has done for me…I was “stuck” for a lack of a better words, after loosing several lovedones over the last few years. My joy is back, I truly love life. I told Lisa that at times when I was going through her program I thought I was being “punked” because each day my perception shifted and I saw my brothers and sisters as pure love and that has become my world! I’ve always been a faith based person, this program has helped me live peacefully and with joy. Lisa tells everyone she meets that she loves them, I didn’t get that for the longest time, I do now…. I genuinely love each person I meet! I love you from the bottom of my heart, Lisa Natoli xoxoxo

Thank you Janet! I love you!

And to you reading this, I love you!

Today, I invite you to:

1. Sign up for the 40-Day Program which begins May 1, 2016:

2. Tell a friend or family member about the 40-Day Program (tell several people! Thank you so much!). Here is the link:


3. Tell people you love them and how much you appreciate them.

I would love to hear about how you express your spiritual life to others around you. Please leave a comment below!

Love, Lisa

Routine. Shake it up. Dealing with distraction.

“When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in the summer.” -A Course in Miracles

Hello Dear Friend,

You are the light of the world.

Lesson 61 from A Course in Miracles has been my new favorite workbook lesson for the past two years. I love it so much I even put it on my license plate – ACIM-61.

It’s a daily reminder to myself that: 

“I am the light of the world. That is my only function. That is why I’m here.”

It’s a great reminder to me. Remembering that I am the  light of the world is THE ONLY REASON I’m here!

Knowing this really simplified my life.

When I remember this – all my days are easy and effortless.

I’m in the moment.
I’m remembering God.
I’m remembering Who I am.
I remembering that none of what I think I see is real.

I’m the light of the world. End of story.

Where is my problem now?

Bill and I just arrived back home to Maine from a 3-week trip – one week in San Diego and two weeks in Guatemala. It was amazing. We love traveling and seeing the dedication and commitment of people who want to know God and to know their Self – their True Self without illusions and without fear.

I woke up this morning thinking about what I wanted to share in a blog with you and the #1 thing I have noticed lately – most noticeable as we travelled through airports – is a world that’s disconnected and distracted.


What happened? How did almost the whole world become so hypnotized?

This was me for a while  – always checking my phone for new messages, constantly checking Facebook … forgetting to check in with Christ … sleep-walking through life.

I was in a haze, in a blur, looking at cute cat pictures, watching videos, seeing what the rest of the world is doing.

Then I made a deliberate conscious decision to be present without electronics – just to see what new things might occur.

I decided to UNPLUG in order to PLUG INTO GOD.


Suddenly, I felt calm, clear and more focused.

I love how in the Urtext – the original un-edited manuscript of A Course in Miracles – Jesus spends most of the first 5 chapters teaching Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford to be better listeners so they can devote more time to him and get their own tasks and work done more easily and effortlessly.

Jesus was training and guiding Bill & Helen – as he is training and guiding us – to quiet our minds and hear His Voice.

If you pay close attention, you start to notice that you are not really listening when you are constantly checking your texts and emails all day long.

How many times a day do you stop your activities and quiet your mind to listen to God’s Voice?

The workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles is a great way to train yourself to stop your activities at least once an hour to sit quietly and acknowledge the truth, to remembering Who you are and Who walks with you.

What is your morning routine? Do you immediately check your phone or do you have quiet time?

Do you acknowledge Christ at the beginning of the day and ask what miracles He would have you perform for that day?

I can tell you that when I began “to go within” first in every activity – Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven – my life became effortless.

If you feel that your life has been too much externally focused and not enough internally focused within, what habits and routines can you change today?

Do it today.

daily inspirational quotes (5)

I would love to hear from you!

How can you change your routine to be more aware and present in your life?

 Leave a comment below on how you deal with distractions.

Thank you!



One great way to shake up your routine is to SAY YES TO LAS VEGAS!

Come join me and Bill and many other Course in Miracles teachers in Las Vegas April 8, 9, 10, 2016.

This is an incredible weekend of workshops and meals together. The current price is $649 and includes all lunches and dinners. Please make sure when you register to click our names Lisa Natoli and Bill Free as the ones who inspired you to enroll.

See you there!!





If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Do you know the fast track out of sickness and suffering?

