Routine. Shake it up. Dealing with distraction.

“When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in the summer.” -A Course in Miracles

Hello Dear Friend,

You are the light of the world.

Lesson 61 from A Course in Miracles has been my new favorite workbook lesson for the past two years. I love it so much I even put it on my license plate – ACIM-61.

It’s a daily reminder to myself that: 

“I am the light of the world. That is my only function. That is why I’m here.”

It’s a great reminder to me. Remembering that I am the  light of the world is THE ONLY REASON I’m here!

Knowing this really simplified my life.

When I remember this – all my days are easy and effortless.

I’m in the moment.
I’m remembering God.
I’m remembering Who I am.
I remembering that none of what I think I see is real.

I’m the light of the world. End of story.

Where is my problem now?

Bill and I just arrived back home to Maine from a 3-week trip – one week in San Diego and two weeks in Guatemala. It was amazing. We love traveling and seeing the dedication and commitment of people who want to know God and to know their Self – their True Self without illusions and without fear.

I woke up this morning thinking about what I wanted to share in a blog with you and the #1 thing I have noticed lately – most noticeable as we travelled through airports – is a world that’s disconnected and distracted.


What happened? How did almost the whole world become so hypnotized?

This was me for a while  – always checking my phone for new messages, constantly checking Facebook … forgetting to check in with Christ … sleep-walking through life.

I was in a haze, in a blur, looking at cute cat pictures, watching videos, seeing what the rest of the world is doing.

Then I made a deliberate conscious decision to be present without electronics – just to see what new things might occur.

I decided to UNPLUG in order to PLUG INTO GOD.


Suddenly, I felt calm, clear and more focused.

I love how in the Urtext – the original un-edited manuscript of A Course in Miracles – Jesus spends most of the first 5 chapters teaching Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford to be better listeners so they can devote more time to him and get their own tasks and work done more easily and effortlessly.

Jesus was training and guiding Bill & Helen – as he is training and guiding us – to quiet our minds and hear His Voice.

If you pay close attention, you start to notice that you are not really listening when you are constantly checking your texts and emails all day long.

How many times a day do you stop your activities and quiet your mind to listen to God’s Voice?

The workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles is a great way to train yourself to stop your activities at least once an hour to sit quietly and acknowledge the truth, to remembering Who you are and Who walks with you.

What is your morning routine? Do you immediately check your phone or do you have quiet time?

Do you acknowledge Christ at the beginning of the day and ask what miracles He would have you perform for that day?

I can tell you that when I began “to go within” first in every activity – Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven – my life became effortless.

If you feel that your life has been too much externally focused and not enough internally focused within, what habits and routines can you change today?

Do it today.

daily inspirational quotes (5)

I would love to hear from you!

How can you change your routine to be more aware and present in your life?

 Leave a comment below on how you deal with distractions.

Thank you!



One great way to shake up your routine is to SAY YES TO LAS VEGAS!

Come join me and Bill and many other Course in Miracles teachers in Las Vegas April 8, 9, 10, 2016.

This is an incredible weekend of workshops and meals together. The current price is $649 and includes all lunches and dinners. Please make sure when you register to click our names Lisa Natoli and Bill Free as the ones who inspired you to enroll.

See you there!!





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0 thoughts on “Routine. Shake it up. Dealing with distraction.

  1. I have noticed the same situation with people and their iphones at Starbuck’s. They bring their computers there to enjoy the coffee and be around others. But seldom do they even glance around They start smartphoning it the minute they enter the establishment. I don’t see the point of showing up. Sometimes I interrupt someone and speak to them. It’s a sad situation to me. To engage or not to engage, that is the question. Thank you for your attention to this.

  2. Wow, this is exactly what I have been thinking about today! I have an app on my phone that I use to do the lessons every day and for a while it was great, I would see the lesson and close my eyes if I could and listen. But I have noticed over the last couple of days how I have used that time to look at emails, texts etc. I think this is a nudge from HS to take more responsibility for my practice! I’m going to switch off this weekend and see what happens! Maybe something else will get switched on! Thank you Lisa, beautiful reminder.

