V-POW! The Vibratory Power of Words by Judy Morton

I am so excited to write about the Vibratory Power of Words.

I came up with an acronym for it: V-POW!

This reminds me of the phrase “Vibratory Power of Words” which comes from a metaphysical writer from 1925, Florence Scovel Shinn.

vibratory power of words

Whenever I catch myself saying something that is not helpful or not loving, I stop myself and say V-POW!

For me, this is part of the practice of LIVING THE PRINCIPLES of A Course in Miracles. I am training my mind to see things differently, to realize the truth of who I am AND to know just how powerful my thoughts and words truly are.

I have a really funny story to share about the power of our thoughts and our words. About a month ago I decided to surprise my boyfriend Gus, with a trip to watch a beautiful sunset. So we jumped in the car and drove to Laguna Beach.

There is this awesome, awesome community above Pacific Coast Highway that they call the Top of the World in Laguna.

There are hills everywhere. So I thought it would be so fun, to drive all around the hills and look at the views of the Pacific Ocean and the beautiful homes.

Here is a photo of it:


Well as we continued on this adventure, I realized that the hills we were driving on with my Honda CRV were really steep. I started thinking about how scary it would be to have my brakes go out on one of those hills. I kept saying things like, “Oh my God, I hope my breaks are ok” and “Wow, the people who live here must have to keep their brakes in tip top shape” and “How scary would it be to go off of one of these cliffs”. We were just laughing about it, just joking around, but I have to admit, I had this fear creep in, where I kept worrying that my brakes might not work “right”. I kept talking about it, all the while laughing.

You won’t believe what happened! We got down to the bottom of the main hill and we heard this really loud grinding noise when I put on my brakes and we could smell something burning! There was something wrong with my brakes.

I just stopped myself, and said, all that “joking around” about my brakes seemed so innocent and fun, and look what happened. My brakes broke!

It was an amazing wake up call for me, about the vibratory power of our words.

So I wanted to share this story with you because it has now become a great reminder for me to catch myself when I start to say things that are negative, even when I am joking.

But it if we want to look at this very closely we realize that it goes much deeper than any words that we say. It starts at the level of our THOUGHTS and our BELIEFS.

I love this quote:

“It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains. There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level.” A Course in MIracles, Chapter 2, Section VI, Paragraph 9, Fear and Conflict

Our thoughts really do create form and that’s what happened on that hill.

So you might say, “Well, I cannot control my thoughts, they just happen” and this is where the good new comes in. You CAN learn to control Your thoughts.

That is where the Workbook Lessons of A Course in Miracles come in.

These lessons were actually created so we CAN learn to control our thoughts AND we are also given the tools to forgive ourselves when we have momentarily forgotten this.

This ties so closely to the 40-Day Program where Lisa teaches us how to watch our thoughts like a hawk. I have found that this vigilance is very necessary, because thoughts can literally slip in between the words while we are speaking. I remember Bill Free writing about this recently in one of his blogs and it is such an awesome reminder.

Have you ever had that happen? Where thoughts will slip in right in between your words in the middle of a sentence? YUP! This happens to me and I am so happy to become aware of this.

This is where we can become A Miracle Minded Thinker!

“You are not used to miracle-minded thinking, but you can be trained to think that way. All miracle workers need that kind of training”.-A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, Section VII, Paragraph 1

I don’t know about you, but I am honored to call myself a miracle worker.


That’s what we are really here for, to remind people of the amazing light in this world that they truly are. And we don’t even have to try. We don’t have to try to change someone, or to change a situation, we just need to hold that person in the truth of who they really are.

We can use the vibratory power of our words in a very positive way when we interact with other people and we can also use it when we THINK of other people too.

I use this practice so much in my life now. I get more and more excited about A Course in Miracles every single day!

As you begin to pay attention to the thoughts that you think you’re thinking and to the words you use, you will begin to notice that your words and thoughts match identically to your experience in the world.

Also, we would love to hear from you. Do you have a story of how you had a thought about something or how you spoke about yourself, another person or a situation, and then it showed up exactly in your life? Let us know!

Please post about HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE in the comment area at the end of the blog.