Stop thinking about your problems. Stop talking about your difficulties and remember the Love that you are.

Remember your holiness. Remember your innocence. Remember that you are not alone. You have an Inner Guide that is with you always.

This might seem impossible to you because from where you stand your problems seem very real to you.

Your pain seems real.

I know because I had pain for years.

I had problems, debt, no money, suffering, depression and now these things are gone, and there is only joy and the Love of God.

How did this shift occur?

I made a decision to stop giving my so-called problems the car keys and letting them drive the car! I acknowledged that I was not powerless.

I stopped digging the hole that I thought I was in. I stood still.

It was really THAT simple.

Remember that miracles are natural and easy, and there is no order of difficulty. One problem or sickness is not harder or more difficult than another to heal because they are all the same – a belief in separation.

This is the fast track out of suffering.

There is nothing holding you to the thoughts that seem to often occupy your mind and occupy your time, except that you keep holding on to them, telling stories about them, thinking about them.

You might think this is impossible to stop telling stories because your problems seem quite real to you, but that’s only because you keep thinking about them and talking about them and that keeps them right in place!

If you would be free from sickness and suffering, it’s important that you see this and that you see it clearly.

“Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them.You can never be deprived of your perfect holiness because its Source goes with you wherever you go. You can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with you wherever you go. You can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with you wherever you go. Nothing can destroy your peace of mind because God goes with you wherever you go” -A Course in Miracles, Workbook Lesson 41

You might think: “But I can’t help having these thoughts!” (about your problems and difficulties) but if you are honest and if you pay attention closely you will absolutely see and know that YOU CAN HELP IT.

You are not powerless.


If someone was to give you a million dollars to stop thinking a thought and to stop telling a story about it, then could you do it? Could you focus on the Light and Love that you are instead?

You might think: yes, IF someone was to give me a million dollars then yes, I could stop thinking a thought but no one is offering me a million dollars so I’m just going to continue to think of all the bad things happening to me.

So, ah-ha!

You COULD do it! If you wanted to.

You are not powerless.
You are not weak, but strong.

If you say you cannot do it, then you have not tried because you are powerful.

Anyone and everyone can stop thinking a thought and think about God instead. Everyone.

In the same space that you are thinking about your problems, you can just as easily be re-directing your thoughts to the Truth of your holiness, which is What You Are.

A Course in Miracles is a systematic way to train your mind to a different perception of everyone and everything. You see what is truly here: Oneness with God, Oneness with each other, holiness, innocence, joy and peace.

The new 40-Day Program (offered 3 times a year January 1st, May 1st and September 1st) has you “watch yourself like a hawk” for the entire 40 days just like Jesus did in the desert 2000 years ago as he willingly went, led by Spirit, to be tempted by the devil (ego thoughts) so that you can see that you absolutely CAN banish doubt and fear from your mind. They’re just thoughts! And you’re not powerless.

That’s an amazing idea to me! To willingly ask to be tempted by whatever is buried in my mind (doubt worry, attack, blame, sickness) just like Jesus did.

Remembering that God is with me, no matter what comes upon me I see and know that it has no control and power over me.

Instead of being gripped by fear, I quietly and calmly observe it and let it go.

Most people have no idea how easy it is to let fear go, because they allow fear to grab them and run the show.

All problems are a belief in separation, and there is no such thing as separation – all is One – therefore you have no problems. All your problems have been solved.

If you think you have problems, it is because you handed them the car keys and are allowing your problems to drive the car (by the thoughts you continually think and the stories you continually tell) and you’re in the passenger seat as a hostage.

But the prison door is open!

You can tell your problems to stop the car and give the car keys back to you. They do not have power to run your life. They do not have the power to hold you hostage.

I opened A Course in Miracles up to Workbook Lesson 57 this morning, which is a review, and a great fantastic reminder to use whenever you think you have a problem.

Workbook Lesson 57

(31) I am not the victim of the world I see.

How can I be the victim of a world that can be completely undone if I so choose? My chains are loosened. I can drop them off merely by desiring to do so. The prison door is open. I can leave simply by walking out. Nothing holds me in this world. Only my wish to stay keeps me a prisoner. I would give up my insane wishes and walk into the sunlight at last.

