What are you plans for tomorrow?


Want to know the absolute deadliest thought to the ego?


A healed mind does not plan.

This can be so easily misunderstood so I want to chew on it for a few minutes with you.

So, when your mind is functioning correctly, it does not plan.

A fearless, defenseless, faith-filled, God centered mind does not make plans.

Before you can accept this, you first have to admit that there’s a whole lot going on here that you and I couldn’t possibly understand. Actually, our trying to understand just gets in the way. We only see part of what’s going on in the world. Knowing this, what business do we have to plan anything?

We don’t even know what’s actually going on!


Hahahaaa! That cat is us!


A Course in Miracles says:

A healed mind does not plan. A healed mind carries out the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own. A healed mind waits until it has been taught what should be done, and then proceeds to do it. A healed mind is secure in certainty that obstacles can not impede its progress to accomplishment of any goal that serves the greater plan established for the good of everyone.


Now, just for fun, let’s reverse that paragraph:

“An unhealed mind does plan. An unhealed mind does not carry out the plans it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own. An unhealed mind doesn’t wait until it has been taught what should be done.”

That sinks in a little deeper, doesn’t it?

Left to our own devices, we often make decisions out of fear, guilt, lack, anger, depression and separation. It NEVER goes well. Those are clear signs of an unhealed mind.

A Course in Miracles clearly says that “all attack is self attack”… We are constantly attacking ourselves but we never see it that way. We think the attack is coming from someone else but it’s really coming from our own thoughts of fear and guilt. In Lesson 135 the Course implies that PLANNING is a form of self attack. It points out that “all defenses are a form of self attack because they make the illusion of threat real and then attempt to handle them as if they were real.” It simply asks us to look closely at what we think we’re defending, how we defend it and against what.

Planning the future is a form of defense. It foresees some threat and then tries to produce a defense against it.

“Defenses are the plans you undertake to make against the Truth.” The Truth is that we are totally safe, eternal, innocent and beloved children of an All Knowing God. The Course also says that “In our defenselessness our safety lies.” Pretty clear isn’t it?



Think about it. Is there fear or guilt lurking below your planning? Is there a threat underneath the plans that you are not aware of and a thought that you should do something about it?

It’s not about what you do but what you are THINKING while you do it.

Operating from a healed mind isn’t difficult to do. Please don’t tell yourself that this shift will be hard. It actually flows easily and brings such a sense of relief. Depending on yourself for nothing is quite lovely!! It’s the epitome of “no pressure”!

Remembering to pause and ask.

THAT is where we need practice.


That’s why we study. We are retraining ourselves away from knee-jerk, autopilot, fear-based doing and planning. That’s why I have sticky notes all around my house (like the one at the top of this blog post)! Truth.

We won’t really believe this until we experience it. We won’t experience it unless we try it, experiment with it and practice getting out of the way. (Insert miracles here.)

I used to be a “serial planner”. I remember when I was in labor with my daughter Victoria; I literally grabbed my mother by the shirt and said, “WE NEED A PLAN! GO FIND THE DOCTOR AND GET ME A PLAN!” Yea, there’s a soul birthing itself, through me, into time and space and I wanted details so I could be fully prepared and in charge. Good one Linda.

When I was first married to my husband John, I’d ask him on a Monday how we should best plan for the week ahead. He’d say, “Babe! Can we just play it by ear?” My response was, “Who does that? “That’s so dumb and irresponsible.”

Oh the irony.

Now, I don’t plan. I love knowing God is running my life. There is never anything to worry about. Everything always turns out perfectly. Every time.

Now, when a self planning thought creeps in from fear, I simply respond:

“I am on to you! Sorry… you don’t run this show anymore, my God Self does.”

Here is what A Course in Miracles says about how planning affects the body:

“Enslavement of the body to the plans the unhealed mind sets up to save itself must make the body sick. It is not free to be the means of helping in a plan which far exceeds its own protection and which needs its service for a little while. In this capacity is health assured. For everything the mind employs for this will function flawlessly, and with the strength that has been given it and cannot fail.”


