Awareness Is Hearing God’s Voice
I love this topic and ACIM workbook lesson 49: “God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.”
I was talking to Lisa today and we were discussing this workbook lesson and a situation that seemed like I had invited conflict to rise up and be in my experience for a few days that was quickly becoming unpleasant for me and disturbing my peace.
As I was describing the situation to Lisa I was becoming very aware of the drama surrounding it that I hadn’t noticed before. In that moment I realized I did not want the conflict, I only wanted peace and that is exactly what occurred. Denial and affirmation. The part of the mind that was silently in the background looked on the situation and said NO, then I (the person) chose Peace.
It is my experience that Bill the person did not make the decision or choose differently but instead the option of conflict and differences was seen from that place of Pure Awareness and the choice for separation and differences dissolved on the spot. From there, the choice was made to say, “no more”…
I feel the person (Bill) did not make this choice for Peace but that Peace was a result of a decision made in the mind which was carried out by the person. Does this make sense?
This is the power of being the observer and it happens so fast we think it is the person who decides…
To listen to God’s Voice only do this:
Get quiet, Still the mind and Rest in the background of Awareness where God is…
“I am this that sees and there is nothing to report.”
Bill Free
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Thank you very much. Very helpful. I Love you.
Many thanks, Bill. A gift to know I
need do nothing but be still and listen
– the guidance I receive is always on
target. Love you and Lisa and so
Thank you Bill. Your message ran very deep for me.It seems we are so filled with guilt about being inactive , not working , inoperative , not engaging. And yet to really get to this place of stillness and peace is in some ways involving more will than believing we are being busy all day. Once having tasted the nectar of this peace, the ‘voice’ for me repeats at times during each day that great line from your American police movies – “Put the gun down and step away”.
Dear bill,
I got it!!! The light bulb went on. Thank you so much for sharing with us. This is a huge step for me.
Fantastic! !! So clear. Glad to know I not only one who doesn’t hear a voice. Thanks so much for doing this. A great adjunct to Lisa’s program.
Thank you Bill, this has been a question in my own mind. I have a great willingness to hear the voice of God in my mind. I will rest in the peace and in my quietness letting all judgement go.
Music, I love music and I play music softly in the background. When you say quiet, is music a distraction?
Thank you for this message Bill. Have become aware this week of just how much my mind wanders away from being centred in God. A wonderful reminder to be still, listen, and not let the little things of the world pull me away.
Hi thank you all for the comments.
Kristine, music is not a distraction for me and often allows the perfect setting for no mind which is the quiet space.
The mind is not bad or wrong either it just happens until we stop giving attn: to it. When it happens it’s just the play of life and we are quietly watching in a state of peace and joyful gratitude of being:)
with love
Bill thank you. That was such a clear, calm, safe, honest sharing. I received so much from that video. It’s effortless when we pause, observe and allow the light to shine. I love you
Thank you so much for your sharing and for your teachings, Bill. Do you know that I carry YOU and YOUR VOICE with me all through the day? I do! Thank you and I love you!
Thank you so much Bill for this confirmation. No matter how many times I see something happen, such as when I allow peace to be my focus, I do forget and have to be reminded. Right now all is peace, so it is an excellent time to integrate what you shared. No need to filter through the debris that sometimes takes place in the head of this one writing this. So grateful you shared this with us. Blessings, iriana
Bill – first, thanks for your email with directions to this connection – and it was wonderful to meet you “in person” on the video – your message was right on target – found myself relaxing and smiling – Thanks.