How a decision and a new morning routine changed my life.

Over the years I have “done it all” to try to improve my life and achieve worldly goals. I would have a lot of momentum and energy and enthusiasm for the first few days (or the first few hours at least!) and then I would be back to my old habits and usual ways of thinking.

What the hell is wrong with me?
How come I can’t stay motivated?
What is so difficult about achieving my goals?

Mostly because deep down, I knew that having a shinier life was utterly meaningless.

I would achieve a goal and still felt empty and alone.

I was looking for connection and a feeling of completion.

I wanted the peace of God and I just couldn’t hold onto it.

Back then, I mistakenly thought the solution was to TRY HARDER and DO MORE.

What I discovered is that the real solution for real lasting change is RELAX and DO LESS and BE STILL.

This realization was a turning point for me.

A Course in Miracles says that a miracle is a shift in perception and healing only takes an instant – because how long does it take you to change your mind??? An instant.

You can do it now.

And this is precisely what happened for me, and I invite you to try this out in your own life.

Join me for 40 Days starting either January 1st, May 1st or September 1st and we will do it together. 

The decision is to live in love and be aware of everything that comes up, and let it go with forgiveness.


I did it as an experiment and I wasn’t sure if it was going to work. But I had nothing to lose, and it was only 5 weeks.

I realized in a flash that I had been “trying to get somewhere” so that I could be a certain way. I was “waiting for later” and for my external world to change, so that I could be happy, in gratitude with lots of energy. I had it all wrong. For example, I was always on a diet trying to lose weight (30 pounds) so that I could be vibrant, alive, whole and perfect.

I read this now and think HOW UTTERLY INSANE that I thought I had to wait for my body to change to be happy and vibrant, but I really believed this back then.

I also thought “When I have more money, I’ll be super generous.”

I didn’t realize that I could be generous right from the place where I was. I could be the richest person in the world, in that moment and forever.

To me a rich person is someone who knows they have everything and is constantly giving.

It occurred to me that I could CHOOSE to be that way right now, and not wait.

And that is precisely what I did.

I became the richest person in the world, by my own choice and decision.

For years, I had this idea that when “I make it” – when my book is a best-seller, when I’m traveling around the world and teaching in front of big audiences – that I’d have loads of energy and that I would leap out of bed in the morning in gratitude.

I imagined that I’d be super happy, I’d be inspiring, vibrant and alive. I imagined that I would have a daily prayer/meditation practice; I would acknowledge Jesus, listen for guidance, and follow through with action.

I thought I could only BE all these things when I “had all my ducks in a row” and had money in the bank.

Now I know that happiness and abundance is a choice you make.

Back then I was a Zumba instructor, with 10-years worth of credit card debt. My only income was the money that came in from the donation box I put out 2 times a week when I taught Zumba. This was before the Teachers of God Foundation and before the 40-Day Program (which was born out of this experiment).


To use the words of A Course in Miracles: I accepted the Atonement for myself.

It occurred to me that I was whole and perfect, and that God was with me all the time.

I shifted on the spot. It’s actually quite easy to do when you really want it.


My life changed overnight. I suddenly was super generous, living in gratitude and appreciation, acknowledging God in everyone and everything. I was in love with everyone and everything. I was suddenly a total success in my mind,

Nothing external had changed, I was still teaching Zumba, but everything internal now reflected the Love of God.

When ideas came to me, I acted on them.

Who was this person????

I  liked her very much!

In the past ideas would come to me, and I would always say “later” I’ll put that into action (when I lose weight and have more money).

With a decision, I ended my story of lack and clicked the delete button on it.

I began to see in a very real and dramatic way that everything really IS mind.

When you change your mind, the world you think see REALLY does change!

Would you like to transform your life?
Are you ready to click the delete button on all your stories? 


Join me for 40-Days as we do what Jesus, the man, did 2000 years years ago:


Leave your past and your story behind.

Let go of your future plans and goals.

Just come as you are, with no agenda.

And watch what happens! 

At 30 years of age, he made a decision that his life as he knew it (as a carpenter) was over, and that he was going to enter into a quiet space to see what emerges.

I imagine that he didn’t know what was next.

This is what happened to me. I made a decision that “I was done” with my life of poverty, negativity and doubt.

I decided to “go into a desert place” for five weeks and acknowledge God and live in love.

Are you ready? Are you done with a life of littleness, boredom, wishing & waiting for things to happen? 

Do you want to join me?

You can sign up by clicking this link, where you’ll find registration info:

I’m convinced that the single most important thing you can do is SAY YES.



Choose your start date for the 40-Day Program: January 1st, May 1st, or September 1st.

I invite you to join me for this new adventure.

Click here:

Remember, it’s totally free!

Every time I give myself the gift of 40-Days, new exciting things occur. I’m always surprised.

How many of us have come to this point where WE KNOW that whatever we have been doing up until now is finished?

But because of fear, we keep doing what we’re doing, even though there’s a constant feeling that “there’s more” and that we’re stuck in a routine.

So, Jesus, the perfect demonstration of a man getting unstuck, made an unwavering decision to leave his life and go into the desert.

To do what?


He went to be still.

He went to listen.

He went into the desert with an open mind and curiosity.

He wasn’t striving. He wasn’t trying to improve his life. He wasn’t attempting to achieve anything.

He went into the desert, having zero idea what to expect.

And somehow, when I read this story, I knew that this was my path – to give myself A SPACE to simply be still and listen, and not try to accomplish anything.

His fears came up and he didn’t run away – he confronted them and cast them out.

That’s what we do in the 40-Day Program.

In the bible these fears are called demons and the devil, which are nothing more than what A Course in Miracles calls your “ego thoughts.”

Jesus faced these thoughts directly, and did not wander back into his old life, his old routine, his old habits.

This is what you will be encouraged to do.

Often what we do in this thing called life is push our fears aside, with stories and distractions. We try to improve our lives instead of looking directly at the fear and confronting it, and not backing down.

If you are ready to commit to a new way of living for 40 days, NO MATTER WHAT,

make a decision that will change your life forever.


If you are anything like me, you want to get started NOW!


Take some time to think about your morning routine. Everyone has one. If you think you don’t have one, then tomorrow morning from the second you are awake (before even your eyes are open), I want you to pay extremely close attention to every single thing you do.

Do you reach over for your cellphone to check the time? Now that the phone is in your hand, do you start checking emails and Facebook? What happens next? What happens next? How long is your morning routine? Pay close attention to yourself, like a hawk. Watch every single thought and every single action.

This is your morning routine.

Do you wake up happy? Do you acknowledge your Inner Guide? Do you give thanks for a perfect day? Do you think about the kind of day you want to have? Do you know that the day you want to have can happen every day exactly the way you imagine it?

In the 40-Day Program, we are going to invite you to have a new morning routine (along with lots of other simple practice that will rock your world in the best way possible) so that your day is intentional, joyful and filled with miracles.

For now, I invite you to pay attention to your current morning routine. Write down what you currently do and what you are thinking  – from the moment you are aware that you are awake (before you eyes are open) – and write down everything you do and everything you think until the moment you are in the car on your way to work.

If you work from home (or if you don’t work), pay attention to what you do in the morning, for the first hour or two. Write down your thoughts and actions.

Are you present? Are you intentional? Do you think about the kind of day you want? Do you have a spiritual practice? Do you acknowledge a Presence and Power that is with you? Do you have for guidance and direction for the day?

Once you know your current morning practice, set aside 20 minutes to sit quietly with no distractions.

Write down a new morning routine. Think about what you can change about how you start your day so that you are more present and aware.

Now change it.

It might be getting a new alarm clock and leaving your cellphone out of the bedroom, so that you can begin the day with no electronics.

You might want to stay in bed for a few minutes before you open your eyes and be grateful.

In the 40-Day Program, I’ll describe my morning routine and you will come up with a new morning routine for yourself, which includes thinking about the kind of day you want and learning how you can have that very day, every day.

For now, for the next month through December, just start paying attention.

If you simply do this little thing – pay attention – you will be AMAZED how much of your thoughts are unconscious and how much of your day is on auto-pilot, just going through the motions.

The 40-Day Program will change all that.

During the 40-Days, you will become aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

You will see how easy it is to become miracle-minded and to have a life you love.

I hope you join me.




Lisa Natoli

Keys to the Kingdom by Bill Free

I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me…”
— John 14:6

Keys-blog-11.25.15Was Jesus talking about himself or was he talking about a metaphor? I feel that it’s very clear He was talking about both. In A Course in Miracles he says you (Christ Mind) are the way the truth and the life. You are God’s Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of HIS Love. Jesus was making two statements in one here as he often had numerous meanings in his statements pointing to the truth. I AM is one statement that has Great! Power within itself and this I AM identifies an Awakened mind that no longer believes it is a human or even a body. It knows itself as being.

Another well-known ancient phrase quoted by Jesus that points to this as well:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
— John 8:32


Keys to the Kingdom!

Two key phrases to unlock understanding of what Truth is, are in the very words themselves:

1. I AM

The 1st one is the same as the 2nd one really. I AM is a recognition of Self Awareness (This is very important). “I AM” is you who are seeing as AWARENESS and “SHALL KNOW” is You as knowing. It is the You as I Am that discovers Itself as the Truth.

That’s it, these two keys unlock the mystery of enlightenment discovered by The Buddha, Jesus, Papaji, Ramana, Joel Goldsmith, Mooji and many other Master Teachers of the Way, the Truth, and the life.

YOU FOUND IT! Yahoo… Woot! Woot! It’s True☺ You are the Way, the Truth and the Light of God in Christ. Enlightenment is but a recognition of what you are always, even beyond time. You are eternal always and infinitely Pure Light…

You are what God is and just as the waves are inseparable from the ocean or the Sun’s rays inseparable from the Sun, so are you inseparable from what God/Source is and you know this.

Here’s a practice also to bring you into a constancy of this recognition and Awareness: Keys to the Kingdom of Self-Awareness, to begin to have a direct experience with this recognition of our inseparable relationship with Creator and Source… (This is for and available to everyone — no exceptions.)

Short Moments of Awareness

Start noticing Everything that shows up in the senses, taste, touch, smell, hearing… Everything, and don’t think about it but notice when you do — because it’s a wandering habit right now. Just notice that’s all… They are all observed. Your imagination is also observed. Your thoughts, fears, beliefs, self-identity, and labels of what you see and what they mean to you are all perceived in the view of Awareness.


You are Pure Awareness – the Observer. This is the Pure Self. Even the mind is observed from here.

Practice short moments of Awareness many times until it becomes automatic…


You are the Self as God created You. Say only God is… and we cease to speak…

Be the Self.

I Love you.

Bill Free

For more info, inspiration, and guidance similar to what’s described above — check out the Teachers of God Foundation’s listings of programs, events and other online offerings.

Join us each Friday for A Course in Miracles meeting live-streamed at 10:30am EST…!


Such Joy and Power in Gathering: ACIM Study Groups!

Have you ever thought about starting your own ACIM study group?

How about joining a group? Maybe you have and maybe you haven’t. Either way, we want to toss the idea around with you for a minute.

Study groups are so much fun and add HUGE velocity to learning because we do it together! Before you know it, it feels like family.

Although A Course in Miracles is a self-study book, coming together with others on the same path is epic. Jesus says, “When 2 or more gather in My name, there I am among them,” and He wasn’t kidding! This, my friend, is where the magic happens. You don’t have to be an ACIM expert to start a group. Nor do you have to “teach” anything. It just means that you are holding a space for others on the same path. All you need to do is invite the Holy Spirit in to be in charge, listen with your whole heart and exemplify non-judgment and acceptance. You will be amazed at how beautifully it goes at each meeting. Whether 1 person shows up or 15 people, it’s perfect.

Why start your own study group?

● To make a commitment to study the principals of A Course in Miracles for those who want a better life.
● To provide a safe place for sharing without judgment or gossip and with total anonymity.
● To serve as a gathering place for people on the same path.
● To have fun!
● To build a community of people who want to support each other in walking the walk, not just reading. Real miracles happen when we actively apply these principals into our daily lives TODAY.
● Because you can’t do this work without your Brother.

Group location:

● Anywhere in your home; living room, kitchen, dining room or basement. As long as you have some chairs and a lamp, you’re good to go.
● Function hall, some space in your local church or a quiet corner anywhere.
● Online study group or telephone study groups are also a great option. Check out (NOTE: I personally love the in-person energy but it’s all good!)

What’s most important is to begin and end the group in prayer; inviting the Holy Spirit to take over as He is the only one who can provide all that is needed for everyone in attendance. This prayer can be from A Course in Miracles or it can come through you or anyone in the group.
acim study group

How should you format your group? Any way you like!

● Study the ACIM Text, Urtext or Manual for Teachers (a section or just a paragraph or two)
● Choose a lesson from the Workbook
● Randomly select a section for discussion
● Have a different person choose a topic each week (remembering that every person is both student and teacher)
● Facilitator teaching
● Revolving teacher
● Open discussion
● Meditation group
● Set a “group goal” for the week on how you will “walk the walk”.
● No particular format; simply trust and let Spirit guide the meeting
● Feel free to add in a time for meditation (either guided or silent), music, ACIM YouTube videos, potluck dinner, simple snack, tea or no food or drink is fine.

Here are some other helpful hints:

● Remind folks to leave their stories at the door. This should not be a place to unload your garbage, unless it is used as a tool to shift perception from fear to Love.
● No crosstalk – no one should correct or offer advice to a brother under any circumstances, ever.
● Never use a study group to argue or debate principals of ACIM. This is never helpful and counterproductive to our goal of peace and joy.
● Introductions are a nice way to open up the meeting. If you’d like, you can have everyone (briefly) tell their name and set their intention for this meeting.
● Don’t have a pre-conceived idea of how the meeting should go. Be guided with an open mind and heart.
● Remember that everything is exactly as it should be: Whether 1 person shows up or 25 people, it’s perfect.
● Close each meeting with a short prayer or meditation.

How to invite people to your group:

● Online listings: There are many websites that list ACIM groups. Here are a few: A Global Map of  ACIM Study Groups Search Tool to Locate ACIM Study Groups

Miracle Distribution Center: ACIM Resource Hub

Community Miracles Center: ACIM Study Group Directory A Course In Miracles Meetups

International Association of Miracle-Workers: Study Group Info

● Facebook: There are also many ACIM Facebook pages you could post your meeting on, to find folks in your area who might be interested.
We think that starting an ACIM study group is absolutely fantastic! It is going to change so many lives, most importantly… your own.

You totally rock!

“A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interest as apart from some one else’s.” (Manual p. 3)

If you feel called to, you can add a suggested donation of $5 or $10 each to support the space and facilitators and to bring the energy of money, sharing and abundance in. Also, you can use this money to teach and demonstrate the benefits and blessings of tithing as a spiritual community practice.

If any of this feels right to you, just step in and let Holy Spirit work out the details. You will be so glad you did.

Again, if you don’t feel called to start one, go out an join one. Try out a couple of different ones and find one that feels like home.

Remember, we’re here if you have any questions or need further support.

Much Love,

Linda Leland

The Teachers of God Foundation Team

The Owner’s Manual

By Bill Free

I don’t know if it’s a man thing or a mind thing… but a lot of people – mostly men – don’t like to be seen reading instructions. Do you remember the VCR players that everyone used to have in their home and they were always sitting there blinking on and off because they weren’t programmed? It seemed to be in everyone’s home, at least in the majority that I went in. Maybe a lot of people were just too busy to read the instructions.

