When I was in my 20s, living in New York City, there was a fundraiser for my childhood library in Tilton, New Hampshire. You could purchase a stone for the outside walkway and have a saying carved into it. I thought “what is my all-time favorite inspirational saying ?” that I could put into a small block of granite? Most people purchased the stone as memorial for other people who had passed on. I wanted to put a quote: a saying that would inspire me as well as possibly inspire others who walked across that stone. I imagined hundreds of people walking over this stone to enter the library (thousands even over a lifetime!) and what I might possibly say that would cause someone to PAUSE and to see a new possibility for their life.
My quote for the library stone:
It’s from Henry David Thoreau.
Here is the full quote:
“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau, Walden
I love this idea of living life as AN EXPERIMENT and ADVANCING CONFIDENTLY in the direction of what you have imagined.
And it is to this I have devoted my life: LIVING the life I have imagined.
If you know me as a teacher of A Course in Miracles, you know my #1 instruction is to LIVE these principles. Don’t just think about them, don’t just study them, don’t sit around talking about them. LIVE THEM. PRACTICE THEM. APPLY THEM.
It is only by LIVING the ideas – by living what you imagine – that you see change.
So what was the life I imagined?
I imagined a world of people that are inherently GOOD – and where I was consciously and deliberately aware of their goodness, and honoring it and acknowledging it.
It means that I see myself as inherently good – and NOT as the shameful guilty person I believed myself to be for so many years.
Inherent means “existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.”
Inherent means “built in”
This is what I imagined: a world of people that as GOOD, friendly, kind, generous, helpful.
In A Course in Miracles Jesus imagines a world where “every hand is joined in love”
And I began to LIVE THIS WAY – as if every person is inherently good.
I imagined that I loved everyone. I saw that this was possible and that I could live this way.
I imagined that everyone was my friend, and NOT a stranger to be feared.
I imagined that everyone is the light of the world, no matter what they have done.
I used to not tell people that I saw this way this because every time I did the conversation would inevitably turn to questions: “Well what about the murderers? What about the rapists? Many people are evil and dangerous.”
Well, what about them?
They are inherently GOOD – innocent, pure love. They are the light of the world.
If someone is murdering or raping, they don’t know who they are. They have forgotten their Identity as the Self that God created. Therefore, they are not in their right mind.
No one in their right mind would harm another … ever.
Jesus up on the cross 2000 years ago, looked down on those who were crucifying him and said “Forgive them Father. For they know not what they do.”
People who don’t know their Identity as Spirit in a state of grace forever know NOT what they do.
Because in your right mind, you acknowledge your Oneness. You realize that “this other” – this “neighbor” – is you and you would love them as yourself.
Now obviously, the majority of the world does not live this way.
Many still have fences and defenses up in order to protect themselves and keep themselves “safe”
But there is a shift occurring. And many people – THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS – are beginning to LIVE in Oneness, determined to see the Christ in everyone – no matter what the behavior of the person is.
We each have the ability to see beyond appearances to the Truth that is really there.
In the 40-Day Program on Day 20, the topic is “Defenses are Fences.” Whatever you attempt to keep separate from you, YOU will suffer the consequences of the belief in separation.
This morning I imagined something new. I imagined telling people how I see – that everyone is inherently GOOD – and that instead of questions (as has been my past history – because of my belief), they would get excited for new possibilities and want to practice living in a new way.
I imagine you reading this blog post and instead of wanting to question me about all “the bad people in the world”, I imagine you looking at your own life and seeing a new possibility, a new way of living. I am image you feeling enthusiasm and joy about seeing only the good in people when you meet them!
Another great quote I love: “I see God in every face. I see good in every situation.” -Florence Scovel Shinn
This way of LIVING did not happen overnight for me.
I truly believe that anyone CAN change their seeing in one instant – NOW – and from this moment on see ONLY the Love of God in everyone. But I have, up to this point, never met anyone who has done it that way, in an instant.