(32) I have invented the world I see.

I made up the prison in which I see myself. All I need do is recognize this and I am free. I have deluded myself into believing it is possible to imprison the Son of God. I was bitterly mistaken in this belief, which I no longer want. The Son of God must be forever free. He is as God created him, and not what I would make of him. He is where God would have him be, and not where I thought to hold him prisoner.

(33) There is another way of looking at the world.

Since the purpose of the world is not the one I ascribed to it, there must be another way of looking at it. I see everything upside down, and my thoughts are the opposite of truth. I see the world as a prison for God’s Son. It must be, then, that the world is really a place where he can be set free. I would look upon the world as it is, and see it as a place where the Son of God finds his freedom.

(34) I could see peace instead of this.

When I see the world as a place of freedom, I realize that it reflects the laws of God instead of the rules I made up for it to obey. I will understand that peace, not war, abides in it. And I will perceive that peace also abides in the hearts of all who share this place with me.

(35) My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

As I share the peace of the world with my brothers, I begin to understand that this peace comes from deep within myself. The world I look upon has taken on the light of my forgiveness, and shines forgiveness back at me. In this light I begin to see what my illusions about myself kept hidden. I begin to understand the holiness of all living things, including myself, and their oneness with me.




You are the light of the world.



Remember that Living in Purpose begins on March 1, 2016. Tons and tons of awesome amazing beautiful testimonials from people currently enrolled. Click here for more information:


A Christmas gift for you! You can open it now!

Merry Christmas to you from me and our entire team at the Teachers of God Foundation.

You are a gift to the world and to us.

We love you. 

It’s me, Lisa Natoli.

It’s two days before Christmas and the peace of God is shining in you now.

Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration, peace and joy but often it’s a time when people feel overwhelmed, depressed, filled with guilt about not being able to get it all done. It often brings up a lot of old family issues. Plus it’s dark and cold.

I wanted to give you a gift that can change your whole mood this holiday season and for the rest of your life.

I hope you like it!

It’s morning and I’m still in bed (“the children were nestled, all snug in their bed”) and I just had coffee with Jesus – my daily morning routine – and I was sitting here thinking: “I want to give all my friends the best gift ever.”

I wanted it to be a REAL gift, not just nice sounding words. I wanted it to be something you could use, something of value, something that would bring you joy.

And I reached over for A Course in Miracles, opened it up and it landed on Workbook Lesson 188: The peace of God is shining in me now.

And instantly, I knew: THIS IS IT!!!

This is the gift I want to give you this Christmas.

The gift of Christ vision, where you see only love. The gift of healing, where you know how to use the Power and Light of God that has been given to you to heal all things.


The peace of God is a gift you already have – given to you by God.

MY GIFT to you is to bring it back into your awareness so you can start using it.

I love you.

Most people have no idea that there is a light in them which can literally heal anything. This light removes all fear, darkness, addiction, sorrow, sickness and pain. FOR REAL.

But like any gift, you have to use it. You have to know about it. You have to plug it in, play with it, test it out.

Same with the light that is in you. It’s THERE as a huge beautiful gift for you but if you don’t take it out of the box and use it, it’s useless. It literally does nothing, even though it has the power to heal every aspect of your life.

If you know me as a teacher, you know that my whole approach is: Try it out. Experiment with this idea. Take it for a test-run in your life and then you will see for yourself that it works.

I’m very big on people seeing things for themselves, with their own eyes, as a direct experience.

You’ll know that what I am saying is true when you see all your problems disappear one by one.

You’ll know for yourself that this light really DOES heal all things when you see pain and sickness dissolve from your experience.

You’ll know it when you begin to feel happy.

So today, I give you a gift and I ask you to take it out of the box and use it.

Simply know that the peace of God is shining in you now. It’s there SHINING without you doing anything, but while you were focused on your problems and grievances and fear, you didn’t know it was there.

This light has always been in you – sitting dormant – and today you are going to recognize it and get it flowing.


It’s a simple practice.

If you are ready for healing and miracles in your life, please scroll down to the Workbook Lesson – READ IT AND THEN DO WHAT IT SAYS.

Like any gift, there are instructions.

I have posted them below.

