What Happened When I Trusted God

By Linda Leland

Linda Leland here. I got myself into a really tight spot last week and decided to use it as a demonstration; a God experiment. I went ALL IN and trusted God instead of my usual manipulation and control. It was the coolest thing ever. You won’t believe what happened! I hope it inspires you to do the same.

I was flying home from the Course In Miracles conference in Las Vegas. I had one hour layover in Baltimore before my next flight to Manchester, NH.

Upon arrival to the Las Vegas airport, the monitor said my flight was delayed 20 minutes. No problem, I’ve still got plenty of time make it to my connecting flight.

After we boarded the plane 30 minutes later than scheduled, the pilot came over the intercom and told us that we were 25th in line for take-off and it would be at least another 20 minutes before it was our turn to fly.

He said our new arrival time in Baltimore was 10:15 pm.

My connecting flight to Manchester was leaving at 10:10 pm.


This is what my mind did. “Are you kidding me? I’m going to be stuck in Baltimore after 10 at night with no luggage. Flights to Manchester, NH are few and far between; I’ll never get out of there. Maybe I can fly into Boston in the middle of the night and rent a car. I’ll never get any sleep on an airport bench! Would that even be safe? It’s going to be hell night. Maybe I’ll have to get a hotel room. That’s a big expense. At this hour, what if I can’t find someone in Baltimore to help me come up with a new plan? This is going to cost me an arm and a leg. I’ve got a BIG problem! This sucks.”

You won't believe

Then, I remembered!!

HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I’m a child of God! I say I trust God. I talk a good talk. I pray about it. I teach it and I preach it.

I am a woman of Faith and I’m going to act like it, DAMMIT.

How pray tell can I see the Power of God working in my life if I don’t give Him room?

Jesus says in the Course: “Do you really believe you can plan for your safety and joy better than He can? You need be neither careful nor careless; you need merely cast your cares upon Him because He careth for you. You are His care because He loves you. His Voice reminds you always that all hope is yours because of His care.” T-5.VII

I had to decide. So, Linda…is this just a nice little concept… or is it the Truth?

Are you going to choose fear or Love? Linda, are you ALL IN or just a casual child of God when life is smooth and comfortable? I say put up or shut up. I’m doing this.

I decided to give the whole situation over to God. I chose to trust Him with this entire shenanigan. I placed my hand over my heart and made the decision to put my trust in God 100%. I had a choice to make here. I don’t know what God’s plan is for me. Maybe I’m supposed to sleep on an airport bench. Whatever it is, I want to trust it. I decided not to do anything at all to fix this. I felt a sense of Peace wash over me. I thanked Him from the bottom of my heart.

You won’t believe what happened next! To read the rest of this article click on this link

Within 5 minutes, a girl whom I’d met days ago on my flight to Vegas found me and said she saw on her phone that my connecting flight to Manchester was delayed 15 minutes. It wasn’t leaving Baltimore until 10:25 pm. That gave me 10 minutes to make my connection.

I gave God a wink.

A few minutes later… (Enter again, the voice of doubt) “I’m sitting way in the back of the plane. I probably still won’t make my connection in only 10 minutes. I should go and ask someone at the front of the plane if they’ll switch seats with me right before we land.”

There was also a voice inside me that wanted me to tell another person and get some sympathetic attention. The beast wanted to be fed! Nope, I told no one of my situation but God.

NO. I’m not doing it.

I decided to give Thanks one more time and then I took a nap.

A couple of hours later, I was startled awake by the pilot talking over the intercom.

I had to ask the people in my row what the pilot just mumbled. “He said they’re holding the flight to Manchester for a passenger.”

I AM Loved. I AM supported.

Wait. It gets better. Right before landing, the flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder and said the pilot was going to make an announcement asking everyone to stay in their seats once we get to our gate so that I could get off the plane first.


This is so fun! I don’t need to worry about anything.

I made my connecting flight without a problem. It was as smooth as butter. But that’s not the point. The REAL point is that I was at Peace the whole time and I TOTALLY would have felt Peace and Joy, even if I missed my flight!

I used to spend a lot of time trying to understand ACIM. I studied it daily. Truthfully, since I took The 40-Day Program, I’m living it. I’m using everything that happens in my life to better know God. The 40 Day Program simplified the Course in a way that helped me translate it into action. Now my whole life is a demonstration of God’s Love. It’s as if the whole world has changed.

Both Heaven and earth are in you.
Both call to you.
Which one will you listen to?

You won't believe 2

You can wait around to feel God’s presence for another 2,000 years or you can choose it right now. That’s the thing. You have to choose it. You will hear the voice for fear but you don’t value it. You don’t answer it. You don’t try to fix it yourself. You choose to Trust God and He’ll never let you down.