  3. There are 2 ways I would love to share that I have practiced for being more aware and tuning in.
    first is walking outside breathing in fresh air and totally absorbing nature. Looking at the beauty of creation that just goes along growing ,expanding, reaching abundance is a wonderful way to connect with God. The 2nd is interesting because I ask how many times do you go around with your eyes closed? Well the answer would most likely be only when we are sleeping, well when we close are eyes we see nothing-we see what “nothing” looks like. So here is the practice, when our minds are in overload, take the time to be still-be quiet and close your eyes. Really go back into observing nothing and remind your self that at one time there was nothing. After doing this observing of seeing nothing open your eyes and look all around you and you will see the wonders of the Lord. The sky, the land, people, creatures, I feel we were meant to see nothing when closing our eyes so we would never forget that at one time there was nothing.

  4. Hi Lisa, These are the practices I have adopted to be more aware and present…………..Since starting L.I.P. I begin each day listening to Jesus and writing in my journal the words that I am given. This stops me from just diving headlong into the day. Then, later in the day, when the distractions of the world have claimed my attention for too long, I retire to a little room at the top of the house where I spend at least half an hour in the quiet, talking with Jesus, or reading Course in Miracles.
    Then today, I came across ACIM lesson 109 ‘I Rest in God’. This is a beautiful lesson and so I decided that I would use this as an hourly reminder to be with God, whatever else I may be working on. And interestingly, I am finding Facebook, Televison etc less and less appealing.Love and Blessings.

  5. Dear Lisa:
    I knew your stay in Guatemala, I also know that vendras soon to Monterrey, actually people here this much excitement of your arrival and want to share that the course of miracles helped me tremendously to have a peace that never before experienced, Mine that is the person who guides us in this learning, and has a wonderful way to impart shape so I am very grateful to her, and God mainly by putting it in my way.
    I thank you much what you’ve shared with us and hope you soon in Monterrey.

    Mario Gonzalez

    • Piccola curiosità.Ma è vero che se misurassimo le montagne a partire dalla loro base invece che dal livello del mare, l'Everest non sarebbe quella più alta perché ci sono montagna che hanno la base soaq3#&9;tctua?

  6. Hola, creo prudente terminar con proyectos pendientes, escuchando mi voz interior, iniciando ahora con mente abierta.

  7. Good morning Lisa….LOVED your message, waiting when I woke up and went STRAIGHT to my email!!!!!
    My husband Trevor and I have been having this conversation a bit lately….and quite extensively yesterday…no accidents! We are both so over the horrors we see in the world (fed through television and social media) and are toying with how we can just ‘let it all go’… We both know the Course says none of it is ‘real’, it is all illusion/projection but just letting it all go and not trying to ‘do’ something, however small, to make a difference, seems irresponsible. Would love some words of wisdom here!!!

  8. When I was first becoming awake in the world, I actually set my smartphone alarm to go off every hour, so I could “Remember” to stay “Awake”
    And go within – now it’s automatic????

  9. With the 40 day guidance and since then I have nearly every day listened to one or more of the recordings. Most days I pause before getting out of bed to connect with God. Same is true a night and often during the day. I use the holy instant. I especially focus on lessons 39 and 40. I sometime refer to my notes. I am not at peace. None of this seems to be working for me.

  10. Lisa, I love that image of the steps. I copied it for conferences with my students and parents next week!

    Before I get out of bed, I recite:”This is the day the Lord has made, let me rejoice and be glad.”
    I also ask what miracles HE will provide through me, with me and in me. I ask that all my thoughts, words and deeds be HIS.
    On my work mornings, I tune into KCM on channel 9 and get inspiration and bible messages as I get dressed. They also do series on prosperity and healing.
    I have been taking more quiet time, even if its just for a few moments at lunchtime. I sit quietly while I eat to try to re-focus my day, esp. when the days are crazy!
    On days that I don’t work, I start my mornings with readings and contemplation. This is my favorite way to start my days.
    So basically, I ask Holy Spirit to pave the way!

  11. I used to judge people when they are on phones when sitting together. Asked HS to change my perception. Now it appears to me as a Holy-Encounter. Everyone sitting with each other peacefully, calmly, being who they are, not judging, not comparing, and mostly having a great laugh when SHARING photos and jokes. It is joining, union, being with each other. Now I see families with teenagers, young adults, littlies all sitting together peacefully, being in union as they all are accepted as they are. Where as family conversations tend to bring out the past, comparisons, advice, improvement suggestions, opinions. The young don’t like that. Now families are united once again and there is silence and peace and acceptance and union. I love it just as it is. Thank you God for you vision. Amen.