I am open to it happening. I IMAGINE it happening.
Where in a sudden burst of realization, individuals around the world remember Who They Are and let go of all judgment, fear, lack, grievances and upsets.
Imagine that!
Imagine a world where everyone has remembered the Love they are – they have remembered their innocence and the Power of God which they are One with.
Now imagine LIVING this way – knowing that everyone remembers their Identity.
It’s could cause an instant global awakening.
Last year a good friend of mine who facilitates A Course in Miracles group called me in frustration. She had that no one in her ACIM group was doing the work. She said no was practicing. She said no one is serious nor dedicated. She said that no one really wanted peace. She said they all just wanted to stay in their problems. She said that she was the only one who was dedicated.
I said: NO. They ALL want peace. They are all dedicated. I have been around enough people to know that EVERYONE WANTS PEACE and EVERYONE WANTS TO DO THE WORK. You must see them differently. THEN they will change.
I invited her to SEE and LIVE this way – as if every single person in her group was totally committed and dedicated and practicing.
I reminded her of the basic principle of A Course in Miracles – that her thought that “no one wants this” was resulting in a perception of “no one wanting this”. She was literally getting a mirror reflection of her own thinking!!
She called me a month later, all excited and happy, saying: YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!!! I changed my mind and everyone changed!! I saw everyone as totally dedicated and suddenly they all become that!
She said that some dropped away from this group and that many other newcomers started showing up for the first time.
It works.
What you believe and focus on is what you will see.
You will “meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW! Do you see everyone as inherently good? Do you have a practice for seeing beyond people’s stories, complaints, negativity, and their seemingly “bad” behavior? How would you feel going through life seeing everyone as your FRIEND, as a gift from God, as One with you.
Thank you for showing up and for reading this!
I love you.
If you want to LIVE and PRACTICE in a new way, we offer a 6-Month Mastery Program called Living in Purpose. The next Living in Purpose program starts on July 1, 2016: You can check out the details about it here: http://teachers-of-god-foundation.teachable.com/courses/living-in-purpose
There are videos there – one by me Lisa Natoli and one from Linda Leland describing Living in Purpose and TONS of amazing beauiful testimonials from people who have already taken it and seen their lives transformed. There’s also a one-hour phone recording and a transcript of that call. Click here: http://teachers-of-god-foundation.teachable.com/courses/living-in-purpose
This is my favorite topic ever!! I love it all. I love knowing I can walk this earth in total Love. No matter what! And if I’m seeing a brother who is not in his right mind and judging or fearing him…I’m not in my right mind either. Thanks, once again, Lisa. Xo
I love this topic and the wisdom you have put into the subject. Thank You I have to say I have noticed that when I witness certain behaviors I use to say to myself…they are acting out of “fear not Love” and that is the reason for the way they are behaving, and that is a good reason but lately I notice I think instead that they are acting out because they know not who they are, they don’t know who has his hand out waiting for them to take it and if they did boy oh boy would they feel better. They don’t remember they are the light of the world, they don’t remember they are a Son of God, that they are perfect and who as they are. So I can pause and hand over my heart (don’t care where I am I do it) and send them love and blessings. On my way home from work this morning I was listening to one of my favorite bands, Pearl Jam and a song “Nothingman” was playing and there is a line in it that says…”he who believes will be destined to remember….” and it just screamed out at me…YES. Believe, trust and you will remember.
I love you and all the paths you show me.
My take-away sentence that just hits me square between the eyes from this, “Because in your right mind, you acknowledge your Oneness. You realize that “this other” – this “neighbor” – is you and you would love them as yourself.” If I’m not acknowledging oneness with this brother, I’m insane. Thank you Lisa, beautifully said! XXXXXX
In every person ,I see only love ,only peace ,only joy for that is the Truth of who we are in the world …..my life unfolds with love …..this is my conscious choice to walk my path of life as an Ambassador of and for God
Blessings and gratitude to this wonderful 40 day program reinforcing the Truth of life
Yes I do see only the good and the other day a young student living in our home asked me why I was happy and I told him because I don’t think I just thank god all day for everyone and everything… He tried it that day and came to me weeks laters late at nite in tears of joy saying he was doing that from that moment on and his whole life became beautiful all his fears were gone and his life was full of opportunities and he just had to tell me and thank me???? Thank You God that only the truth of who we are is True‼️‼️????