Try it for yourself and see. How else will you know? Give God some room. Take a chance! Do an experiment. Use your right now life as a demonstration that God is there for you. Let His Love in. I promise you will be so glad you did.

The more we experience God’s Love, the easier it gets. But here’s the kicker…

We have to decide make room for the experience to happen.

Here’s a little trick I learned from a great teacher. Next time something happens in your life that appears to be a problem, don’t complain or worry about it for 3 days. Instead, look for all the gifts you can find there. If, after 3 days, you see the need for worry…have at it. (wink)

Take it from me. There’s nothing to wait for. It’s all right there for you now.

So much Love to you,

Remember that the 40-Day Program for Transformation begins on May 1, 2016!! Lisa will be sending out the first message and video this coming Saturday night at 10pm EST. So to get on this Love Train, click here: https://www.teachersofgod.org/40day

40-Day Program Lisa Natoli

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0 thoughts on “What Happened When I Trusted God

  1. So awesome Linda! You are truly an inspiration and an amazing woman. I love reading your blogs. They always remind me of better choices and redirect my thoughts and actions toward God and not this world.

  2. Thank you for surrendering and telling the story. I’m re-inspired to let God. This made me teary eyed. Divinely orchestrated timing!

  3. Love this!! And I love the 40 day program! Has changed my life! Do yourself a favor everyone and let go of your fear and sign up for the 40 day program now!! You will be so grateful if you do! Thank you Linda you are so beautiful and one of my favorite Teachers ♡♡♡♡

  4. Dearest Linda, I am so grateful for your sharing. I heard god’s message directly in my heart. How lovely. Thank you.

  5. Thank you Linda, really needed to be reminded about trust today. Looking forward to getting on the 40 day love train.

  6. Linda – you’re a riot! And thank YOU for the wink – your blog came at the perfect time to remind me to go with God first. Thank you!!

  7. Whoa! Linda,

    I love this story, This is a true to life experience of being awake. Doing the work by Trusting… God’s got this.. And this scenario is what we all face every day. I especially love the inner dialogue “Linda, are you ALL IN or just a casual child of God when life is smooth and comfortable? I say put up or shut up. I’m doing this.”

    Thank you Linda <3
    Great! message 🙂

  8. Overwhelming feeling! I have had such a “it is what it is” attitude more and more every day and things like that happen. Just yesterday, I was at the grocery store and all they had was a very LARGE package of ground turkey, not my usual small one. I did not react, thanked him and before you knew it he was apologizing, heading out back to repackage what I wanted originally. his boss wouldn’t let him do that so they put a one lb package price sticker on it and brought it back. The man had so much light in his eyes, he could have been Jesus himself! It is just meat, but what a holy instant! I went home to split it, package and freeze. I am already TITHING it.

  9. Linda, I love you!!!! What an awesome story and demonstration of TRUST IN ACTION. We say “God, I’m all yours” and then we often promptly forget it. haha. It’s like saying to a Tour Guide on an Adventure: Okay, Let’s go! and then we continue to go in our own direction, forgetting that we just released our own plan. I find this is probably the biggest stumbling point for people on the spiritual path. So it was great to read this article from you, and to see your AH-HA moment of remembering and trusting. You are the light of the world. I love the way you write. I love the way you show up in the world xoxoxoxoxo

  10. Linda, Your message was so inspiring, I literally cried because I could feel the love of God from your description. We can always use these amazing reminders of how to live with love instead of fear. Today I set my intention to “allow” the love in. Thank you so much!

  11. You did it again! I was just in a complete panic over choices and there was your blog. The absolute next thing I happened upon. Last weeks was perfect too. are you my new muse?!?!? LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  12. Love your story, Linda!! I felt giddy with joy just reading it! Miracles and ease have become “normal” for me, too, since I decided to turn my life into an experiment to prove that trusting life is safe. One if the greatest miracles, for me, is how the awful self doubt that accompanied nearly every thing I thought and did is finally lifting!

  13. Wow!!! Very inspiring, it touched my heart… I remember now, that The love of God is all around us… Thank you very much!!!

  14. That’s perfect LInda! What a great demonstration of trust! I had one once. LOL I did not lock my car, left my cellphone in the car, it was stolen. I fretted a moment, then said, God, tell me what to do. I felt this utter peace of mind then. I went home, used my house phone, called my cellphone and left a message. I told them I would turn it off, it would be useless to them, that I would give them $25 to get it back because it was useful to me. I had it back that night by 6. I was ecstatic. I needed that phone for work etc. The whole cycle was so peaceful, so loving and I felt nothing but peace towards a couple of kids who were poor and just being kids. I hoped my loving attitude would help them grow to be loving adults. Thank you for sharing Linda.

