I want to talk about “New Year’s Resolutions” with you for a minute.
I’m going to be honest; I’ve been writing this article for days! Writing, rewriting, researching, reading, cutting, pasting, questioning and rearranging.
After time in prayer, I deleted 90% of it.
I removed the heart-opening quotes from A Course in Miracles about starting a new year. I erased paragraphs full of good reasoning, prayer-full pearls of wisdom, my funny little anecdotes, attention-grabbing graphics, and thoughtful explanations. DELETE!
I gathered all the wisdom I collected and broke it down as simply as I could until it was only bare bones.
Here goes!
Don’t base your New Year’s resolution on changing anything of the body or fixing any factor outside of you such as your looks, social life, workplace, finances, relationships, habits or personality traits.
It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. It’s not going to work this year. It just won’t work.
Lurking beneath those resolutions, what you really want is to feel more love, more abundant, healthy and safe. You are merely trading one illusion for another… over and over and over again.
You ARE pure Love, you have everything and you are eternally safe with God.
The ONLY resolution worth making is to remove the blocks to this Truth; to God.
However, and listen carefully: None of this is going to happen unless you choose it for yourself.
Stop looking for Love in all the wrong places!
Jesus didn’t go into the desert for 40 days to lose weight or to become a better healer so he’d earn more golden coins! His ONLY resolve was to Know God. To Know Himself.
He knew he had to shift out of his normal patterns. He chose to attune Himself to new frequencies that are always there but drowned out when we’re sleep walking through life. He created a space for more Light to come in.
Now that’s a resolution!
After 40 days, He left the desert enlightened. Jesus no longer identified himself as the son of Joseph but as the Son of God. He knew He was never alone. He felt the totality of the great Love of God in a way that He’d never felt before. He knew He was in the Presence of an infinite, eternal substance, richly endowed with the fullness of All-Good. Now, He was aligned with an unshakable, invulnerable Love, security and abundance.
I want THAT for 2016. Will you join me?
The FREE 40-Day Transformation Program starts January 1st. It’s the best way I know of to interrupt old habitual patterns and let the Light in. It’s your turn. THIS is a consciousness shifter. When you fast from negative old thinking patterns, you become aware of things you didn’t even know were going on! You receive signals you’ve never received before. It’s the same amount of time Moses, Buddha and Jesus took for a full transformation and its here for you, right now, in your own home. You don’t need to go sit on a mountain top or under a tree!
I’m certain that the changes that came for Moses, Buddha and Jesus came from their decision to a new way of being. They were determined to look away from their old life and sit quietly until they knew the Truth. You’ll be amazed at how your problems, pain and sickness disappear when you realize how directly your thoughts and your physical experiences are connected and when you choose to make room for God’s Love.
Saying “Yes” is the single most important New Year’s Resolution you could ever make. In Truth, it’s the only one worth making.
So, set aside the diets and the guilty promises to be “better” in 2016 and join me for a time of discovery and awareness. For 40 days, you will acknowledge that there is a Presence & Power with you, as you. This Presence is your Inner Teacher and your Guide. This is how joyful, Loving, brilliant and lasting transformation happens.
I AM ALL IN… Are you?
I can’t wait to meet you! Click the button below to register…
You may have already signed up for the 40-Day Program, and if that’s the case, you are all set to begin! If you registered for any previous 40-Day Program, like the one that started on August 1st, you are *not* automatically registered for this upcoming one so you’ll have to sign up again to receive the messages that start on January 1st. Please note: Once the program begins, the “gates” will close, so register now while you can!
[su_button url=”https://kr173.infusionsoft.com/app/form/40-day-program-registration” size=”18″ center=”yes” radius=”20″ desc=”40-Day Transformation Program”]Register Here![/su_button]
Let’s do this! Its time to step into your greatness.
With so much Love and excitement for our unfolding,
Linda Leland
Teachers of God Foundation
First, I love the New Year’s resolution!
I am registered for the 40-day but will be at a retreat for 6 days in January and may not be able to participate during that time. If not, is it ok to catch up?
Sure thing! 🙂
The Peace of God is my only goal! This year I resolve to know my Truth and to see my oneness with God!
After I read this Linda I knew why I was experiencing a shift in focus and consciousness. Did message you on FB with my blog post from last night. I have done the program 4 times and had decided to do it again because Lisa has updated the content. Totally have my focus on knowing and being One with God. That is all there is!!! Thank you so much.
I am so excited to start this process. Being one with God is my focus for 2016. I feels like coming home. Thank you for this opportunity to learn how to be more connected to God. You are right . . . It really is all that matters.
I am on Day 4 of the Program, and I would like to share a miracle that happened this morning. I hadn’t quite adjusted my routine to include time with God, so I set a phone appointment for 8am this morning. Just as I was listening to Lisa’s video, my call came through. I felt a little panicked and confused, but decided to answer the phone. The first thing the caller said was, “Whose idea was it to set this silly appointment?” My Beloved had opened a door! I was able to reschedule with ease and return to my devotional time. Yay!
I just made these, and ate two in one sitting! The rest I shall freeze. Wonderful, fluffy, puffy and they taste just like the ones I buy in Chinatown. Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm so impressed with your detailed posts and beautiful phoyrgoapht, I'm going to cook a lot more from your blog. Chocolate wraps here I come 🙂