Please don’t just read though the lesson. Know that it’s true. Acknowledge the light in you and send it out from your heart around the world.

When it says “close your eyes” please close your eyes. See this light. Connect with it. It’s yours to use and to give, and it will heal you completely.

This light knows what to do. It immediately will begin to remove all fear and doubt from your mind. You will start to feel a happy light-heartedness when you send love and peace to others, from your heart.

Give yourself 30 minutes to an hour today to sit quietly and feel this light, and then extend it from your heart around the world.

This works.

Merry Christmas.

If you want to see your life dramatically transform, imagine what will happen if you were to consistently remember this light on a daily basis and you made a commitment to not waver back into old thought patterns and negativity. IMAGINE THAT. Imagine if you were to make a commitment to live in love for 40 days and allow fear to come up into your awareness so you can release it. If this sounds like something you want to do, make sure to sign up for the 40-Day Program which begins on January 1, 2016. It’s totally free. Click here to sign up:

All new videos and new messages, and I haven’t done them yet so it’s a brand new program which I am super excited about.

Join me in healing.



PS: If you have a friend or family member who is suffering or struggling, please share this message with them. And please let them know about the 40-day Program which begins on January 1st (just a week away) It may be exactly what they need right now.

Follow these instructions and be healed. 

Lesson 188
The peace of God is shining in me now.

Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. Light is not of the world, yet you who bear the light in you are alien here as well. The light came with you from your native home, and stayed with you because it is your own. It is the only thing you bring with you from Him Who is your Source. It shines in you because it lights your home, and leads you back to where it came from and you are at home.

This light can not be lost. Why wait to find it in the future, or believe it has been lost already, or was never there? It can so easily be looked upon that arguments which prove it is not there become ridiculous. Who can deny the presence of what he beholds in him? It is not difficult to look within, for there all vision starts. There is no sight, be it of dreams or from a truer Source, that is not but the shadow of the seen through inward vision. There perception starts, and there it ends. It has no source but this.

The peace of God is shining in you now, and from your heart extends around the world. It pauses to caress each living thing, and leaves a blessing with it that remains forever and forever. What it gives must be eternal. It removes all thoughts of the ephemeral and valueless. It brings renewal to all tired hearts, and lights all vision as it passes by. All of its gifts are given everyone, and everyone unites in giving thanks to you who give, and you who have received.

The shining in your mind reminds the world of what it has forgotten, and the world restores the memory to you as well. From you salvation radiates with gifts beyond all measure, given and returned. To you, the giver of the gift, does God Himself give thanks. And in His blessing does the light in you shine brighter, adding to the gifts you have to offer to the world.

The peace of God can never be contained. Who recognizes it within himself must give it. And the means for giving it are in his understanding. He forgives because he recognized the truth in him. The peace of God is shining in you now, and in all living things. In quietness is it acknowledged universally. For what your inward vision looks upon is your perception of the universe.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. The light within you is sufficient. It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you. Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. They know the way. For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God Himself.

These thoughts you think with Him. They recognize their home. And they point surely to their Source, Where God the Father and the Son are One. God’s peace is shining on them, but they must remain with you as well, for they were born within your mind, as yours was born in God’s. They lead you back to peace, from where they came but to remind you how you must return.

They heed your Father’s Voice when you refuse to listen. And they urge you gently to accept His Word for what you are, instead of fantasies and shadows. They remind you that you are the co-creator of all things that live. For as the peace of God is shining in you, it must shine on them.

We practice coming nearer to the light in us today. We take our wandering thoughts, and gently bring them back to where they fall in line with all the thoughts we share with God. We will not let them stray. We let the light within our minds direct them to come home. We have betrayed them, ordering that they depart from us. But now we call them back, and wash them clean of strange desires and disordered wishes. We restore to them the holiness of their inheritance.

Thus are our minds restored with them, and we acknowledge that the peace of God still shines in us, and from us to all living things that share our life. We will forgive them all, absolving all the world from what we thought it did to us. For it is we who make the world as we would have it. Now we choose that it be innocent, devoid of sin and open to salvation. And we lay our saving blessing on it, as we say:

The peace of God is shining in me now.
Let all things shine upon me in that peace,
And let me bless them with the light in me.