I love this it is so simple, yet, so difficult. I feel I am getting there very slowly. It is so much easier with strangers than with family and loved ones.
Lisa I am in the 40 day program right now and the shift in my perception is reflected in the way I am now seeing the good in others. Before I would not look at or acknowledge strangers or people I see every day at work. Now I see them, acknowledge them and smile because I’m looking at them with love. What a difference it makes! I can’t think of any time someone did not respond with a smile in return. If they don’t or seem preoccupied I send them love and prayers because there is probably something in their heart preventing them from recognizing love at that moment. I don’t take it personally. I take it as an opportunity to love more!
I love the 40 day program and your blogs. Thank you. I love you.
HA! I JUST finished writing in my journal, “I am willing to see the Light within all others, and I’m willing to see the Light shine within me” when I hit the email button and in seeming neon lights is” Imagine: The ability to see Only Good in everyone, all the time.” Synchronicity? Thanks Lisa for the words of wisdom, AND the reminder that I am guided if I will just get out of my own way. XO
Thank you Lisa, I really needed to read this today. A good analogy is when I think of the person as a newborn — totally innocent and lovable. Just as God created us. We are pure and innocent.
Good Morning. This conversation is exactly where I needed to be this morning. The two other people that join me every morning for a CIM conference call got hit by the same energy I experienced yesterday.
I do try to notice when others exhibit particular behaviors that that is not who they really are. And I wonder if I could see myself as being loved in every moment; as the pure essence of who I am; and fully present in this moment; whether I would even see those “particular behaviors” in others.
I am not there yet folks. No instant awakening. But I will continue to be in the conversation and am grateful to you all for keeping me here.
I do see the good in everyone! Quite often that is opposed by family and friends. I continue to live in the Light and choose to see everyone as the Light of the World! I love the image of all of Gods children holding hands…..
Perfect reminder to send one Love to all love the comment I don’t think I thank God for everyone and everything my heart is healing from you and all these prayers and blessings we send to all I am forever grateful for us united helping to lift us out of the mud to light
That made so much sense to me. I have numerous examples of seeing that in action in my own life. Projecting onto others. Then, when I spot what I’m doing, and change the projection – magic happens. I was reminiscing with a friend recently about a holiday we’d gone on together 33 years ago. She said that at the time she was “nursing a broken heart”; and I said to her, “yes, and I was cracked in the head at that time” – or to use the terminology from ACIM ‘I wasn’t in my right mind’. But yet, I wouldn’t change those life experiences, because I know that without each and every one of my lived experiences, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today.
thank you lisa. endless Love, nicci
I love this and the reminder that it is : that we are all hidden in our brothers. If I want to have a true and authentic relationship with mySelf ( and that’s the only relationship any of us are having anyway because the “others” are just mirrors) then the doorway to that reality is hidden in oneness. My brother. My coworkers. My spouse. My kids. All have me in them! These days I’ve taken to this mantra – laugh about it! Just lighten it by laughing at yourself and your inability to love. That takes the weight off all the heavy guilt I can have for not being able to be a savior and love unconditionally. The ego does not like me laughing at that! That REALLY makes me laugh harder!!
Nice to review a lesson in a different way. It makes it fresher, and helps cut through the layers of ego that cloud lessons already learned. Thank you!
Blessing to you and all that are on this journey we call life – I love expressing we are all ONE – knowing our reality is only SPIRIT!
Hi Lisa… just wanted to say I love you! ❤
This reminds me of a comment by Peace Pilgrim, who said: “In all people I meet — though some may be governed by the self-centered nature and may not know their potential at all — I see that divine spark, and that’s what I concentrate on. All people look beautiful to me; they look like shining lights to me.”