When I’m sick, in pain or in conflict, it’s because I’m using the body for my own plan which fearfully involves my own interests. I’m feeling lousy because I am not using my instrument for Truth. I’m not serving my purpose here which is for the good of every brother. A healed mind knows it’s only here to carry out God’s plan which involves joy and peace for everyone.

When I’m listening to the Holy Spirit and carrying out His plan, all obstacles are removed from my path. I am in a constant state of joy and peace and my body is healthy. I function “flawlessly” and can not fail. I CAN NOT FAIL!

My plan: I feel anxious and unsatisfied.

God’s plan: I feel like I’m on fire for life. I have energy. I feel healthy, awake and joyful.

Can you see how uncompromising this is?

So, when I’m doing all the planning, I must not believe that I will be provided for.

I’m planning based on my past and my fears and not allowing for God to come in.

I’m choosing against the Truth because I’m frightened.

It’s an old and worn out habit that I now see never worked.

Instead, you know that you don’t have to depend on yourself for anything except the adequacy to carry out the plan you are given, if only you’ll zip it and listen. Set your crazy schemes aside and listen. God is always, always, always speaking to you.

Drop the “me plan”, join with God and let His Love in with total confidence.


Jesus says we never make a plan alone. We only choose “with what you make them” meaning which friend do you plan with? Ego or the Holy Spirit? You decide. Idols or God?

Which one will you join with? (It’s one or the other and can never be both.)

Do you want your life in the hands of an insane ego or with God?

That is why we get up every morning and say:

“I will make no decisions by myself.”

And now, each moment of your life can become a meaningful encounter with the Truth.

This is the only purpose of this world.

This is the only “plan” that matters.


I give thanks for you and I love you.


Linda Leland

Teachers of God Foundation


> Please feel free to share your thoughts on any of the above in the blog comment area below! <

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0 thoughts on “What are you plans for tomorrow?

  1. Awesome article.
    I have been feeling worried about the future. I have been trying to figure out what to do and how to do it.
    Today I make no decisions by myself.
    Thank you, Linda, for that reminder.

  2. This is a miracle reading this blog this morning. I became aware of a whole set of defense mechanisms I employ, planning being the biggest of them. I cover up my fear with planning. Now I will sit with that fear and turn it over to Holy Spirit in peace rather than planning so I can run to stay ahead of that fear. Thank you.

  3. Thanks so much for this one! As always, it was perfect! One of my main worries in my life is that I am getting older (over 60) and have no savings, husband, or PLAN. My fear is that I will be sick, old and living on the streets and this keeps me from being at peace. I still have these thoughts com up but am getting better at stopping them sooner. I am realizing on a very deep level how incredibly insidious the ego really is…..

  4. Thank you Linda. I felt as though you’d written this article just for me, although I’ve come to realize, through the programmes, that there are many other ‘me’s out there, who feel just the same. I’ve spent so much of my life planning, to try and avoid things (and making myself sick), but the time when things work out best is when I take a step back and say…….”there is nothing for me to do but trust” and simply place the day, or the situation, in God’s hands. Then all works out just as it should, which I know it always will if I just stop interfering and let the Holy Spirit guide me.

  5. Linda,

    Great article! Wow……I’m having SO many AH HA moments with this 40 day course. SO grateful you are all there.


  6. Wow! This is perfect! I am a huge type A personality/planner! You really gave me a lot to think about! I am working on letting go! I also need to let go of my plan and allow God’s plan to take hold! Thank you so much for such wonderful inspiration!❤️????

  7. Sólo puedo agradecer este paso a paso que he vivido cada día desde que empecé mis 40 días; es increíble como sanar se hace tan sencillo aunque a veces parece doler, no sabía que guardaba tantos resentimientos en mi corazón, y que habían desencadenado una serie de comportamientos y enfermedades que realmente me estaban haciendo daño. Ahora sólo deseo encontrarme con cada persona y decirle cuánto la amo y cuánto la ama Dios. Mil gracias desde Colombia.

  8. I really appreciate this article very much. I needed this. Thank you for writing it because it really clears a lot up for me and helped me create a huge shift today.

  9. Like a miraculous happening this sharing came to me last night. It was a God prompting, I believe. Recently, my health concerns have taken the lion’s share of my thought and time. And I have to change my lifestyle. I absolutely do. My isolation took me to a depth of depression where I figured I would just eat what ever I wanted and then die alone. But since I have been in this program and have a new great granddaughter named, Miracle, and she is one! I decided and especially this program I decided I wanted to stick around for a while. But I have to change the way I have been living. My Dr. has told me, she can tell I am not taking care of myself. My labs reflect that. I told myself a story that my Son, had been my only help. And he has been very ill this past year. I told myself this, because my other children live further away and in my mind and thoughts have not been here to help me or offered. So, I just had a story that he would die, and I would either go before him or shortly after, so I would not be ignored with no support to help me. My intellect has always told me some real whoopers. And I was fretting and planning how to get my blood sugars to a decent level. Because I had decided that I did not want to end up dependent on someone to care for my needs. So I have been doing a lot of planning to the point that my practice has gone by the way side. I am on my exercise equipment several times a day, and eating very little. Then the message came from Linda. and it was a God thing. I am not sure what will happen? But I did find out yesterday, I have been telling myself a story about my daughter who lives a ways from me that is not true. That she does love me, that she has been trying to help her autisitic adult son, work full time in health care, drive her step son to work every day and help her step daughter. Basically her life is very busy, very stressful. So now I wonder how many other untruths I have believed?? Like the Ragu commercial. I wonder how many other things I did that were sort of out there? Thank you.Lynda, it is Lynda rather than Linda isn’t it? I Love you very much .

  10. Beautiful! Answer to my prayer actually! And goes along perfectly with Lisa’s 40 day program. I am so grateful for my connection with the Teachers of God. There is definitely a shift happening!!!! Thank you! 🙂

  11. Great sharing Linda. Thank you so much. Nice to know that I have been on the right track for a very long time in this area. Just let ego’s perceptions confirm the external worlds ideas were and didn’t trust God’s voice. This article was a great confirmation for me and I am in the midst of program and the transformation that takes place during it. Lovely to have this to solidify it even more…..Wonderful. Thank you again. Love you

  12. Awesome post, Linda, and very timely, thank you! Sitting in stillness today, I heard, “You are holding your heart closed to God”, which came as a huge surprise, so I immediately took it to the Holy Spirit. Just read your post, and the message in it for me was, “Join with God and let His Love in with total confidence.” I bless you and love you <3

  13. Me encanta este blog, como estudiante de Un Curso de Milagros me resulta bastante util, para obtener nuevas perspectivas acerca de mi proposito de despertar al amor verdadero.

    Me gustaria, si es posible, insertaran una seccion con estos articulos traducidos al español, particularmente, no soy muy buena en el idioma ingles y al pasarlos por un traductor, se pierde la secuencia de las ideas.

    Gracias por estar alli a nuestro servicio, me gustaria formar parte de ese grupo

    • Hola Yanira ,

      Gracias por su mensaje y siempre estamos encantados de saber que la gente aprecia lo que se ofrece ! Estamos en el proceso de la investigación de una función de traducción / herramienta que permita a los lectores a traducir todas las páginas y entradas de blog de ​​este sitio web en el idioma de su elección . Así que estamos trabajando y esperamos this tener este disponible pronto – que no tengo ninguna fecha concreta , ya que queremos asegurarnos de que tenemos algo que funciona bien para todo el mundo . He utilizado una herramienta de traducción para responder a su mensaje , así que espero que esto tiene sentido ! Bendiciones!