How a decision and a new morning routine changed my life.

Over the years I have “done it all” to try to improve my life and achieve worldly goals. I would have a lot of momentum and energy and enthusiasm for the first few days (or the first few hours at least!) and then I would be back to my old habits and usual ways of thinking.

What the hell is wrong with me?
How come I can’t stay motivated?
What is so difficult about achieving my goals?

Mostly because deep down, I knew that having a shinier life was utterly meaningless.

I would achieve a goal and still felt empty and alone.

I was looking for connection and a feeling of completion.

I wanted the peace of God and I just couldn’t hold onto it.

Back then, I mistakenly thought the solution was to TRY HARDER and DO MORE.

What I discovered is that the real solution for real lasting change is RELAX and DO LESS and BE STILL.

This realization was a turning point for me.

A Course in Miracles says that a miracle is a shift in perception and healing only takes an instant – because how long does it take you to change your mind??? An instant.

You can do it now.

And this is precisely what happened for me, and I invite you to try this out in your own life.

Join me for 40 Days starting either January 1st, May 1st or September 1st and we will do it together. 

The decision is to live in love and be aware of everything that comes up, and let it go with forgiveness.


I did it as an experiment and I wasn’t sure if it was going to work. But I had nothing to lose, and it was only 5 weeks.

I realized in a flash that I had been “trying to get somewhere” so that I could be a certain way. I was “waiting for later” and for my external world to change, so that I could be happy, in gratitude with lots of energy. I had it all wrong. For example, I was always on a diet trying to lose weight (30 pounds) so that I could be vibrant, alive, whole and perfect.

I read this now and think HOW UTTERLY INSANE that I thought I had to wait for my body to change to be happy and vibrant, but I really believed this back then.

I also thought “When I have more money, I’ll be super generous.”

I didn’t realize that I could be generous right from the place where I was. I could be the richest person in the world, in that moment and forever.

To me a rich person is someone who knows they have everything and is constantly giving.

It occurred to me that I could CHOOSE to be that way right now, and not wait.

And that is precisely what I did.

I became the richest person in the world, by my own choice and decision.

For years, I had this idea that when “I make it” – when my book is a best-seller, when I’m traveling around the world and teaching in front of big audiences – that I’d have loads of energy and that I would leap out of bed in the morning in gratitude.

I imagined that I’d be super happy, I’d be inspiring, vibrant and alive. I imagined that I would have a daily prayer/meditation practice; I would acknowledge Jesus, listen for guidance, and follow through with action.

I thought I could only BE all these things when I “had all my ducks in a row” and had money in the bank.

Now I know that happiness and abundance is a choice you make.

Back then I was a Zumba instructor, with 10-years worth of credit card debt. My only income was the money that came in from the donation box I put out 2 times a week when I taught Zumba. This was before the Teachers of God Foundation and before the 40-Day Program (which was born out of this experiment).


To use the words of A Course in Miracles: I accepted the Atonement for myself.

It occurred to me that I was whole and perfect, and that God was with me all the time.

I shifted on the spot. It’s actually quite easy to do when you really want it.


My life changed overnight. I suddenly was super generous, living in gratitude and appreciation, acknowledging God in everyone and everything. I was in love with everyone and everything. I was suddenly a total success in my mind,

Nothing external had changed, I was still teaching Zumba, but everything internal now reflected the Love of God.

When ideas came to me, I acted on them.

Who was this person????

I  liked her very much!

In the past ideas would come to me, and I would always say “later” I’ll put that into action (when I lose weight and have more money).

With a decision, I ended my story of lack and clicked the delete button on it.

I began to see in a very real and dramatic way that everything really IS mind.

When you change your mind, the world you think see REALLY does change!

Would you like to transform your life?
Are you ready to click the delete button on all your stories? 


Join me for 40-Days as we do what Jesus, the man, did 2000 years years ago:


Leave your past and your story behind.

Let go of your future plans and goals.

Just come as you are, with no agenda.

And watch what happens! 

At 30 years of age, he made a decision that his life as he knew it (as a carpenter) was over, and that he was going to enter into a quiet space to see what emerges.

I imagine that he didn’t know what was next.

This is what happened to me. I made a decision that “I was done” with my life of poverty, negativity and doubt.