Ooooh Lisa, thank you, thank you. This post gave me one of those moments when something just shifted, lifted. It’s a beautiful day here today too and I just see beauty all around me……What is my practice?…Well, when my children were small, if there was ever any problem with one of the neighbourhood kids, I used to imagine that that child was mine, and in my mind I would put my arm round him and love him. If you see others as belonging to you, then there’s no problem. Sometimes I just superimpose Jesus over someone, so that I see Jesus and not the person I had imaged. Love and gratitude….always. Thank you.
I was sat in silence this morning reflecting on the past week.
I just realized that when I lean into the personal story too much, which I did this week, I feel anxious, ungrounded, dissatisfied, unfulfilled, and guilty.
Everyone got lumped with my projections. I was asleep again.
I just realized it is a dance right now as I journey with this split-mind.
I read ” Guilt is insane”
That brought me back to my right mind with a loud clap.
I felt the innocence again instantly.
My favorite statement last week was
There is not enough time in a day.
Insane…as if!!! LOL
The light has returned. I said Thank You God. Then i picked up my emails and there you were Lisa. Reflecting my present state of mind. Proof that it is up to me and all is well. Change your mind and change your life.
I am dancing in the light today.
All those new imaginings your having…
Well that’s me. I Am That.
Thank You Might Companion.
Thank you, Lisa, for another wonderful post. I love the way you write about your experience of communing with God.
One of my very, very favorite quotes from the Course is “Spirit is in a state of grace forever. Your reality is only Spirit. Therefore, you are in a state of grace forever.” I wrote a song inspired by it one day while walking on the beach. May we all write and sing and dance the Truth. Everyone IS inherently good!
So when we know, rather than merely believe, everyone is good, what next? How about everyone is at peace, everyone is happy, everyone is joy incarnate? Seems quite a stretch when I look around. Yet what is vision if not the clear focus on what actually is, undistorted by the shadowy remnants of a thought system predicated on fear?
Thank you, lovely Lisa, for shining your light so effectively on that which we need to see.
I LOVE IT LISA….I Literally Love IT…not only will I share with Our ACIM group…but….????????…as USual..I will use this…for English Home work..in class!!!Thank You!!!
I love this line ‘they would get excited for new possibilities and want to practice living in a new way.’. Just by me changing my belief, others start to respond to it. It all begins with me. I am feeling peace joy calmness in my mind and all around me. I am feeling so alive with this open fearless way of life and I am imagining everyone living like that. Everyone wants peace love and brotherhood, and they have it right now. Love it! My life is a blessing. ThankU.
This is so beautiful Lisa, it makes me want to cry. I feel the exact same way. Everyone is inherently good, and that is so powerful. Thank you.
WOW !!!!!! You miracle workers are THE BEST !!! I loved reading all these messages. Thank you so much. I’m so grateful. I love that the comments on this website show up in my email box so that I see them all – I am blessed and blown away by so many of you showing up the way you are showing up. I’m sure Jesus is high-five-ing the angels that FINALLY the light has gotten through to so many here on earth. I love you.
I love you too Lisa.
I am SO GLAD that your take on “living the life you imagine” was focused on Oneness, and opposed to “getting stuff”— when I started the Course I took down all my vision boards— not that there’s anything wrong with the, but it seems our society is so concerned with getting STUFF, and keeping up w/ the Joneses, that at first when I read that quote about “living the life you imagine”, I thought, oh no, more imagining winning the lottery, having a mansion in Aruba, etc, etc!!!!!!!! What really struck me was in the book “Love is Letting go of Fear” by Gerald Jampolsky, he had a diagram of someone juggling all those kinds of Things that they wanted— but what people REALLY want is PEACE OF MIND….and to make that the ONE GOAL. It makes so much sense….thanks for the article.
Thank you for the invitation to IMAGINE!!