  12. This has been the most difficult thing for me but today, I actually sat and told God “Here I am.” I think I did have a better day! Tomorrow will be a challenge because of having to be somewhere really early—–so I will need to really stay on top of this and not just start email out first thing in the morning .Also, I did not know how much of a distraction my cat would be—-he really wanted me to give him the attention, not God. 🙂

  13. It is not necessary to block your self completely off.this is what I E-mails I have a special sound for each one, so like yours and the one similar to this I pay attention.Don’t bother much to a regular that’s how I unplugged my self from the technology..

    • Cette agression gratuite et aveugle est particulièrement gerbante. Vous trouverez probablement un peu d&uotrs;inqelligence pour acquérir la notion de nuance. Ensuite peut-être même apprendrez-vous qu’il est préférable de ne pas donner son avis sur un sujet dont on ignore tout.

  14. It’s easy to check on emails more than once a day and spend too much time on Facebook. But I get fed spiritually on Facebook and even on some emails. This includes emails and Facebook stuff from you and the Teachers of God Foundation. Keep it up! I don’t spend too much time on emails, but I can linger on Facebook. I can wean myself off if I want to, and I want to.

  15. I also think of this and sometimes I feel invisible or unimportant to Others and want to SCREAM – “I am here.” Then I realize how sad it is for them, not me and I want to tell them – “get REAL, you are missing Greater things in life in “real life” form. I feel I make enough time to balance listening to God, what is around me and What’s Up and emails. I do not Always answer right away if I am in the middle of doing something else. I feel, if it is so urgent and someone needs an immediate answer, they will call me. I prefer communicating and relating to people having them in front of me – seeing their eyes, body gestures, tone of voice… etc – it is so much more passionate and there is also less of a chance to mis-understand people because it is full communication.

  16. I strive to stay in the moment and to enjoy that moment as that moment is sacred and won’t come again. If the moment becomes negative such as thinking and feeling blame, shame, beating myself up, feeling less than others, outlining as to what WILL happen or predicting that I will of course be the loser in all situations I yell out STOP and know that God is always on my side and I don’t even have to try! Shrink from fear and step up to love in all you do.

  17. Oh I feel so alone when I see all the people outside with their phones. But at home I like it to whatts app with my grandchildren. After the 40 day program it is hard to stay in that enthousiastic way, but I spend an hour in the morning, reading my daily lesson and go back to it during the day, when my thoughts are going around in a wrong direction.I like your messages by email, it is very helpfull. Love Mieneke

  18. I love how you bring attention to the obvious, but the unconscious at the same time, Lisa. Thank you. Mornings, I have found for many years, are a very important time to attune. If I don’t my day is more confused and the ego liar gets a hold quicker. When I am choosing God I will say, while still lying not quite ready to arise, ‘HERE I AM LORD’ . My whole being, then, is in a state of gentle surrender and a sort of non imposing peace takes over. The choices then, are easier…… do I read ACIM , write with Holy Spirit and continue for a while in the bliss of His Presence, or do I let the world take me over and look at e mails and get easily diverted from my practise? It is a choice in every moment and I know I have the choice. Vigilance is important but even in vigilance I still must make a choice . These days I am writing a lot with Holy Spirit as a practise and it makes me so happy and fulfilled, an inner time of wintry semi-hibernation that can be very fertile. All love to you as you help shine the Light of awareness for us all.

  19. My morning routine:.upon waking, ask
    Holy Spirit for guidance,(deletes any ego input), get coffee, write in journal, do check phone but return calls later, read day’s lesson ( and Sarah’s reflections, listen to Lisa’s,
    listen to 6 month lesson, ( do required
    reading later. Often play I Am Meditation by Wayne Dyer and James
    Twyman (Hay House). Check emails –
    Respond later. Write down Title of
    lesson and repeat in pool where I swim
    and exercise and carry with me for the
    Day. Breakfast later. Seems to work! ❤️


  20. I have been guided to set aside today and tomorrow to clear out the bedroom, so it will be more of a sanctuary. I am an artist, and I can’t hear my guidance while painting so easily if my studio is a mess. The bedroom has become a dumping ground as much as a sanctuary. I am looking forward to awakening in a truly peaceful environment to begin my day with God on Monday morning!

  21. A quote often attributed to Einstein, but it is not his, yet it’s appropriate: I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.

    Lisa, your message is timely. I just emailed a friend in Canada who shared similar observations. I now leave my phone in the car, or in the house if I’m working outside. I want to be in the moment. I admit sharing in this trend. I still have moments, but I want my people and God time to have mindfulness and interaction. Thanks for your post. Your illustrations are always perfect and engaging!

