You're sitting on a diamond field!

I love a good story. I especially love a true story that inspires people for years and years!

An awesome story was told to me a couple of days ago and I can’t wait to share it with you. This story is a total game changer and it’s 100% true. As soon as I heard it I knew I was supposed to share it with you.

I was having one of those days. Total chaos actually. Boxes everywhere (I’m moving) and 2 college kids home with some nasty virus. I had work deadlines and a “to do” list a mile long.

Then my phone rang.

It was my very wise and gorgeous friend Kimberly Cartwright. (I was so busy I almost didn’t answer). After respectfully hearing my rambling, Kimberly felt called to read me a story by the late Earl Nightingale.

Thank God she did because it totally set me straight.

The Acres of Diamonds story is told of an African farmer who heard tales about other farmers who had made millions by discovering diamond mines. These tales so excited the farmer that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamonds himself.

He sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the African continent searching unsuccessfully for the gleaming gems that brought such high prices on the markets of the world. Finally, worn out and in a fit of despondency, he threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the man who had bought his farm happened to be crossing the small stream on the property one day, when suddenly there was a bright flash of blue and red light from the stream bottom. He bent down and picked up a stone. It was a good-sized stone, and admiring it, he brought it home and put it on his fireplace mantel as an interesting curiosity.

Several weeks later a visitor picked up the stone, looked closely at it, hefted it in his hand, and nearly fainted. He asked the farmer if he knew what he’d found. When the farmer said, no, that he thought it was a piece of crystal, the visitor told him he had found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered. The farmer had trouble believing that. He told the man that his creek was full of such stones, not all as large as the one on the mantel, but sprinkled generously throughout the creek bottom.

The farm the first farmer had sold, so that he might find a diamond mine, turned out to be one of the most productive diamond mines on the entire African continent. (Now known as the Kimberly Diamond Mine…the richest the world has ever known.)

The first farmer had owned, free and clear … acres of diamonds. But he had sold them for practically nothing, in order to look for them elsewhere.

The moral is clear: If the first farmer had only taken the time to study and prepare himself to learn what diamonds looked like in their rough state, and to thoroughly explore the property he had before looking elsewhere, all of his wildest dreams would have come true.

The reason this story has profoundly affected millions of people is the idea that each of us, at this very moment, is standing in the middle of our own acres of diamonds. If we could only have enough sense to realize it and develop the ground we’re standing on before we go charging off to look for diamonds every where else.

Remember, the ego’s motto is “seek and do not find”. It is literally designed to send us on one wild goose chase after another.

Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, “For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found.” (Please read this sentence over again because it’s HUGE!)

Can you get that right now? He doesn’t say, some of your pain or a lot of your pain. He says ALL of your pain comes from looking for diamonds in all the wrong places! How many times have we chased that carrot (karat, HA), only to arrive and say, “meh”.

acres of diamonds

The world has us scrambling about and seeking a replacement for the peace of God.

Never gonna happen.

Don’t worry. If you’re lacking abundance somewhere in your life right now, it’s totally temporary because lack is simply a state of mind.

In Truth, there is NO (NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCHO, NADDA) scarcity anywhere within or around you. It is simply fear and small thinking that are blocking the flow.

If the other guy’s pasture appears to be greener, it’s not that he has a better pasture than you;

it’s just that it’s getting better care.

acres of diamonds1

No one has more than you.

You’re sitting on a diamond mine!


You already are everything and already have everything.

Ultimately you are God, you are the Christ. There is nothing to do, for you already are what you seek. You already have 100% self worth. You are in the process of realizing this ultimate truth. There is nothing to manifest for you already contain what you seek.

You are in the process of realizing God.

You are spiritually good in all of its forms; health, happiness, wealth, peace love, fulfillment and unlimited possibility. Within you is the power to satisfy all of your needs and make your dreams come true.

Are you waiting for a day when God is going to give you more? Guess what? That’s not how it works! God is never going to give you more than you have right now. He has already given you everything. With all of His Love, He has already granted you the entire kingdom and everything in it. (This was a HUGE realization for me!)

Here’s the kicker.

True abundance doesn’t just “come along” as most people think.

It’s there all the time.

If you can’t see it,
that simply means you’re not looking
in the right place.

Make THIS what you seek and nothing else.

Abundance isn’t something you acquire. It is something you tune into.

Every single good thing you desire to have in your life comes from God and is made of God. Things can be made of nothing else.

Yes, yes I know. In this world, your good seems to depend on certain channels, like people, places, things and circumstances. You seem to have little influence over these things. But this is the great illusion of life. In reality, the very people, places, things and circumstances that you depend upon for your good are individualized expressions of the infinite power of God.
Listen and listen well.

In order to cultivate your diamond mine…
you must depend upon the Source and not the channels.

Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of diamonds lies within you?

Dig for your own diamonds.

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem and expect abundance on every level. (Because worry always blocks it.)

This was my #1 take-away from the 6 Month Living In Purpose Mastery Program. I was guided, reminded and given the tools to unearth and cultivate my diamond mine. I committed to 6 months of putting my full attention on all that I AM and all that God has already given to me. For me, it was definitely time to stop the struggle. I was ready to stop my daily digging for diamonds in the salt mine! LOL. I’m telling you, everything changed for me after that. It’s hard to really explain in human words but let me tell you that I have WAY more abundance, experience more peace, more joy and more Love than I thought possible.

Just like Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I shouldn’t look any further than my own back yard.”

I would love to hear from you! Please post in the Comment Area below about the DIAMONDS in your own back yard! 

I love you.

Linda Leland


acres of diamonds2


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0 thoughts on “You're sitting on a diamond field!

  1. Wow…The Holy Spirit is so constant and working so clearly these 40 days for me…and always, I’m just more tuned in. Miracles abound! Thank you, dear Linda, for this great story as it caught me “planning’ what to do “in the world” this weekend to get my mind off a bit of a pity party I was having. I need do nothing! I feel so refreshed from hearing this.

  2. Thank you dear Linda for this timely story that rings so true.
    Blessings of love and appreciation, Linda

  3. Your amazing post is an answer to my prayer. In fact, I asked for help this morning about this very subject and 5 min later I read your inspired message.

    Gratitude and love to you, Linda

  4. Yeeeeees! When I was reading this I was remembering Dorothy from Wizard of Oz!
    Thank you so much Linda! I loved this post, so beautiful and so punctual for my life. I’m following the 40 day program and everything is helping me to remember that it’s already inside of me, the kingdom of God is inside of me, of us, and we are part of God’s mind, I don’t have to look out there any more, we are love, we are light, and we are peace. But you are helping us remember. Thank you Teachers of God! I love you ❤️

  5. I have literally walked away from a few diamond mines but by far the largest one certainly worth the most I forced into hiding. I Am happy to say It’ has been unearthed and basking in Light. I read this beautiful story after deciding to read today’s CIM lesson instead of running around attempting to get many tasks done. It occurred to me that reading today’s lesson was the best idea of the day, which proved true after reading it, then thank’s to Lisa I given this lovely gem. What a glorious ride !!!!

    Thank you for all you do.


  6. Hi, Linda,
    Just finished reading your post. It was very timely for me. It’s an area of life I’ve been working on for myself and your ability to communicate it so clearly made it seem something I could better understand and come closer to embracing in my own life experience. Thanks!

  7. Yes, I have had “diamonds” scattered throughout my lifetime. One of them has been the ACIM, and another, the 40-day program! I would like to share another however. It is a dream I had in relation to lessons 231-240 of the ACIM. This is an excerpt from my book “Awakening To One Love” (I’m in the process of seeking a publisher).

    The Island Dream

    On Wednesday night, September 9th, 2015, I had my first out of what would end up being a total of 13, highly symbolic, vivid, spiritual dreams. I call this one, “The Island Dream.”

    I dreamt I was on a beautiful island, along with my husband Paul and a large number of other people. In fact, the beach was crowded with hundreds of people and as I looked around, I was surprised to see that I actually knew everyone one way or another. The beach was large, the sun was bright, and the water was warm. All in all, it seemed a pleasant place to be.
    Yet, despite how comfortable everything appeared, I had a subtle nagging feeling of being dissatisfied. Actually, I was quite sick and tired of the island. I realized that I didn’t really want to be there anymore. We’d been coming to this beach for so long, that I found myself no longer enjoying it much, despite its seeming appeal. The whole place seemed to have become meaningless to me. I then began to wonder if I had any other options besides the beach. Did I have to spend my time here? Did I have any other choice? I began to look around. At that moment, I realized for the first time that despite all our visits, we’d never explored the interior of the island. That sounded like such a refreshing change! I wanted to see something other than the same old beach. So, I looked around for the Tour Guide so He could show me other parts of the island.
    I found Him right away. In fact, He was standing right behind me as I turned around! He seemed friendly and approachable, and I liked Him instantly. I told Him how I was feeling and asked Him if he would give me a tour to explore the interior areas of the island. I’d never been anywhere but the beach and I didn’t want to get lost. I knew I needed a Tour Guide.
    To my delight, He was more than willing to help me.
    “Why yes!” He replied, with such joy and gratitude that it surprised me. “I would love to give you a tour of the interior of the island! Almost no one ever asks to leave the beach and go into the interior. In fact, most people are so enamored with the beach, that they don’t even turn around to notice the rest of the island at all!”
    I had the feeling no one even knew they had another choice, just as I myself had once thought.
    I was relieved it was so easy to arrange for a tour and that the island Tour Guide turned out to be so exceedingly pleasant. Everyone on the island seemed to have the impression that He was strict and should be feared. But instead, I found His presence to be almost overpoweringly loving, and commanded my attention in such a gentle way, that I wanted to do whatever He asked. I couldn’t help but love Him.
    I then found myself seated across from the Tour Guide at a restaurant near the edge of the beach. This appeared to be as far as most people were willing to go while visiting. There were a bunch of papers in front of me to go over and sign, but before we began our plans, I had just one concern. I wanted to be clear on what would be required from me in exchange for being given a tour. What was the price I had to pay?
    “So how much extra does this tour cost?” I asked the Guide.
    “Oh my dear, that’s the beautiful part!” He replied. “It costs you absolutely nothing! It is completely free with your trip here. But, like I said, most people just want to go to the beach. They have no interest in going anywhere else on the island, so we don’t waste our time advertising it much. We just wait for individuals to be willing to go, and then take them further inward only per their individual request. And it’s very rare to get a request.”
    “Oh!” I replied excitedly. “I will get the tour at no extra cost?!”
    This was sounding better and better. I suddenly wanted to bring everyone on the beach! As I considered this further, I became vaguely aware that there were some people on the beach that I didn’t especially like. Even so, I felt deeply compelled to overlook these feelings. It felt wrong to leave anyone behind for any reason, and I was sure that the tour would bring us all together.
    “Am I allowed to bring other people on the tour with me?” I asked. “I’d like to bring everyone on the beach, but I haven’t told anyone about this yet. I really want to share this experience with all of them, because I know they’d just love it. But I’m not so sure You can accommodate everyone. I’m sorry to say this, but we never see any of Your Staff around, and most people think You’re rather mean and neglectful. In fact, I think everyone feels kinda left on their own and sad and lonely most of the time. All in all, we don’t feel very cared for by You. I believe if everyone understood their choice, they’d all like to leave. I’d at least like to bring my husband Paul. I know for a fact he would be very interested in going. He’s been tired of the beach for a long time now.”
    The Tour Guide just sat back, unperturbed by my criticisms, and smiled broadly. Despite all I had just said, He still seemed pleased with me for some reason.
    “I assure you that we can accommodate any number of people,” was His reply to my query. “I actually have many Helpers that work behind the scenes no one ever sees, and They would be happy to help Me with the tour. You may bring an unlimited number of people along.”
    “Unlimited? Perfect!” I replied. “So, what time can we schedule the tour?”
    “The tour will be at 1pm today,” the Guide told me.
    I looked at my watch. It was nearly 1pm now.
    Anxious about this I said, “I won’t have enough time to tell everyone about the tour before it begins! I at least need enough time to make them aware they have a choice in wether to go or not.”
    He smiled reassuringly at me saying, “if you don’t feel ready just yet, we could do it tomorrow at 1pm instead. That should be plenty of time for you to go tell everyone.”
    “Ok, that sounds good,” I replied. “It’s all set then. Tomorrow will be my last day here, and I will convince as many people as possible to go with me.”
    Then I signed the papers in front of me, finalizing the agreement for everyone to take the 1pm tour the next day. Somehow, I felt I could speak for all of them.
    “There is just one more thing,” the Guide said. “You should probably spend the rest of today with my two Assistants, and check out the interior of the island alone with them first. Then you can come back fully able to tell all your friends and family how wonderful the interior of the island truly is. They will be all the more convinced to leave the beach and go with you, if you can give them an accurate first hand account.”
    I thought that sounded like a great idea, knowing many people would be hesitant to leave the beach. I would need to be very convincing. Yet, I was sure once they understood how wonderful it was, they would willingly leave.
    At that moment, two beautiful, friendly smiling ladies appeared at the door, (the Tour Guide’s Assistants) and I got into an open topped, white jeep with them. We drove a long way, and all the while they told me about the wonders and beauty of what lies further within the island.
    I looked around me as we passed pristine grassy meadows, beautiful forests, and breathtaking mountains. I assumed I was already seeing beautiful wonders! Yet, they promised me even more awaited us, as we continued on our journey inward.
    At last, we arrived at the opening of a large cave. We had traveled to the very center of the island.
    “This is as far as we will bring you for now,” the ladies told me. “The wonders and amazing things that lie deep within here are unexplainable, until you experience them for yourself. There are no words that exist to describe what lies within. However, once you go in there, you can never return to the beach. So we won’t take you further until you tell us you’re ready. We know you want to bring the others, and we don’t want you to go without them. We just wanted to show you where this place was.”
    I felt a small pang of anxiety at this. I could never return to the beach? It wasn’t so bad there, but I was also very excited to explore the wonders inside the cave too. I felt torn between my two choices.
    The ladies sensed my anxiety, and laughingly reassured me that although the cave path went in deep, it was gentle, and full of warmth and light. It would be easy to navigate. There were no twists or turns, no secret passageways or dead ends. The way was both straight and true. They tried to explain to me that my silly fears were unfounded. The beauty and wonders I’d find within would far eclipse anything I’d ever known on the beach. All my needs would be met, and I would be forever happy, loved, and at peace. Everything within the cave was perfect. It was an incredibly easy and joyous existence going down this path. They explained to me that once you begin the journey within, no one ever wants to go back to the beach. They find that their only desire is to just keep going further inward. In fact, the cave eventually takes a person all the way Home.
    Home? I felt like I’d been away from Home for a very very long time… I tried to remember for a moment what my Home was like, and realized I’d been away so long, I couldn’t recall a thing. My memory of Home and the Way to return to It had been entirely forgotten! How was I getting off the beach? I’d always just assumed I’d leave the beach by plane or boat. I never considered there was a way inward to leave it. This amnesia about my real Home distressed me, and suddenly, making the right choice to get there was all I wanted. I decided I’d like to take the shortest, simplest route possible, and the cave path seemed to be it. I felt there would be a long delay in getting Home if I continued to wait for a plane or boat. I also sensed that that way might take me further away from Home instead of towards it.
    This decision instantly gave me peace and completely alleviated my anxieties. I’d committed to the decision to go Home. But first, I agreed to go back to the beach one last time, and return with as many people as would listen. I couldn’t wait to tell them about this new choice! I hoped they’d all come!
    I then found myself back on the beach. It was nightfall now, at the end of the same day. Everyone was tired, and nobody seemed happy. All the people were just lounging around in a dejected sort of way. I was sitting between my husband and my friend Tiffany and her husband. She was explaining to me that her daughter was sick, her job was stressful, and a number of other things were going wrong. I excitedly told her I’d arranged for an amazing tour of the interior of the island for us all the next day, after which, everything would be fixed. The Tour Guide had promised! All we had to do was be willing to go. She seemed to doubt my words. Her problems appeared un-fixable to her, yet she agreed to go anyway. What could she loose? My husband Paul overheard us talking, and enthusiastically agreed to go with me without hesitation. He was happy to leave the beach and thought my arrangements with the Tour Guide were a good idea. He said he knew Him too and that they were good friends. We could trust Him and all that He promised. My husband looked forward to the next day with as much excitement as myself.
    Paul’s support only deepened my own efforts and convictions about going and soon, I could see many others slowly agreeing to leave the beach. Most agreed only half-heartedly and seemed unsure. Yet overall, their attitudes were that there was nothing better to do, and they had nothing to loose. I reassured them all as best I could that I’d seen first hand what the interior of the island held in store for us, and it’d be completely worth giving up the beach.
    At this point, I had no doubt that all of them would eventually make the choice to follow the Tour Guide by morning. After all, it was completely risk free! No sacrifice was being asked of us except to give up an unhappy existence. How could this choice be difficult?

    That was where the dream ended, and I woke up.
    I’ll spare you the long description of my subsequent astonishment and happy emotional response to this dream. Just know that there was one! Instead, I’d rather just get to my thoughts on the meaning of the symbolism within it:
    The Tour Guide represented Jesus to me of course. The bedazzling beach was our life here, in this world, distracting us with “all it has to offer” so that we never look within ourselves to where Home and God can be found. The island tour “inward” was our decision to begin looking within and choosing to cease looking outside our body for happiness. Let’s face it, we’re all tired of this place, and we want to stop reincarnating here and go Home.
    I’m not sure who the ladies driving the jeep represented; probably spirit guides, angels or some other form of messenger or helper assisting Jesus with showing us the Way.
    The cave itself or “path” represented the choice between following our ego or the Voice of the Holy Spirit. We can follow the Holy Spirit inward or stay on the beach with our egos. I feel my decision to follow the cave path, represents my decision to follow the teachings of Jesus as presented in “A Course In Miracles.” We can follow the Holy Spirit and go Home or stay on the beach in the world of the ego. We follow the path of the Holy Spirit when we choose to forgive all that we see outside us on the “beach” and decide to move inward. Let us explore the way to the cave. It is a beautiful path. The beach has nothing more to offer us than impermanent sandcastles we cannot truly live in, and salty water we cannot drink. It may seem appealing on the surface, but there is nothing sustainable. The only sustenance we need, is what the Holy Spirit provides.

    • Dear Elizabeth,

      I rarely read responses this long and I’m so happy I did. This is a beautiful description of the the course, our guide and inner dialogue and teacher and the worldly distractions that may and often do distract us from the truth that waits in silence for our invitation to appear and lead the way. I was following the story with a sense of anticipating what is next and wanting to know what happened if you didn’t go into the cave in the moment. I was happy that Paul was on board as it told me you are supported in the decision to return to the cave.

      This reminds me of Helen’s very symbolic dreams (as described in absence from felicity) that led to the scribing of the course. I can’t wait to see the book and what comes next.

      You are a gifted writer and messenger.

      Thank you for posting here:)

  8. Wonderful story, Linda. So precious! Thank you! It reminds me of a lovely poem by Helen Steiner Rice entitled “The Windows of Gold,” about a Swiss boy living in the mountains who looks up from the valley each morning to see the sun’s reflection emblazoned on the windows of a cottage far above. After days spent getting there, he finds upon arrival at the cottage that the sun is now illuminating his own windows equally far below!

  9. Years ago it was suggested to me that I keep away my own “good” and to pray for an experience of “undeserved good” and let it go and when it happens you will know. This I did and forgot about it. A couple weeks later I had completely forgotten about it, walking down the street I saw a little dirty black pouch. Then I thought my son could keep little things in it. I picked it up and there was something inside. I opened it and pulled out an earring pyramid shaped with 12 little diamonds and another. 12 and 12. I thought it was a “good thing” and I felt it undeserved. Since then I have always included asking for my undeserved good.

  10. Hello Linda, Thank you verry much for your story . It is a big lesson for me to. I love to read your stories, every time you touch me deeply. My wish is to read more from you. I love you .
    With all my heart,

  11. Lisa, thank you for the wonderful timely story. Everyday in this course is a blessing — just like you.

  12. I felt burdened by everything before I started the 40 day and then the living in purpose 6 month course. I was taking care of my 96 yr old mom, a 4000 sq ft house, large yard and an almost full time business. Since January of this year and having Lisa kick my #%*¥£, my income has almost tripled, everything comes to me effortlessly and I’m just finishing my first weeks vacation in 30 years at the beach. My gems are everywhere, espically in YOU, ACIM daily lessons and the continual release of myself. I am the diamond mine. Thank you God! Thank you Lisa. Beautiful article. Thank you Linda.

  13. Once again your sharing is timely and inspirational Linda. You have the gift of seeing the truth and sharing it clearly. Thank you so much for this. I loved the story and I love you. <3

  14. I was just talking with my husband: – “how would be so much better if we could live in USA!” (we live in Brazil)…We are in our first experience from ACIM in the 40 days program and when I opened my e-mail to see if the next day lesson had already come, I saw the history – ” You’re sitting on a diamond field !”. It was so clear that God was talk to me throught the history! I just opened my inner eyes and saw how green is my pasture! Thanks Linda!

  15. I love the story. I realize that I turn within to my diamond mine when the world around me pulls me and I am blocked from going. An amazingly perfect system to some day wake to my own wholeness within. Knowing to turn within is a gift. Cultivating that directional sign like a street sign is the work of this lifetime for me. Thanks.

  16. I have been following along Lisa’s websites, blogs, 40 day programs since around 2011 Even met Lisa and Bill in Copenhagen on one of their trips. I rarely comment but today’s blog and message are among the best ever!

    Thank you.

    Höllviken, Sweden

  17. I have benn following Lisa’s blogs and websites since around 2011, participated in the 40 days even met Lisa and Bill in Copenhagen on one of their trips. I rarely comment but today’s message is one of the best ever!

    Thank you.

    Höllviken, Sweden

  18. Story resonates especially because I’m from South Africa and know it well.

    About to start ACIM tomorrow.

    My time had come to see who and what lies within. No more poverty and playing small.

    Thanks to your ORGANISATION for this opportunity

    Martin Koopman