  15. Thank you, Linda. Just what I needed to read/hear today. I have signed up for the 40-Day program and cannot wait to begin. The time is now.

  16. Gorgeous Linda,
    I had a similar experience coming back, with arriving at the airport to go home and the security line was huge, so it made me a bit nervous and then getting on the plane I realized I was landing in Seattle at 10:32 and my plane to Boston was boarding at 10:30…hmmm that is close, right? So I decided not much I can do just let it go and let God have it. We landed 45 minutes early so I had a bite to eat and coffee and got on the plane. Also we were coming into Boston late and we landed and I had 20 minutes to get off the plane (3rd row from the back) get my bag and catch the bus to Dover, NH or else wait 2 more hours for the bus…I trusted God in that instance also asking Holy Spirit to please do what is best….I made the Bus and got home early. ( no traffic on route 1). Trusting is the best and hard to remember because we jump right into fix it mode and planning and all that. All we have to do is Trust God. I love you and you are the light.

  17. Wow. I was literally freakish out about finances and worrying if I am going to be able to come up with the rent this month. Then I stopped and listened to myself. I realized the ego voice was getting the best of me. I started to pray and told god I was going to trust. Then within seconds your email popped up and I got to read your inspiring blog!! Confirmation!! Thank you!! I feel gods presence!

  18. Hi Linda,

    I too loved your story. I need reminders like yours to fully trust and sometimes I find it hard. I like the idea of putting your hand on your heart as a physical demonstration of your trust. Will try that. Thanks so much, Leni

  19. This is a great sharing Linda….inspiring, full of humor and wisdom…..Love you and especially love this. “Here’s a little trick I learned from a great teacher. Next time something happens in your life that appears to be a problem, don’t complain or worry about it for 3 days. Instead, look for all the gifts you can find there. If, after 3 days, you see the need for worry…have at it. (wink)” This is a new tip for me and I am going to apply it right here and right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Love, Love

  20. This is a superb story Linda. It came for me in a perfect time. thank you for sharing!
    we cannot see the holy spirit, but we can see his effects in our life, Amen sister in christ! thanks for keeping the faith in this circumstance, your pulling us all toward abba with you. Nice work teammate, great job comrade, well done!!!

  21. Thanks for a very practical example. I have lots in my life now that can be used in handing over and trusting. I’ll get right to it???? Thanks. ❤️

  22. Thank you Linda, this inspires me so much. Reading your message reminds me that anything is possible when we trust. I have two situations going on right now one is financial the other is about the health of a loved one. I’ve been letting go and then I’ve been buying into the “story”. Right now I am following your guidance. Thank you, thank you and thank you again. So grateful for these miracle reminders. Maureen xx PS I have already signed up for Lisa’s 40 day course

  23. Thank you for this message, it did a lot for me, it is a real story with a real God in my experience. I love HIM.

  24. Linda, you rock! So grateful to have spent time with you at the pool!’!! This is just the beginning of Ascension!! Whoosh!!! Off we go!! Grateful to have you and all in this awesome surprise party we get to experience every moment when we let go and let The Universe!! Thanks for your great example!!! Love you so⭕️❌

  25. FROM MY MOM!! My mom sent me this text this morning and asked if I would post it for her: Hi Lisa, I just read Linda Leland’s story about her airplane connections and I cried. It shocked me. I need to do that. I have been worried about the camper having some issues and now I don’t. I just gave it to God. What a relief.

  26. I loved the January 40 day project. Following that I signed up to ACIM 360 and it is really helping me to make some changes that I had been struggling with. I now know I no longer need to struggle. Thanks to you all xxx

  27. Thank you Linda for this absolutely amazing reminder that there really is nothing to do but trust…..is there? You just lifted my spirits 1000 per cent !!!

  28. Hi, Linda,
    Enjoyed enjoyed “What Happened When I Trusted Him”. It came to me in a timely place, where it seems that life has been too chaotic for far too long.

    I like the idea of choosing to give it a try for 3 days to see what happens and counting all of our gifts during those three days. And I as well like the idea of giving Him some room to work.

    Very inspirational for me today.

