The 15 Second Gift by Bill Free

Remembering God …

It takes only one instant and you are back home where you never left. This is The Holy Instant of release.

“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time?” -A Course in Miracles

Calm and Quiet

Yet this is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more.

It’s so simple, we often miss it

Peace and healing is available to us right now in this moment…

I call it THE 15 SECOND GIFT.

You can offer it to friends and family to help them and you to shift into this Beautiful state of Quiet Awareness that brings peace, healing and the remembrance of Beingness.

This is our natural state.

I simply say to someone “ I’m going to Give you a 15 second gift. Are you ready?”

If they say “sure”, I share it with them by closing my eyes. I put my hand on heart and say “Rest here in quiet, rest in God.’

Then I count silently for 15 seconds or I just guess and then say I “Amen” or and “So it is” or anything that is coming to me to express.

What I’ve noticed is people are searching for this inner peace and when you as a practitioner know this you can give this gift to others. It doesn’t feel religious or even too! spiritual for most people. The ones I’ve done it with have all said “Thank you” and then we keep on talking or we’re finished.

You will find that you receive it even deeper when you share it.

This is sharing the Holy Instant.

Free yourselfin this Holy Instant

You can practice the mechanics of the holy instant and learn much from doing so. Yet it’s shining and glittering brilliance, which will literally

Blind you to this world by its own vision, you cannot supply. And here it is, all in this instant, complete, accomplished and given wholly.

This video will show you other ways I practice the holy instant in my life that may be helpful …

I love you.


I would love to hear from you! I invite you to try this out in your life and then post your comments below on your experience. You can give yourself a 15 Second Gift of peace and healing or you can offer it to someone else.

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0 thoughts on “The 15 Second Gift by Bill Free

  1. Bill, my Friend,
    Your message comes at such a perfect time, Just a great reminder and nudge to practice the Holy Instant and bring peace into the beginning of the day and spread our Light and love into the world as a Teacher of God.
    I love you and you really are the best.

  2. Thank you Bill. What is so great about this is that absolutely anything can be going on, coming up or passing through our life, and in that pause everything is washed clean. Like sitting under a radiant waterfall. A brand new moment. If the issues return, so what! Take another holy instant. ..♡

  3. Omg I absolutely love it! What a powerful gift to remember that we can give to everyone. I love the Truth and simplicity of it. I will start right now. Thank you!!

    • I certainly second St3&yem#i9;s comment and am hopeful that Autism Speaks' inclusion of a board member with autism will result in more positive changes for those living with autism instead of their obvious past goals of trying only to prevent it.

  4. Thank you for this message this morning. Learning to be in the moment and allow the Holy Instant to take place. Will practice this throughout the day.

  5. Thank you Bill for the reminder that all we need do is pause and remember who we really are – a wholly and holy child of God. Amen!

  6. Hi Bill. Your message today about the Holy Instant was so helpful. Thank you and God Bless you.

    Love, Lana

  7. I love how this is so simple yet so profound and transforming. We just have to get out of our own way and ALLOW what has always been here, what is here NOW, and in out of time and space reference, to allow what IS. To allow what IS. To allow what IS. What more could you ever desire?

  8. THANK you so much Bill. I love this video blog! You are such an amazing teacher of the present moment – The Holy Instant. You make it so simple and it IS so simple. For some weeks now I’ve been using your tip with the hand on my heart and connect with God, and it is just amazing and works so well for me. Thank you Bill????????

  9. Gracias Bill por este recordatorio, lo estaba necesitando. Sepan que su propósito esta llegando a lugares donde jamas se imaginaron que llegaría. Saludos y Gracias nuevamente.

  10. Your name is so appropriate for this gift. It’s Free! It’s balm for my soul. Thank you so very much!

  11. For a variety of reasons, all of which were my excuse to ignore my commitment to no exceptions, I had not meditated for two days. I do a sort of meditation all day long, part of watching my thoughts, but I mean taking half an hour or so to sit in the stillness and be with God. This morning, after reading Lisa’s and Bill’s comments on the Holy Instant, I returned to my practice. I was meditating beautifully when AHEM startled me. It was my husband, 87 yrs old and one who when hungry has an instant need, who then asked me to fix him some breakfast. As I got up from my sitting my mind was shouting I CAN’T BELIEVE HE JUST DID THAT!!!! I ONLY HAD FIVE MINUTES!!! HE KNOWS BETTER!!! I immediately started asking Holy Spirit please take these thoughts from me, I do not want to hold on to them. As I entered the kitchen I looked up at the clock and saw that I had been meditating for at least twenty minutes. In that Holy Instant I smiled.

  12. Thank you Bill. I really needed this today because of a family problem I was very worried about. Your feeling of peace is contagious through this video.

  13. Bill – Just loved your message this morning…it really reined me in…perfect timing (aka a miracle !)
    The idea about Ego being the default was right on…I’ll be purposely pushing that button to switch to God every morning now. Wonderful thought. I thank you for your insights and your love ! I love you ! joani

    • Ya o deÄŸil de white fox bütün yazı ornt7baaı&#821-;tın düz ovalarında, göl kenarlarında teknolojiden ve hava tahmininden uzakta geçirmeyecek miydi Bu meret kanına girmeye görsün iÅŸte en fazla bu kadar ayrı kalabiliyorsun.

  14. Muchas gracias, Bil. Este mensaje ha llegado en el momento perfecto.
    Dios te bendiga y también a Lisa

  15. Thank you, Bill! Perfect Stillness and Presence comes through writing and video. Love the reminder to start in God.

  16. Thank you for sharing this practice of holy instant. I love the gesture of hand on heart and 15 second pause with God. So easy and so precious. So true that ego defines much of what is human. Birthdate, social security #, rank in family, work, etc. When it all gets mucked up it tasks and duties I nave a practice where I say Jesus I place my trust in you over about 3x. I also say to myself remember who you are when the outside noise gets to me. I know I came from God and will return, but the Spirit on earth is challenging. Thank you for this beautiful practice. Blessings.

