Is there something you have been wanting help with in your life?
Prayer is the most effective way to see a change.
It is the world’s greatest wireless connection!
Prayer is a way to reach God and make that connection directly, to have “a heart-to-heart” – to for ask for guidance, direction and help.
You don’t even have to know how to pray, that’s the best part! You don’t even have to believe in God.
You just have to turn in that direction – to the unknown – and have a conversation. It might feel weird at first, but I encourage you to give it a try if you are experiencing difficulty in your life.
Most people forget to pray – they forget to talk to God – instead they stay in “wishing” and “hoping” mode, or searching the internet for answers. You probably have noticed that’s not very effective.
If you really want change to occur, you need to go within and ask there.
If you have questions or a prayer request, you can always contact our Prayer Team.
We do have a “Prayer Request Process” which first requires everyone to go within and give their prayer to their True Self – God, Jesus, Buddha, Divine Love, Holy Spirit – the name doesn’t matter – and seek for guidance there first.
There is One within you, as you, who loves you, that is just waiting for the request from you.
“Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.” -A Course in Miracles
For Prayer Requests, click here: