Blessings and Love to you, Miracle Worker!
I made a decision yesterday afternoon that this next 40-Day Program which starts on August 1st – 2 days from now! – will be THE LAST TIME these particular videos are offered. I am ready for something new!
If you have been wanting to do this 40-Day Program and have been putting it off for the future, please make sure you sign up now:
This it it! Let’s give it everything.
If you have taken it already, thank you very much!
If you still have any lingering doubt or conflict or guilt, do it again and give it everything – 100%!
If you loved it, and you know friends and family who might be interested in it, please forward this email to them or send them the link to sign up.
Almost everyone who has even taken this 40-Day program, found out about it because a friend told them about it.
With all my heart, thank you to everyone who has told someone about this program. I appreciate it – grateful for your encouragement and generosity to help someone out there who is struggling.
And this is it. The last round for these particular videos.
Each video has been transcribed with love (thank you Ley Blythe!) and there is daily message from me with a daily practice to make it easy to shift from fear to love, from pain to joy, from grievances to gratitude.
This program has also been translated into Spanish (thank you Martha Aida De Ochoa!):
I made these videos back in May 2013 and many people love them because their lives have been transformed.
A lot of people love these videos so much that they HAVE BEGGED ME not to change them. haha. Thank you so much for all your love and gratitude and support, and mostly THANK YOU for doing the work and practicing and applying A Course in Miracles to all the situations in your life. That’s when you see the changes.
But for me, it’s time for something new!
I’ll be making new videos, but I have no idea when or how they will be offered. So one more round of these particular videos and then they will be gone. Yay!
I’m a big enthusiastic fan of discontinuing something (even if it’s working great) so a new thing can emerge.
Otherwise I start to get bored, and that’s no fun.
I like keeping things fresh.
I love not knowing what is next and being surprised. That’s my favorite part. It will be a surprise to everyone.
So let’s make this last 40-Day Program A BIG BANG!! Let’s SKY-ROCKET IT out to the universe by letting go of all guilt, pain, suffering, sorrow, sickness, attack, anger, irritation, annoyance and begin to live in joy, celebration, peace and love!
Let’s take our places as the Saviors of the world!
Let us be happy children again.
If you are ready to let go of every last lingering illusion and be free and ready to shift completely into a life you love and you’re ready to hold the new perception for the next 40-Days, click this link to sign up:
It’s free.
Let’s travel out to the stars.
Your name is written there.