  22. Wow! I love all the comments! Thank you so much. I leave my phone in my bag when I’m in public. If I have to check it, I’ll go to the bathroom and check it from the stall. Sometimes when I am in airport and it’s a long wait, I admit I will take it out and work. But often even there at the airport, I prefer to just read a book or go shopping. Then on the plane, I watch movies or the cooking shows (lol) my guilty pleasure which I never do at home. I remember the old days of one phone at home and a voice machine and we all got our messages once a day when we got home from school or work. 🙂 I think it’s always good to simply notice habits and routines and see if they are serving us or just distractions.

  23. The other thing I used to do was text in the car and check the internet/facebook from my cellphone while Bill was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I stopped that. Now driving in the car me and Bill often have our best conversations, because we are both ALL THERE. Little changes. They make all the difference. I love you guys!

  24. Love it and needed this. I can get so addicted to my phone and social media. I can feel my vibration lower. It’s palpable. From now on I’m not checking my phone before my morning God time, turning off all notifications except for my ringer. Hello God! Here I AM! Thanks Lisa. You always elevate me in some new and awesome way. Love you and so glad you’re home. Xo

  25. Hi my experience with learning from Lisa and Bill in thier many friday morning classes is to wake up and communicate with God/ jesus. I ask God/ jesus to lead me, guide me, and show me what you want me to do today. Before I make any decisions I check in with God/Jesus. Everything runs smooth when I remember. When I forget I end up in the ego nagging monkey mind and I feel like I’m in hell. Not a great feeling. The good news is when I remember I check in and all is well again. I feel love, peace, and joy. Our inherit way to be. I live in that space most of the time with an occasional drifting away. That happens less and less now and I am so grateful!! Disconnect from electronics and reconnect with God/jesus and see fir yoirself. Thank you for listening to your inner voice Lisa and Bill. It has helped many of us to follow our own inner guidence. Love is all there is and I love you all! Xoxo

  26. Dear Lisa, i ignore calls while driving and also calls coming in through my cell while I am texting or reading something. I truly dont enjoy FB any longer and have not had it for that long of time. Dont get many texts nor calls to begin with so am happy about that. I find it to be a very addicting thing so I will be eliminating a few things from FB.
    Thank for what I’ve learned from ACIM.
    Sending you something through the mail.
    Lydia M.

  27. Fortunately for me I am not crazy about social media, but I must say that I have noticed that most people have become so addicted to social media such that they have little time to pay attention to anyone around them. However, if I find myself distracted with other issues, I make that conscious decision to stop and pay attention to what matters most to me, which is God and right then I get to the Holy Instant mode. Hope you had a great time with Bill. Litha.

  28. I noticed one day, that I can only be responsible for The Holy Spirit or for this world (work, family and so on) – not both at the same time.
    So now I choose being responsible for the HS and let go of the rest, in the way that I leave the rest for the
    HS to be taken care of (or not ????)
    He knows Best anyway. ????
    My days are much more effordless now.

  29. Amazingly this whole day I have been being convicted of this. Then I watch this thing on face going viral and felt very much I have been missing. So I started looking at your blog today and wow! Thank you.

  30. I am grateful to have an old fashion flip-phone. Dropped it in the river, so now, unable to txt. & really dislike using txt, anyway. Use e-mail, rarely, on lap-top. I am Blessed that electronic gadgets , I find, pretty distasteful! I have to consciencely ,(sp?), remind myself to say, Thank-You, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, thru-out the day. And, praying for others, & 4-legged beings, Really helps me get out of self.

  31. So many of the comments have such great ideas! And I’m going to use them, ‘specially the ways to start each day. In driving I seldom listen to anything except the sounds of driving or the winds if the windows are open. At workout, if I’m not reading Edwene Gaines, I’m directing my attention inward, to how I’m doing what I’m doing to instantly change if I’m overdoing. I also achieve a better workout this way, smart as I’m just getting back into doing it. Walking my dogs is the best as we (I) focus on the quiet, on the light, on the air movement, and my 2 dogs sniff and smell much more in pauses than quickly moving along! It’s fun. It’s a delicious work in process. I’m so enjoying it. Blessings!

  32. I don’t have a cell phone and have often felt like I was missing out on something. I realize after reading this article I’m not. I suppose I should consider myself lucky!

  33. Hey ManThat was a HUGE theme on the we03dne&#82ke; good for you for taking action on it. I full intend to do even more video than before.So I challenge you to see who can put out more vids by the next event. Ready…. GO!!!!