With Love,


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0 thoughts on “V-POW! The Vibratory Power of Words by Judy Morton

  1. Hi Judy, I had a friend over this weekend and we did transformation work together. I showed her a small sculpture I once made, of a snake – and i said, please be careful that it doesn’t break, it must not brake” and then immediately fell to the floor and broke in 7 pieces 🙂 I am so happy I did that, and not my friend – I was immediately aware that I had created this. So later I glued it together again, and will trace with gold the places where it broke – such a valuable reminder to be aware of wordings, just like you did, Judy

  2. Judy,
    I love you blogs..V-POW I love it and thanks for the reminder…..as for examples of how powerful my words or thoughts are it hap[pens all the time….I think oh man I haven’t heard from Judy on a while..BOOM there is a blog, all kidding aside it is true and also I was thinking of this show I use to watch about these 2 young guys from Canada going all over the world and it was called Departures and I couldn’t remember the name and then here it was on my FB feed with news of them. I have a million examples but I will keep it to these. One of my things to remember is only positive thoughts and words, instead of self depreciating or like a person goes “Oh man I suppose this(???) will happen now” and trying to catch it and change my words and thoughts. Ok enough of me, thank you my gorgeous loving friend and wondrous Miracle Worker.

  3. The power of our thoughts and words is something that I’ve been very aware of for many years now.

    I’m a dance teacher and choreographer, and I used to perform in a couple different regional dance companies when I was younger. During the summer when I was twenty-eight, I had overextended myself, by taking on too many dance projects and not attending to my need for rest and relaxation. I went back into my autumn teaching schedule feeling burnt out and badly wanting some time off. I kept going around thinking and saying, “I need a break!” A few weeks after this became my mantra, I was in a dance workshop, landed poorly from a leap and broke my foot. Well, I got the break I needed. Unfortunately it was a painful one.

    This concept can’t be reinforced enough. It’s also a misconception if we believe that negative thoughts about ourselves hurt nobody but us. The effects of those thoughts ripple outward and permeate everything, both internally and externally. Conversely, the same is true of positive thoughts.

    So, thank you very much for the reminder, Judy. V-POW, it is! Train the brain!

    Love to All,

  4. I was just “thinking” about how much I missed an old friend who I hadn’t seen in a year and a half when not only did she show up, but she showed up at a very crucial time when I was allowing ego to draw me down. She called and took me for breakfast and gave me a guadian angel statue that I had given her 10 years ago because she said she was “lead” by God to give it back to me now, at this point in my life, as she felt God wanted me to have it as a sign of His presence. Not only is this an angel statue, but an angel holding the symbol of the Holy Spirit in its hands, a gentle dove. Amazing! The more I think about miracles in my life, the more I receive them…as the course says in Principle 6

    “Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong.”

  5. It happened today! My Husband is out of town,and I was worrying about all the things that could go wrong ! I even said out loud everything happens when he’s away.
    PS got a flat tire ????

  6. Thank you , Judy, for your sharing. What I thought was interesting about your story was the fact that not only were you speaking it but there was fear attached. Somehow when we speak something with an emotion it has a greater chance of becoming. Our words spoken aloud have a frequency and an intention. Emotion is the gas in the car to get the wheels turning. I’ve had this happen to me very often. For sample, when I speak to others that I am ill, I feel worse a have no energy. When I speak about how well I am, I have energy. Thanks for writing.

  7. July, thank you for that reminder.

    Some years ago I began to see how powerful my words and thoughts could be. I hadn’t been very successful in my intimate relationships. So, after some soul searching, I then changed my thoughts, and the script I was using, which up until then had always been full of drama and strife. Miraculously I manifested a healthy, loving, nurturing and fun relationship with a wonderful man. We’ve been together for almost 5 years now. I did something similar in relation to finances. Our thoughts and words are incredibly powerful.

  8. How did your experience end? Great example
    of watching our thoughts like a hawk as Lisa would
    say. Better to think with the thoughts of God.
    Thank you for sharing. ❤️

  9. Thank you for the time you apparently took to write and I to read. I am pretty clear that I know nothing and I have been a student for years. I do not mean to offend you but V-Pow is just a symbol of a symbol. Actually quite neutral as we are told the universe is. Not only neutral but completely made up. So enjoy crystals, sage smudge, animal totems, bibles, ACIM and realize we made up these concepts and the only way out is an undoing through the Atonement with help from Jesus. That is the vibe we are told to tune in to. And all the other metaphysical stuff is healed only through this.

