The New 40-Day Program – What It Is – and New Bonus Feature: Ending Addiction Once And For All.

I love the idea of new year, a new beginning and a clean slate.

You might already know this – I am doing a new 40-Day Program with new videos, new messages and new content starting on January 1, 2016 – which is this coming Friday.

If you are interested in doing it, you need to sign up for it.

Click here:

Some of the daily messages will stay the same because we have received such incredible reports of healing and transformation that I want to keep The Best of The Best of The Best Practices in there – but I decided to flip the 40-Day Program upside down and start with the end at the beginning.

The videos are completely brand new.

This email message will explain the changes and how it’s different.

It begins January 1st and like always, it’s free!!

Before I describe the new changes, I want to tell you about a new feature I’m adding this time around, which is totally optional and not necessary.


If you want to end an addiction and use this 40-Day period as the time to do it, you can sign an agreement that you will not engage in the behavior you are ready to let go of. This part of the 40-Day Program is TOTALLY OPTIONAL and NOT necessary for program.


Starting on January 1, 2016:



I’m adding the new optional feature/agreement because its how I ended 5 years of struggling with alcoholism and cigarette smoking. I went on a 30-Day Retreat in March 2001 where I was required TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT saying that for 30-Days I would not smoke, drink, do drugs or eat meat while I was there. These were the conditions to attend the retreat and I had to sign an agreement … and I was happy and excited to do it!!


I was excited by the idea. It wasn’t a struggle at all. I wanted to give 100% and I knew that my life was about to change dramatically.

So I signed the agreement KNOWING – it was an absolute Knowing – that I could easily go 30-days without engaging in my usual self-sabotaging behavior.

I knew I could 30-Days without a drink or a cigarette.

And that was the key.

I KNEW I would not “pick up” again for 30 days. I knew it was going to be easy. I knew I would not drink, smoke, do drugs or eat meat because I really wanted a new experience and I trusted that these people knew what they were doing. I was excited even. It felt good. It felt great.

And alcoholism and my desire to smoke left me. I never picked up again. That was almost 15 years ago in March 2001. I have never had a single craving since. The addiction literally left me.

This is the kind of healing described in A Course in Miracles – where there is no “process. You make an Inner Shift in your mind and everything changes.

So, I’m adding this NEW FEATURE to the 40-Day Program to anyone who is interested in stopping a way of being that is not serving you.

Again, it’s totally optional. I don’t care if you drink or smoke or do drugs or eat meat. I have no judgment whatsoever. There’s no right or wrong. You’re totally free to do what you want and nothing can change your reality in truth – YOU ARE SPIRIT, WHOLE AND PERFECT.

If you love drinking and smoking, go right ahead and enjoy!

However, if you want to quit something, I support you in letting it go. I encourage you to use these 40-days as a new life for yourself.

Only you know if there’s something in your life that’s a distraction and that’s numbing you. Only you know if you’re ready to let it go. It can be sugar, shopping, tv, alcohol, drugs, Facebook, etc.

And then you’ll sign an agreement to yourself and we’ll do it together for 40-days – a new way of living.


It’s a 40-day Trip where you get to know your Self – your True Self.

The 40-Day Program begins on January 1, 2016 – which is this coming Friday.

It’s different that the last one.

I’m doing new videos and new messages.

You will be clearing things out BEFORE we begin (clearing your physical space AND your mental space – getting rid of things that no longer serve you – complaining, grievances, judgments).

You’ll be making a commitment to stand still and allow everything to be EXACTLY as it is without fixing it so that whatever is buried in you has a chance to come to the surface so it can be released.

AND finally, you will be writing YOUR TRUE WAY OF BEING – how you are in truth, how God created you. You’ll be using ideas from the workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles to write this NEW WAY OF BEING.

For example: I AM SPIRIT. God is my Source. I am not alone. I have a Guide. He leads. I follow. I’m whole, complete, healed and perfect. The peace of God is shining in me now. God is Love and so am I. I choose the joy of God over pain. I’m strong, powerful, certain and unlimited. Light and peace and joy abide in me. Etc.

You’ll be asking in quiet for your own vision, remembering WHAT YOU ARE IN TRUTH, then add in specific details about what your day looks like. What your life looks like, now that all your problems have been solved, now that the problem of separation has been solved.

You’ll be making The Inner Shift from fear to love before we even begin Day 1.

Then making a commitment TO LIVE and BE your True Way of Being for the entire 40-days.

It will be 40-days of WATCHING YOURSELF LIKE A HAWK.


You will be Watching and Noticing and Paying Attention to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, responses, reactions. Paying attention to the words that come out of your mouth, and the thoughts you think – realizing there are no idle thoughts.

All thoughts have power, so you’ll be paying attention during this time to what you are thinking and saying and feeling.

And 40-Days of acknowledging that you have a Guide, an Inner Teacher.


It’s 40-days of knowing you are not alone. 40-Days of Quieting your mind, Listening to guidance, receiving instructions and following them, LEARNING TO TRUST. A retreat from the world, a retreat from all your stories.

There will be 3 days of Getting Ready (starting on January 1st) before we actually enter into the 40-days with “Day 1” on January 4th.

But the messages and videos begin on January 1 because the 3-day Preparation is super important. It’s free – sign up here:


Another important element in this 40-days is that IT’S FOR YOU.

When Jesus was in his 40-days, he was alone. He didn’t try to help anyone.

He did not to be nice or kind or good. He didn’t even try to be helpful.

This was a time for his undoing, for purification, for communion with God, and for confronting his fears, looking directly at them and not running away. When the 40-days was over, and HE KNEW WHO HE WAS AND WHO GOD IS, then his public ministry began.

THEN – when his 40-Days ended – he was very active with people – but not a minute before.

There are no recorded miracles BEFORE Jesus entered into the wilderness.

The miracles all came after he left the desert, when HE KNEW it was God who was doing everything.

“Miracles occur naturally as an expression of love.” -A Course in Miracles

The 40-days is a time of being tempted by the devil (the ego – your own fear-based thoughts, which are unreal) .

This 40-days is for you, for your undoing, for your release, for your connection with God. And NOT a time to help others. It’s not a time to be a “nice” person to others. It’s not a time to teach to others in the hopes “they get it.”

For 40-days Jesus was alone with himself with his thoughts.

And so it is with you – this is your time. It’s for you.

40-Days is a gift you give to yourself.

If this sounds like something you want to do, click here and sign up:


[su_button url=”” size=”18″ center=”yes” radius=”20″ desc=”40-Day Transformation Program”]Register Here![/su_button]


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0 thoughts on “The New 40-Day Program – What It Is – and New Bonus Feature: Ending Addiction Once And For All.

  1. A veritable list of Wh12#8&o7;s WHO?Proves just how hard it is to crack into and stay in the NHL, even as 1st and 2nd round picks (and/or just how bad some of our top choices years ago were).