I decided to “go into a desert place” for five weeks and acknowledge God and live in love.

Are you ready? Are you done with a life of littleness, boredom, wishing & waiting for things to happen? 

Do you want to join me?

You can sign up by clicking this link, where you’ll find registration info:

I’m convinced that the single most important thing you can do is SAY YES.



Choose your start date for the 40-Day Program: January 1st, May 1st, or September 1st.

I invite you to join me for this new adventure.

Click here:

Remember, it’s totally free!

Every time I give myself the gift of 40-Days, new exciting things occur. I’m always surprised.

How many of us have come to this point where WE KNOW that whatever we have been doing up until now is finished?

But because of fear, we keep doing what we’re doing, even though there’s a constant feeling that “there’s more” and that we’re stuck in a routine.

So, Jesus, the perfect demonstration of a man getting unstuck, made an unwavering decision to leave his life and go into the desert.

To do what?


He went to be still.

He went to listen.

He went into the desert with an open mind and curiosity.

He wasn’t striving. He wasn’t trying to improve his life. He wasn’t attempting to achieve anything.

He went into the desert, having zero idea what to expect.

And somehow, when I read this story, I knew that this was my path – to give myself A SPACE to simply be still and listen, and not try to accomplish anything.

His fears came up and he didn’t run away – he confronted them and cast them out.

That’s what we do in the 40-Day Program.

In the bible these fears are called demons and the devil, which are nothing more than what A Course in Miracles calls your “ego thoughts.”

Jesus faced these thoughts directly, and did not wander back into his old life, his old routine, his old habits.

This is what you will be encouraged to do.

Often what we do in this thing called life is push our fears aside, with stories and distractions. We try to improve our lives instead of looking directly at the fear and confronting it, and not backing down.

If you are ready to commit to a new way of living for 40 days, NO MATTER WHAT,

make a decision that will change your life forever.


If you are anything like me, you want to get started NOW!


Take some time to think about your morning routine. Everyone has one. If you think you don’t have one, then tomorrow morning from the second you are awake (before even your eyes are open), I want you to pay extremely close attention to every single thing you do.

Do you reach over for your cellphone to check the time? Now that the phone is in your hand, do you start checking emails and Facebook? What happens next? What happens next? How long is your morning routine? Pay close attention to yourself, like a hawk. Watch every single thought and every single action.

This is your morning routine.

Do you wake up happy? Do you acknowledge your Inner Guide? Do you give thanks for a perfect day? Do you think about the kind of day you want to have? Do you know that the day you want to have can happen every day exactly the way you imagine it?

In the 40-Day Program, we are going to invite you to have a new morning routine (along with lots of other simple practice that will rock your world in the best way possible) so that your day is intentional, joyful and filled with miracles.

For now, I invite you to pay attention to your current morning routine. Write down what you currently do and what you are thinking  – from the moment you are aware that you are awake (before you eyes are open) – and write down everything you do and everything you think until the moment you are in the car on your way to work.

If you work from home (or if you don’t work), pay attention to what you do in the morning, for the first hour or two. Write down your thoughts and actions.

Are you present? Are you intentional? Do you think about the kind of day you want? Do you have a spiritual practice? Do you acknowledge a Presence and Power that is with you? Do you have for guidance and direction for the day?

Once you know your current morning practice, set aside 20 minutes to sit quietly with no distractions.

Write down a new morning routine. Think about what you can change about how you start your day so that you are more present and aware.

Now change it.

It might be getting a new alarm clock and leaving your cellphone out of the bedroom, so that you can begin the day with no electronics.

You might want to stay in bed for a few minutes before you open your eyes and be grateful.

In the 40-Day Program, I’ll describe my morning routine and you will come up with a new morning routine for yourself, which includes thinking about the kind of day you want and learning how you can have that very day, every day.

For now, for the next month through December, just start paying attention.

If you simply do this little thing – pay attention – you will be AMAZED how much of your thoughts are unconscious and how much of your day is on auto-pilot, just going through the motions.

The 40-Day Program will change all that.

During the 40-Days, you will become aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

You will see how easy it is to become miracle-minded and to have a life you love.

I hope you join me.




Lisa Natoli