You Need Do Nothing

What does it mean when Jesus says in ACIM, “I need do nothing”?

Jesus says, “To do nothing is to rest, and make a place within you where the activity of the body ceases to demand attention. Into this place the Holy Spirit comes, and there abides.”

Ok, translate please…do I just lie in bed all day and order take out?


No, that’s not what it means. Let’s start with the basics.

There are 3 Ways of Being…


1) The Way of the World

This is when we make plans for the future based on what felt good or bad in our past. We are very action and task oriented and this is snowballing in our culture. We spend most of our time seeking goals of the future which keep us from experiencing the present. Just so you know, this is an act of separation and ALWAYS ends in guilt.

2) The Pursuit of Holiness

GAAH! So, we’ve realized that the first way, the way of the world, isn’t working so we try to make ourselves holy – better somehow. We think it’s going to take a lot of work and time to climb out of the mess we’ve made. We try to make ourselves feel “worthy” of God. We believe that our own efforts are going to make us holy. Sometimes we even believe that our “efforts” have made us holier than others, right? (Impossible, actually.)

3) I Need Do Nothing

This does not mean we are completely passive and withdraw from the world. It means that God has already done all the things that need to be done for the Atonement. So, our job isn’t to “DO” it but to “ACCEPT” it. We simply accept the atonement for ourselves. Nowhere does it say, “Atone yourself”.

Jesus says:
“If you perceive this as your only need,
you will be healed.”

Here are some other amazing things Jesus says about “doing nothing” in A Course in Miracles.

As long as we are actively seeing separate bodies and focusing on the dream, we are not leaving room for God. He says that un-doing this is our ONLY responsibility.

All of our “efforting”, no matter how spiritual, is simply interference. Even with the holiest of intentions, efforting is the work of the ego. Love requires no effort, just the willingness to ALLOW it. (OK, truthfully, the idea that my choices have the power to make me either sinful or holy is a frightening thought. It’s like putting a 3 year old at the wheel of a huge truck!!)


I need add nothing to His plan. But to receive it, I must be willing not to substitute my own in place of it. Knowing this is a powerful time saver!!

YOU ARE AS GOD CREATED YOU…RIGHT NOW!! You’re already at the goal!!
Let’s break it down even further:


“I” – “Me”, it implies we are separate beings but we are nothing without God.
“NEED” – derived from discontent – denial that we already have everything!
“DO” – Self directed activity leaves no space for the truth.
“NOTHING” – to do “things” involves the body – NO thing withdraws the body from the mind.

Pretty ironic, huh? We have to work to REMEMBER not to WORK! LOL We only need to remember to stay empty and give the Holy Spirit room to abide and HE will do all the WORK! He will heal our minds for us. It’s the Holy Spirit Who shows us the difference between what’s real and what’s unreal, what matters and what doesn’t matter. It is the Holy Spirit Who undoes the ego belief that we are unworthy and inadequate. It is the Holy Spirit Who brings us peace and true comfort when we frighten ourselves with our false stories of conflict and differences. He does the WORK! He guides us to a new behavior…we DON’T!!! (breathe)

We still have to take this journey in time, but instead of choosing the thought, “I am not worthy but someday I’ll make myself worthy”(I call this the bad wolf) we instead think, “I am already worthy, I am already holy, I am already there, I just need to open my eyes”(good wolf).

So, which wolf is going to win? The strongest wolf. Which wolf is going to be the strongest?



That’s why I love A Course in Miracles so much. It’s 1200 pages of “Premium Grade A Good Wolf Food”. It’s a “Good Wolf” all you can eat buffet! ACIM is a loving road map for getting out of the first 2 Ways of Being that the world would have us believe.

Those first 2 ways of being are our default settings
if we don’t keep that good wolf well fed!

You decide which wolf will get fat and happy.

In short, there is nothing you need to do to “get” God,
just some thoughts you need to release for God to “get” you!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned; sometimes we need a coach, a K-9 wolf trainer, to remind us to give our busy minds a rest and make room for the gifts that are there for us, NOW, just waiting patiently for a space to enter.

This is why the Living in Purpose Mastery Program was created.

It’s 6 months of PRACTICING and LIVING the principles of A Course in Miracles.

This program was created for those who have experienced a profound shift during the 40-Day Program and want to keep going and applying these principals in their lives. It is for those who are dedicated to shifting out of fear and into Love.

Its fun, it works and you do it with a whole bunch of other people who’ve also decided to change their lives and live in Joy, Abundance and Peace. For 6 months you are encouraged to BE as God created you and watch miracles happen. This program is all about practical application, where you LIVE the principals every day consistently. However, YOU have to decide that you want this above all else. This is a mastery program.

This program includes:

• 24 weekly email lessons (6 months) for mastering YOUR life, nurturing your relationship with God and Living in Purpose.

• Each week, you will receive an additional lesson on Lisa and Bill’s proven Living Abundantly Course. Whether it’s money, love or health that you desire, you will be given the tools and support to create unlimited and permanent abundance in your life.

• Facebook support from Lisa, Bill, Teachers of God Team and hundreds of other students and graduates.

• Access to the Teachers of God Prayer Team

• Monthly conference calls with Lisa Natoli and Bill Free

• Option to become a Teachers of God Licensed Practitioner/Ordained Minister of A Course in Miracles

• Special added bonus!! Guide to 365: Workbook Lessons with Lisa Natoli. Receive an inspiring email message every day for 365 days ONE WHOLE YEAR – each day features a 5-10 minute audio commentary from Lisa Natoli about the daily Workbook Lesson, along with a transcript of the audio – designed to encourage you through every lesson and to keep going until you have completed them.

You are welcome to register today but please don’t begin this program until you have completed the entire 40-Day Transformation Program.

Here’s the link to register:


Love to you all!!

Linda Leland

Teachers of God Foundation

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