It really allows the VCR player to work to its top potential when it’s programmed and operates as it was intended to work, right? Turns on to record your favorite TV show while you’re at work and then plays it for you that night or weekend. Pretty cool technology at the time.

A Course in Miracles is the same way:

We have helpful instructions on the very first pages of the Preface after “What It Is,” these instructions came directly from Jesus. They are concise, telling us what the Course says, what it means to us and it clearly defines the way I should approach reading and practicing the study of the Course to achieve the very Best! Desired results.

If we don’t follow the instructions we are bound to require more time and more lessons in attainment of the purpose and goal of the Course. I’m sure you have met people who’ve been following the Course for 20 or 30 years and don’t really get it or have the experience that it offers.

It’s like trying to graduate from college without going to class or without reading the material for the class. You may eventually finish but what’s the real point in going?

The first introduction in the beginning of the Course says that the lessons are “To be practiced with great specificity as will be indicated….”

In the early part of the unedited manuscript of the Course, (the Urtext) Jesus busted Helen several times for not listening and she and Bill both for habitual mind wandering, and that’s okay, we all do it until we don’t.

To Helen: P.S. The reason you have been late recently (for work) because you were taking dictation is merely because you didn’t remember to ask me when to stop. This is an example of the “indiscriminate or uncontrolled” miracle-working we already spoke of. It is well-meant but ill-advised.


Start Here:


Where should I start?

  Ask and you shall receive.

 Jesus is telling us the same  thing. We need to ask Him for instructions in every situation or we can go with Decide for me in Chapter 14 III 16 – asking the Holy Spirit, our inner teacher,  and that works  pretty well.

Also, notice from the beginning of the Workbook Lessons in the Introduction there are timers for the length of time you practice the idea for each day, eyes open or closed. Morning or evening and several times hourly if possible. This is the specificity He is talking about. No more than one lesson a day. You can stay on the same lesson for a few days but you want to make sure you’re not analyzing it too much in the head.

At the end of Part I after Workbook Lesson 200, the instructions say that if we review our thoughts the Holy Spirit bestows on us and if we understand, practice, accept the lesson and apply them to what happens throughout the day, one is enough… for thus is freedom given us from all we did not know and failed to understand. Enlightenment can be accomplished in one lesson fully understood, practiced, accepted and applied. Hallelujah!

The three most important insights I can offer is (1) follow exactly what each of the introductions say  and in Part II of the Course starting with Part II Introduction – (2) Welcome the Father to come (this is a quiet and sacred space). I usually do this every morning, don’t be in a hurry here. He has promised that His Son will not remain unanswered. We say the words of invitation that his voice suggests and then we (3) wait for Him to come to us. This is where we rest in God, hand on heart if you like.  This is what I do.  : )

From here when you read the next 145 Workbook Lessons, do it very slowly and especially welcome the prayers as dialogue with the Father from you to Him and from the Father to you.

Listen to God

Sit quietly, slowly read the  lesson title and lesson and italicized prayer for the next 145 Workbook Lessons, invite the Father and wait right there for at least 5 minutes. If you are in too big a hurry here you will  miss the whole direct  experience the Course offers  in the Introduction and you will likely spend your time with the next 145 lessons in vain.

“Words will mean little now.” We use them but as guides on which we do not now depend… “For now we seek direct experience of truth alone.” This is in the quiet space…

I just recently discovered this and it opened up Workbook Lessons 200 to 360 in a whole new way for me. Mostly in quiet communion with God Presence. It’s like Christmas morning to a little kid – now only its way more satisfying and it doesn’t leave you wanting something else a few days later. Here you connect with your God Self…

The Goal and promise of the Course is complete Enlightenment and Awakening within one year. Really? YES!
Give the next week’s lessons a test drive “the way it says to do it” and see if you don’t have a brand new experience Listening to God.

I Love You.

Bill (Rishi) Free