  10. Judy, I love the V-POW idea! Now as soon as I say, or begin to think the thoughts…it is shown to me what I am projecting…. I had said back in Jan., 4 days work weeks would be perfect for me…lol… well that began to happen, but not for the best of reasons…
    A few years ago I heard Dr. Winston and read his book about the power of our words. Powerful stuff!

    http://www.wholeselfministries.org/1-Your_Words_Have_Power.pdf :” Dr. Winston writes …” that when we believe and speak words that harmonize with what God has
    already spoken in His Word, we
    release a force to which everything in
    the universe has to adjust.”

  11. There have been 2 instances that came to.mind. I married the first time very, very young. My son came along when I was 16. Then within about 2 years I got pregnant with my daughter, Janice. Everything about Janice carrying her was different. She was a beautiful baby girl, with dark wavy hair. She had been sick.in utero. She lived just 4 ,days. I got a divorce with.in.a year of her death. But what I wanted to share was that I felt God, and Spirit so close to me all that time. I remarried to an Italian,.Catholic man, an honorable loving man. And I converted, and loved that faith as a young woman. I felt my confusion was over. We had counting my son, Johnny, 4 beautiful kid’s. Janice has never been far from my heart. And I felt I was dishonoring her when I did not feel like talking about my.first marriage, and her birth. So it just stayed on the down low. When all the charms came out with the kids,.I got them, I wanted to wear them.on my neck. I took this to God and Spirit. I said ,” God Janice lived, she is with me, how do.I honor her?”,I heard very clearly from Spirit, Mary she is an Angel, get a gold Angel charm and add it to the others. For she is an Angel .She has always been with you. I did and felt a lot of peace over his guidance.

  12. I have a few experiences from the past that I’d like to share because they were so profound and immediate. I was traveling at the time, so things always happened very easily for me. At one point I was traveling from Tahiti to New Zealand, and really wanted my hiking backpack that I’d left behind on Kauai. It “just so happened” that my step-dad’s niece was visiting them on Kauai and was traveling next to Auckland, so she brought the pack with her and left it at my step-dad’s friend’s house where I would be staying. Then while working on a sheep farm, I thought to myself the first week, “it would be nice to have a boyfriend”, and within a week I was introduced to a man who turned out to be a wonderful boyfriend for the next nine months that I was there. Shortly after I met him, I thought to myself, “it would be really great to have a girlfriend”, and within a week or so I was introduced to Glenda who “just happened” to be studying the same spiritual path as I, and we became best friends and even shared a house together.

    I think the reason why everything happened so easily for me while traveling was because I was so open to life and didn’t have an agenda, and I had nothing to lose. It was all a wonderful adventure. If anyone else has any insights about this, I’d appreciate hearing them.

  13. Hey Judy

    I have spent most of this adult life frustrated at myself, a barrier to myself and at times (an almost conscious) self~ saboteur; all because of words, words that are produced by my thoughts and then I absolutely have to share these words with absoloutely anyone that will listen.

    I have even continued sharing my pearls of wisdom when I can clearly see the people I am so enlightening with my insight, have clearly disengaged, are thinking about what to do for dinner or are quietly praying for this to stop ????

    V~ POW~ WOW~ Wisdom or Wrecking

    Thank you


  14. Judy,
    I love knowing the power of my words. Thanks for this beautiful reminder! It’s like we have magic powers and we don’t even know it! So awesome. Thank you, my friend. You’re lighting this place UP!

  15. Judy: I don’t open many acim based sites. I seem to prefer just sticking with the Course. But this is the second time I’ve opened yours and find myself really enjoying it.
    Regarding V-Pow I am going through the workbook lessons day by day through the year and on May 20. they begin another review of previous lessons. Each day during this review starts with the statement “My mind hold only what I think with God.” Talk about V-Pow!!

  16. Juli hello .. for years I have been every day with thoughts of lack and scarcity, since he looked at me like a hawk have declined, just putting the break. thanks for Remember.