  17. EGO =
    Edge God Out!

    Joyful silence with God.

    I am experiencing that God is there waiting for us all the time, beyond that heavy cloud of clutter, grievances, noise, distractions , addictions, etc

    Now I am clearing house ( Dr Bobs Words) I am trying to make room for The Master.

    Thank you Bill.

  18. Thank you Bill ! So nice of you ! So much from the heart ! 🙂

    YES, YES, YES !! That ‘s the way it is .. .. .. 🙂

    Hugs from Hamburg,

  19. Hey Bill….Thank You SO MUCH for this video! Such a beautiful and SIMPLE and PURE way to start each day! I just love it! And so EASY…this should not be difficult for anyone to do at the beginning of their day…. I do it before I get out of bed….and easy to slip into at any time during the day, too…… Awesome!!! Sxx

  20. Dear Bill, thank you for this only important gift. Usually I am able to experience the Holy Instant in the morning, and when alone, but my big downfall is in the company of other people. I feel somewhat uneasy and my ego just slips into the default position. I feel desperate about this and now feel despair and have admitted before God that I always Iose the Holy Instant for example in a group of 12-15 members of my Russian book club.

  21. Thank you Bill very very very helpful judge ego backlash today as I embark on the forty days from wife and son seeming attack on me being nuts and not responsible and abondamemt etc etc only my thoughts can hurt me release to Holy Spirit thanks mucho to you and Lisa for gracious generosity on way showing

  22. Thank you for this beautiful reminder dear Bill. My little willingness needs a constant nudge often as my ego diverts me into thinking other things are more important than aligning myself with God. I love the commitment of your practice being contagious as you share it. In the Great Love.

  23. So true, Bill!!! This is such an important part of the practice, but I totally get distracted by my busy-ness. Thank you for the gentle reminder. I love hearing your thoughts, it is always so helpful.

  24. Bill,
    My ego was giving me fits about how I was not living up to what I siad I wanted. Yelling really – I went to the holy instant and found peace and love and praise. My heart began singing of God’s love. Thank you – it is a miracle.

  25. Thank you Bill, for this practice. If you ever experience the Holy Instant you will never forget. This was the result of meditation as a young girl, moving to Denver to be near a spiritual center, and again in very recent years as a student of ACIM. I know I will be graced with His presence again, and the beauty of your prayerful technique, along with Lisa’s guidance in the Teachers of God material, is that it’s so wonderfully simple yet effective! Hands on hearts, everyone!

  26. Thank you, Bill, for this practice of the Holy Instant. You may have heard the comment, “no matter where I go, there I am.” So, I get that the Holy Instant can bring calm to the chaos, and rather than distracting myself in an attempt to escape, there is no where to go … I can simply be with God that will guide and strengthen me in whatever comes my way. Love, peace and Joy are present. Thank you.

  27. Thank you, Bill…I love the ego ‘default’ metaphor! “Remove the check mark first thing every morning when you wake up.”
    I plan to make this a habit, and since I’m leaving in a few minutes for our weekly Unity Sunday-morning ACIM class, I plan to share it with them.
    My love to you and Lisa!

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  29. Why do her plates of food always look like plates of dog barf?I'd noticed that with the kids' plates too. Always the MOST unappetizing looking things.I agree that paper plates everyday is depressing….and so not green. Doesn't fit.the organic lifestyle concept either.

  30. […] of the worst-case sce­nario, and in sub­se­quent post, I  give an argu­ment for why we should accept the real­ity of the unten­able posi­tion we’ve cre­ated instead of, lit­er­ally, borrowed […]

  31. Thats so great! I read in a finance newspaper that in 18 years a private four year university education will cost 300,000 dollars. I don’t have kids but even i’m thinking about starting a college fund lol

  32. that women were considered equal with men in the FIRST two centuries CE. But the evidence she provided (for example the catacomb evidence) related to the second century. This was inconsistent. How does she know that women were considered the equal of man in the first century? A question arises: does some of the catacomb evidence go back further than the second century? Do you think the Flavians were not persecutors of christians causing them to go into the catacombs?

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  39. Oh no! Oh no! I have to go change my undies because they are soaking! I PIMP (thank you for that acronym AND for the PIMP enducing story!) You are SO FUNNY! I wish I had done that. I wish it were my story. Maybe I could buy it like Kramer did in that Seinfeld episode? Because THAT is a really. great. story. And if I didn't want to read fan fiction before I flipping MUST now. The locker room? Really? I could totally get on board with that.

  40. Thanks, Bill. It’s clearly explained and simple but not always easy for me to quiet my worrisome thoughts, even for 15 seconds. Still and all, with repeated practice, I believe I can get there. I appreciate your blog and the others put out by Lisa and Linda.

  41. Bill, I have been in ACIM off and on since 1987; now into Rupert Spira about 1+ years and read most of his books and watched many, many YouTube’s. More than anything else he has anchored me into Conscious Being. My coaching started on this subject with Raj [Jesus] and the NW Foundation of ACIM and his book “You Are The Answer” scribed by Paul Tuttle, which Raj calls “Living as 4th deminsional Man”. In this book Jesus gives Paul direct teaching how to do this”
    In retreats, have you heard Rupert talk about guidance and how he experiences it? Many of his answers seem to be channeled. Appreciate any comments about this. Blessings, Marie, TAos, NM