Who Wants to Be Happy? :)

As it says in A Course in Miracles, happiness is our birth right.

It’s just more fun to be happy, isn’t it?

Happiness is important to us. We always know when we are not experiencing happiness, when our peace is disturbed.

And we always know when we are in happiness, too.

And, when we are experiencing peace, we share it with those around us, and with all of consciousness.

So how we feel matters. How we experience ourselves matters.

Happiness is God’s will for us.

A Favorite Game Show

There was  a favorite game show popular about 10 years ago called ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’. This game was great!

All of us wanted to see others answer these seeming impossible jeopardy type questions or just to see someone win all that money right on national television.

It is the structure of the rules to play this game that struck me as metaphorical to our everyday life when we are stumped  or stuck and what we really want is to be happy. 

How Do We Get Back There?

In the game when you were stumped, you called a lifeline, polled the audience or called a friend.

Often you think if you are on the spiritual path and you’re stumped or you are in the middle of slippage, you must be doing it wrong. This shouldn’t be happening.

We begin looking for answers or trying to change the effects, or we freeze like the contestants in the game show and when you’re in it you can’t find your way out.

This is the time to go to your life line. Go within. Go within, be still and quiet, go within as pure presence.

In this place of quiet awareness, the answer can/will come.

The Course is really good at giving you a practice and a formula for getting unstuck but, unfortunately, when you’re in it you are so committed to the mindset of illusions that you won’t listen and you can’t see until you let go of the attachment of being right or letting go the attachment of victim-hood.

The secret of salvation is this:

I am doing this to myself. There is no other way to look at this and find Freedom.


Anything that is not joy, that is not peace, that doesn’t feel good is required to show itself so we can clean it up.

Like many of you, I’ve been doing the course for a long time, over 10 years, and last week I found myself right in the middle of Hell in the mind over nothing.

This is what I did to get out:

[embedyt] https://youtu.be/Wip0HxwjQ-8[/embedyt]

Going to Your Lifeline

We all have the ability to go to our ‘Lifeline’.

We all have the inner life line, the Holy Spirit, when we are still. We must be still to hear…

  • First I became very quiet and went within to the quiet place. Watching the mind. I was reminded of Workbook 125. In quiet I receive God’s word today. This means, When I’m quiet the mind is no longer running the show but it (the mind – passing clouds, the audience) can be seen from this place of quiet awareness.
  • From here I intuited to read workbook 44: God is the light in which I see. This one idea invites me to reach the light and I used it as a mantra over and over and over and it worked to bring me back into alignment and experience peace for a time but it came back when I picked the thread back up (not as strong but it was there).

Calling a Friend

  • A long time Course in Miracles friend and Lisa (who reminded me of the Truth and invited me to say what I was fearful about or what I was believing that could disturb my peace) reminded me to allow the discomfort in and be vulnerable. She did not ask for or want to talk about the story at all.
  • Then I was invited to be quiet like I was on a silent retreat, just watching the mind and being grateful for every thought that comes up for the rest of the night. Gratitude and appreciation became a mantra for the next several hours.

This was an overnight healing for me and in my mind and it came from the Lifeline. A willingness to go to the Holy Spirit in Quiet Awareness. Being told what to do and what to say to whom becomes very natural and easy now and this is how the blocks in my mind that I can’t otherwise see are removed.

Salvation is the only accomplishment that has any meaning, because it the only one that has any real use to you at all. ~ Jesus

If You Find Yourself in Times of Trouble

Here’s what I recommend:

  • Have a friend you can call who will remind you of the truth, one who is not going to people please you but instead will hold you to a higher order of seeing without the story and will listen to their own inner Teacher to hold your hand in the discomfort (a miracle worker).
  • Go often into Quiet Awareness to your lifeline and watch the mind that wants to fix it or figure things out and let the thoughts just pass by. Let them be passers by…

I recommend reading workbook lessons 44-47.

God is the light in which I see.

God is the mind in which I think.

God is the love in which I forgive.

God is the strength in which I trust.

This is the Great Awakening. This is what we signed up for. 🙂

If this is helpful for you, let me know.

If you would like to share your own practice for getting back to the Truth that has worked for you, please post in the comments and share it here for someone else. 🙂

I Love You,


p.s. Happiness is a decision. Are you ready for a life of joy?

Sign up here for The 40-Day Program.

It’s free and it starts September 1, 2016!

40 day cta


Join the Movement.

Are you ready to stop the war within yourself?

Then please join the Movement: Love Matters.

I made that up just now. But I’m curious to see what would happen if we joined together in love, beyond the color of bodies. What would the world be like if we moved above the battleground completely?

What would happen to your life if your stopped the war within yourself? What would your days be like if you made a deliberate decision to rise up out of conflict, and actually did it?

We keep hearing that Black Lives Matters and that All Lives Matter, and yes that’s true – but if you look closely, you’ll notice there is a tremendous amount of controversy and conflict in it. It’s still an us vs. them mentality. It’s still a victim state of mind. It’s still focusing on division.

If you are ready to acknowledge the Love of God in all things at all times, please post a comment so we know you are here at this party, in this celebration called the Great Awakening.


It’s important to remember that any conflict that you think you see outside of you in the world is NOT outside of you. It’s in you. The conflict isn’t out there. It’s within.

I was away from news media for the past 3 weeks and missed the events surrounding Black Lives Matter – until yesterday when I read about it: The shooting of two innocent men (separate incidents) by cops and the resulting situation of a man opening fire with a sniper and killing 5 police officers in Dallas.

Because of the color of the skin of the people involved, it’s turned into a racial issue.

Many people on social media are saying: “We are divided.”

We are not divided, because nothing is divided.

Any focus on division is what division is.

What we’ve got here is a confusion problem, in the hearts and minds of people who have no clue who they are or what they are doing.

Jesus said on the cross 2000 years ago and he’s saying it now: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

Jesus says in A Course in Miracles: “What is not love is murder. What is not loving must be an attack.”

What we’ve got is not so much a racial problem, but a hate problem.

What can you personally do?

Get above the battleground and love.


Stop the conflict within you.

If you want to see the conflict out there stop, then you must stop it within you. There is no other way.

Find out where you are still engaging in conflict in your own life, and stop it.

Find out where you are still divided with other people, and make a conscious decision to stop it.

Do you want to see the war “out there” stop? If yes, then stop the war within you.

Stop the struggle within you.

Stop dividing yourself from other people.

If there is hatred in your heart, cut it out.

It’s easy to look to the news and talk about how other people hate. It’s easy to talk about the insanity, the brutality, and about the unkind & unloving things that “other people” do.

But look in your mind today and see if there are any areas where you are being insane, brutal, unkind or unloving. Are there areas in your life where you kill?

You might not kill with a gun, but do kill anyone with your thoughts?

“What is not love is murder.” -A Course in Miracles

Is there hatred in your heart?

Is there a war in your mind? If  yes, then stop it.


There’s a lot of talk about stopping the wars in the world – which is nothing more than a distraction to keep you from seeing the war in your own mind – which you have the power to stop.

Is there cruelty in you? A wish to do harm on someone? A wish for revenge? A wish for punishment?

If you want to help and be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem, then end the war within yourself.

I love the section from A Course in Miracles “Above the Battleground”. It says to be lifted up and see all things from this place. Rise up out of the conflict. From here – from this new place – your perspective will be quite different and from this place you will see no bodies, from here there is only the Love of God.

Chapter 23 – IV. Above the Battleground
A Course in Miracles

Do not remain in conflict, for there is no war without attack. The fear of God is fear of life, and not of death. Yet He remains the only place of safety. In Him is no attack, and no illusion in any form stalks Heaven. Heaven is wholly true. No difference enters, and what is all the same cannot conflict. You are not asked to fight against your wish to murder. But you are asked to realize the form it takes conceals the same intent. And it is this you fear, and not the form. What is not love is murder. What is not loving must be an attack. Every illusion is an assault on truth, and every one does violence to the idea of love because it seems to be of equal truth.

What can be equal to the truth, yet different? Murder and love are incompatible. Yet if they both are true, then must they be the same, and indistinguishable from one another. So will they be to those who see God’s Son a body. For it is not the body that is like the Son’s Creator. And what is lifeless cannot be the Son of Life. How can a body be extended to hold the universe? Can it create, and be what it creates? And can it offer its creations all that it is and never suffer loss?

God does not share His function with a body. He gave the function to create unto His Son because it is His Own. It is not sinful to believe the function of the Son is murder, but it is insanity. What is the same can have no different function. Creation is the means for God’s extension, and what is His must be His Son’s as well. Either the Father and the Son are murderers, or neither is. Life makes not death, creating like itself.

The lovely light of your relationship is like the Love of God. It cannot yet assume the holy function God gave His Son, for your forgiveness of your brother is not complete as yet, and so it cannot be extended to all creation. Each form of murder and attack that still attracts you and that you do not recognize for what it is, limits the healing and the miracles you have the power to extend to all. Yet does the Holy Spirit understand how to increase your little gifts and make them mighty. Also He understands how your relationship is raised above the battleground, in it no more. This is your part; to realize that murder in any form is not your will. The overlooking of the battleground is now your purpose.

Be lifted up, and from a higher place look down upon it. From there will your perspective be quite different. Here in the midst of it, it does seem real. Here you have chosen to be part of it. Here murder is your choice. Yet from above, the choice is miracles instead of murder. And the perspective coming from this choice shows you the battle is not real, and easily escaped. Bodies may battle, but the clash of forms is meaningless. And it is over when you realize it never was begun. How can a battle be perceived as nothingness when you engage in it? How can the truth of miracles be recognized if murder is your choice?

When the temptation to attack rises to make your mind darkened and murderous, remember you can see the battle from above. Even in forms you do not recognize, the signs you know. There is a stab of pain, a twinge of guilt, and above all, a loss of peace. This you know well. When they occur leave not your place on high, but quickly choose a miracle instead of murder. And God Himself and all the lights of Heaven will gently lean to you, and hold you up. For you have chosen to remain where He would have you, and no illusion can attack the peace of God together with His Son.

See no one from the battleground, for there you look on him from nowhere. You have no reference point from where to look, where meaning can be given what you see. For only bodies could attack and murder, and if this is your purpose, then you must be one with them. Only a purpose unifies, and those who share a purpose have a mind as one. The body has no purpose of itself, and must be solitary. From below, it cannot be surmounted. From above, the limits it exerts on those in battle still are gone, and not perceived. The body stands between the Father and the Heaven He created for His Son because it has no purpose.

Think what is given those who share their Father’s purpose, and who know that it is theirs. They want for nothing. Sorrow of any kind is inconceivable. Only the light they love is in awareness, and only love shines upon them forever. It is their past, their present and their future; always the same, eternally complete and wholly shared. They know it is impossible their happiness could ever suffer change of any kind. Perhaps you think the battleground can offer something you can win. Can it be anything that offers you a perfect calmness, and a sense of love so deep and quiet that no touch of doubt can ever mar your certainty? And that will last forever?

Those with the strength of God in their awareness could never think of battle. What could they gain but loss of their perfection? For everything fought for on the battleground is of the body; something it seems to offer or to own. No one who knows that he has everything could seek for limitation, nor could he value the body’s offerings. The senselessness of conquest is quite apparent from the quiet sphere above the battleground. What can conflict with everything? And what is there that offers less, yet could be wanted more? Who with the Love of God upholding him could find the choice of miracles or murder hard to make?

Food Rules, Diets and God

You may not know this about me but I’ve spent many years as a Health Coach and Nutritional Educator.  A good percentage of that time I spent telling people what they should and should NOT eat.  I taught my clients all the food rules I’d picked up along the way.  Until the day I realized I was a fear pusher disguising myself as health conscious.

Today, I have a whole new freedom regarding food and I want to share it because it’s totally awesome and completely True.  I’ve always loved food; talking about it, planning it, shopping for it, sharing it and eating it. At the same time, I held many judgments and anxieties with food, body image and disease.

On this journey of awakening, I’ve asked to have the blocks to Love removed.  Food has been a biggie for me.  I decided to shift all of my perceptions and use these fears as part of my transformation.

Let me explain:

I was raised by a food-fearing (aka health conscious) Mom.  There were so many do’s and don’ts to manage and worry about. She ate an extremely (EXTREMELY) clean diet, always had a cupboard full of high quality supplements, no “bad” habits, went to bed early and worked full time for a famous Holistic Physician.  (Side-note:  her body died at the age of 68)

Because there are so many food rules that keep changing, I’ve spent my life looking for patterns.  I wanted the truth.  Which “diets” or lifestyle practices cause people to live well into their 90’s?  Which diet’s cause people to die at an early age “before their time”.  Do people who exercise 90 minutes per day live longer than couch potatoes?  Do skinny bodies last longer that chunky ones?  WHAT’S ACTUALLY GOING ON HERE?

Here’s the thing.  

There are no patterns.

I recently did some research on people who lived to be over 100 and told of their “secrets” to longevity.  So fun!  Of course there was a small percentage that chalked it up to diet and exercise but most of them never gave diet a thought. Everyone had a unique “secret”.  Here are some examples.

Jose Aguinelo do Santos (believed to be the oldest living man in the world), 126:  Walks without a stick.  No known health problems; smokes a pack of cigarettes a day since the age of 13.  His says his secret to longevity is that he sings every day and tells lots of jokes.  

Agnes Fenton, 110:  Says her secret to living 110 years is 3 bottles of Miller High Life (she was told it was the “champagne of beers”) and a glass of whiskey every day.  

Jessie Gallan, 109:  Jessie ate mostly porridge and never married.  She says the lack of men in her life is linked to her longevity.  (Hahahaaa! I’m not making this stuff up!)

Adelina Domingues, 114:  Never fractured a bone, never took any medicine and has never been to the hospital.  She says her secret to longevity is never wearing makeup and that religion has been her best medicine.

Susannah Mushatt Jones, 116:  Plenty of sleep and a steady diet of bacon, eggs and grits.  However, she believes her longevity comes from always extending Love and generosity to others.

George Boggess, 103:  No particular diet but has never driven a car and attributes his long life to walking wherever he needs to go.

Paul Marcus, 101:  He has always eaten whatever he wants and believes the secret to his longevity is plenty of ice cream.

Pretty cool, huh?

On the other hand, don’t we all know folks who “did everything right” and still managed to pass away at a young age?


Before we go any further, here is a list of some of the rules/fears the world tells us to worry about (and I’m sure I missed a few). Here goes:  Artificial chemicals, tap water, bottled water, calories, sodium, preservatives, microwave ovens, fats, fat-free products, Trans-fats, Saturated fats, low fat, high/low temperature oils, meat, fake meat, no meat, fish, soy, corn, corn syrup, grains, mercury, food coloring, plastic, Styrofoam, pharmaceuticals, aluminum, butter, margarine, hormones and antibiotics, parasites, germs, soil, alcohol, charcoal, dairy, too much sunshine, not enough sunshine, sugar, artificial sugar, too much fruit, not enough vegetables, free range, cage free, grass fed, raw, over cooked, homogenized, pasteurized, extrusion, food combining, Fluoride, bacteria, vaccinations, no vaccinations, toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, ….and running with scissors.

Dear Lord!  Stop the insanity!

Those thoughts are only of the mind and the body responds to the thoughts we think.  


Look, these bodies are NOT who we are, but they are really cool communication devices for our Spirit.    WHAT I AM SAYING is that food rules and dieting are NOT the answer to keeping these meat covered wagons in the safe zone!   Let’s take a look at fear’s influence on the body.

I love using Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water as an example.  It’s a pure and simple illustration of how our thoughts affect our bodies, the food we eat and the world.  Say loving words to water and it smiles; be fearful or angry and water shrivels.  Since we are mostly made up of water, can you imagine how our bodies react to the thoughts and words we use?


Check out these photos below that show how thoughts of Love and Gratitude affect water.





        And here is a photo of water after it’s been exposed to thoughts of fear. (below)


Water exposed to thoughts of fear


Even if water has been severely compromised and polluted, it can be totally transformed by thoughts of Love. (below)

Water before and after prayer


Not even (so called “toxic”) magnetic radiation can mess with water that’s been exposed to thoughts of Love.
microwave water


Loved microwave water


CHECK THIS OUT!  Love healed this water exposed to nuclear fallout!





 DO YOU SEE?  It’s so simple and uncompromising.  These bodies we occupy are 80% water.

This means that the thoughts you think are much more important to the health of the body than what goes in it.

I’m certainly not saying we go out and ingest poison in the name of Love.  Just stay with me.  I’ll get to the right minded food practices in a minute.

What I am saying, is that all those food fears I listed earlier…those are what we need to “diet” from.

God is Love.  God is life.  God is all there is and God is in everything.  This is the only Truth and life only responds to that.

Does this mean we shouldn’t march against Monsanto and fight big Pharma?  Yes, that’s exactly what it means.  If your activism is fueled by fear and blame… YOU’RE NOT HELPING ANYONE.  Remember…only Love and Gratitude heal.  Ask yourself where you can extend more of that and now you’re making a difference.  Go out and give to what it is that you DO want.

We can use food to become more awake.  We can still be conscious about food decisions but from a place of Love and not fear. Eat beautiful and clean foods because you Love your body, not because you hate it and certainly not because you’re afraid of sickness and death.

Back when I gave value to all of those food fears, I always had a reason to feel worried and guilty about eating.   It was a constant pattern of fear, rules, deprivation, cravings, failure and guilt.  NOT a formula for health and happiness.  I am totally done with that.

Through practice and vigilance, I now have a completely different relationship with this body and with food.

First of all, I don’t see this body as “me” anymore.  I only want to use it to extend Love and to carry out God’s Will for me.  Joy and happiness are its favorite life sustaining nutrients!  Jesus says in ACIM that when I am using the body for this purpose, it will remain a healthy and serviceable instrument until it’s use is over.  And who wants to keep it when its usefulness is done?

Got body image issues?  Focus on the above!  Practice gratitude for this ever-loyal and miraculous instrument and stop focusing on every seeming imperfection.  Those are lies.

If I’m feeling worried about my health or insecure about my body’s attractiveness. It’s simply a clear sign that I have forgotten the Truth of who I AM.  Choose again, Beautiful.

So here’s where my relationship with food is now.

I KNOW that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.  The only ingredient I avoid is fear.  I gave up all my food judgments and perceptions.  If those fear thoughts pop in, which they sometimes do, I don’t value them and I don’t answer.  It’s merely an opportunity to remember the Truth.  I make the decision to choose a loving thought instead.  Food is a great tool to remember Love and to be compassionate with myself and I get to do it at least 3X a day.

As far as what I eat…here it is.   I totally Love God.  I have chosen to Trust God with all my heart.  So, I mostly choose foods as close to the way He put them here as possible.  God brilliantly created everything.  So, whole and unprocessed is my favorite way to eat.  I never count calories, measure or worry.  This just makes sense deep inside the Truth of me.  I listen.  I eat with God.

But please know… If I want to go out for pepperoni pizza, beer or a big bowl of chemicals with pesticide sauce, I do.  I bless that food and fully expect that food to bless me right back.  There is nothing I “don’t” eat.  I Bless it all.

Cooking is never a chore for me.  Listen and listen well.  Cooking is an act of Love.  I’ve collected hundreds of simple, REAL food recipes that are off the charts scrumptious.  It’s easy!   With joy and gratitude, I create meals that are loaded with those beautiful life crystals that would make Dr. Emoto proud.  I wish I could invite him for dinner!

I stay present when I eat and remember that the state of mind I’m in while eating it is most important.  In this way, you can listen to your body and stop eating when it’s full.  If you turn to food when you’re really not hungry, stop and listen.  Use this opportunity for self-discovery. Be awake!  What is it you really need?  (HINT:  It’s some form of Love).

When fear manifests in your awareness as an anxious mind, that’s what causes a dis-ordered body. True healing is learning to identify with the Truth of who you are.  For now, remembering is a choice you must keep choosing to make.  You are the Christ. You are God’s precious Son and you are Love.

I know this information turns everything that the world tells you upside-down.  It’s supposed to. I can’t wait to read your comments below.  I also have a quick question: Would you be interested in participating in a program using food as a tool to practice and remember Love?  A program where you would dedicate time and effort to shift all of your old perceptions and enter into a whole new relationship with food, cooking, and your body?  A fun new way to remember the Truth of your magnificence and the power of God?  Let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for being here.

I love you,