  29. I loved this post. love the use of the word “shenanigans” Ha Ha. That’s just what a situation I’ve been managing is. Nothing more than shenanigans!! Just joined you hand on my heart and handing it over. Ahh now to get on with my real purpose for the day – love to you xx

  30. OMG Linda! You are one very brave chick! This is a situation that would have rocked my shazzy LOL…. but here you are sharing your initial thoughts, being completely open (which I love!!!) and how you turned it around completely by letting go and letting God! You’ve totally inspired me today at the most perfect time while I’ve been pondering something and now I’m like ‘none of that thank you very much, here you go God, whatever will be will be’ ….. (I love the humour you infuse into your writing, you always give me a giggle). Love you! xo

  31. This story seems more like “the secret” than a course in miracles. It seems that in the course God is unaware of airplanes, delays ,airports,etc this seems more like manipulation than surrender???

  32. Thank you so much Linda, I had some real similiar experiences on my way to the conference. I was not in your state of peace.The plane had to be held for me, going and coming. And I had a bag problem coming and going. I am not going to tell that story again.I have been talking to God about it. I lost my peace several times! But before I went to the 40 days I would have been in much worse shape emotionally. And I understand some of it.And one thing I decided, God thinks I am worth getting myself a good sturdy bag for traveling to add to the one I already had. I was Blessed simply just to be there. But there was so much more I wanted to see, like Lisa and Bill present. And because the shuttle driver got me to the plane late although I left at a time that should have worked. I had to wait on my bag that came on the next flight because they held the plane for me, but my good bag could not get on with me.I have 2 wonderful sturdy bags now. I Love your share and I relate. Love Mary

  33. Linda, I love this story! It’s such a great example of how to practice all of the beautiful lessons that we are learning together. I find more and more that when something disturbs my peace, I immediately hear the voice of one of my teachers (you, Lisa, Bill, etc., etc.) giving me the answer that I need. “Trust in God”, “Vertical shift please”, “Put it on the altar”, “Who is speaking right now, the person or the Self?”….I’m so grateful to have teachers of God around me with so much wisdom to share. Thanks for your blog!

  34. Like Lisa’s mom, this brought tears to my eyes because it is truth.
    Two years ago i was diagnosed with emphysema (havent smoked in 35 years), copd, damage from childhood asthma, spine issues. I have been hospitalized 4 or five times and was close to crossing over several times.

    Reading this has been so powerful facing not knowing when and what might trigger me.

    I am so grateful for you sharing about your flight miracle. We are all entitled to miracles. Like you said we only need to trust.

  35. Linda…I LOVE this post…I actually got goosebumps reading it. Can you please keep writing – your posts are so inspiring and enthusiastic. A great reminder too to be all in ALL OF THE TIME. xxx

  36. What a wonderful story. This was a perfect example of absolute total and complete trust! Thank you for sharing. I now understand exactly why Bev Oliver kept saying “don’t try to work anything out” – I get it now. This is what “Let go and let God” looks like. xxx

  37. Oh thank you Linda, so much! i can’t help noticing that leaving problems and needs in His hands seems over and over to have the problem solved and the need met, seemingly miraculously! i love your profound and honest story very much. And you are so funny too. I appreciate it all, Irene McMaster

  38. How cool is that???!

    Linda, I’ve taken the 40 Day (just once) and am currently taking the 6-month course. Would it be too much to take the 40-Day again while I’m on the 6-month Course? I’m coming up on summer which I have off. Thanks for any advice you have for me.
    Love and blessings, Terra

  39. I love the way situations have a way of working so smoothly when God is given the lead role. That story sounds like a fairy tale. COOL.

  40. This story gave me a real sense of peace – that I am loved and cared for no matter what. I want to remember that feeling when an issue comes up for me. Thank you!

  41. Thanks to you, Linda, and all of the Teachers of God for your matter-of-fact and humorous examples of miracles in our lives. Among the many other exemplary teachings in the 40 Day Program, I learned to face fear, even about semi-serious problems, and to accept peace in any circumstance. It was then shown to me that “reality” can be quickly shifted just as you described, adding to our love and understanding of the Course through this program.

  42. I loved your flights story, I hope everyone experience that kind of moments since now on.
    Just need to ask for God and the Holly Spirit to do what they know very well to do.
    I am so excited for the next 40 days hoping my mind achieve what it is asked to.
    All my love

  43. I recently had a huge problem or so I thought. Every night I prayed to God for things to work out the way He intended for a couple of weeks. I was very stressed about this situation. I repeatedly had to give it to God. I finally stopped stressing and the day finally came and everything worked out. But then I stopped and a new version of the problem came about. Now I am trying to give it back to God hoping everything will work out again. Maybe I need to learn the hard way?

  44. I feel that is always a casual thing that every time I’m passing a bad time, when something happens, and I feel desperate, in great fear and sadness; I come to read a story like this of yours and suddenly it is like a light that brights for me, and I remember that its not me that have to solve and plan for the solution.
    I am a child of God, so let him take care.
    I profoundly thank you for shearing this story. It has been so helpfull!