It takes courage to imagine and break the spell of repeating the past!
I imagine seeing everyone as Love all the time and knowing myself as only Love all of the time under all circumstances.
That is the most exciting life experience I can imagine, and one which I want for everyone.
Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your vibration and frequency of Love with us. I see the words of the Course in a new way every time I hear you speak or read your words.
Hi Lisa …you rock …all your messages inspire , thks …bless you .
I am going to put this into practice with my published books. Rather than seeing little to no one buying my books and saying to myself: no one is interested in my books. I guess I have no talent. I will turn it around and tell myself the opposite.
Thanks for the reminder, and what great lesson!
Hi Lisa loved your comments about seeing only love, which are the teachings of a Course In Miracles. Somehow when your message there is a sincerity which truly resonate with. I love you Lisa
Yes. I found myself this morning with my son and coworkers going into judgement, attack, and then I said NO! I am not centered in Christ.In that instant I had all this LOVE flowing through and I saw the LOVE in all. Thank you Lisa, for being our earthy guide back to heaven on earth.
Love it Lisa! Thank you! I remembered that call and the amazing response after I changed my mind. Thank you so much! I learned since that time a new way of seeing! Love you❤️
Here I am in southern France in a place where noone knows the “Course”. Thank God for internet ! I do every day…. Lisa, you are like the balm that one would gently pour onto a drying plant. The part of your message that was an impacting reminder is about remaining “miracle-minded” at all times about whatever is appearing in form. I WILL remember that the “French” & I are One, equally seeking Peace and Joy, however it looks. Today I shall practise that “seeingness”… Much Gratitude & Love….tou Us All Xxx
Thank you Lisa . wonderful post. I love you all
this is beautiful. i am still on day 32, i think and yesterday there was a massacre in orlando, and while i feel sad, and afraid, mostly i feel let’s stop hurting each other. i have been a very very angry person all of my life and also very loving.
for whatever reason, it has been very hard to let go of my anger and fear, and i just feel llke i want to love everyone, how sad for all of those who died and their families and all of us and yet, i don’t feel hate for who did, it just sorrow, that he did that, and what demons he must be facing to do that.
i dont want to attack muslims or anyone. i just want love for all of us everywhere.
I’ve always believed and “saw” the total goodness in people and known that when they don’t “show” this good it still displays “Underneath it All”.
Love, Rose
Hi, Lisa,
I have been working hard on attempting to do just as you describe. It has been difficult on given days and in given situations, but when I am able to follow through as you say, practice it–not just talk about it or think about it, I have been pleasantly surprised. It gives me more reason to stay the course. You describe it well and I’m always thankful for hearing that other people truly do benefit from following this process. Thanks!
What a beautiful message! I am dedicated to transcendent vision and your words invite me to an even larger vision than I have held for the entire world and universe. What joy I experience holding this new vision! What power there is in so many of us, more and more each day imagining this new world. Lovely.
Thank you,
Lisa dearest, your article gave me Godbumps all!over!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Upon reflecting what you wrote, it all of the sudden dawned on me that I mostly judge people personally for who they are, when I see them as “bad”, even ” satanic” like for instance the shooter of Orlando. Instead of seeing him as pure Love as he was created in Gods’ own Image, with the Christ living inside him, I mix up deed and being. I now realize fully what a huge mistake this is! God never looks upon us like that! He may “judge” our deeds, as in: we will all one day realize before or after death where our walk on earth may have taken some wrong turns and what we caused with our behavior. But that is not what we must burden ourselves with! When I see my own Light, when I see what I truly AM, then my brother is just as much created in Gods’ Image, being Love and Light. Seeing only this in myself and others can help the world to awaken. I am convinced! And I have started on it immediately. No more half-excused in betweens. No more! There is a time when all the understanding doesn’t help anymore. I live it 100% and nothing else will do! Thank you for helping me make that step. It feels so natural and easy, like slipping on a fresh newly washed garment. I love you Lisa!!!! Hugs from Joan