Who Wants to Be Happy? :)

As it says in A Course in Miracles, happiness is our birth right.

It’s just more fun to be happy, isn’t it?

Happiness is important to us. We always know when we are not experiencing happiness, when our peace is disturbed.

And we always know when we are in happiness, too.

And, when we are experiencing peace, we share it with those around us, and with all of consciousness.

So how we feel matters. How we experience ourselves matters.

Happiness is God’s will for us.

A Favorite Game Show

There was  a favorite game show popular about 10 years ago called ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’. This game was great!

All of us wanted to see others answer these seeming impossible jeopardy type questions or just to see someone win all that money right on national television.

It is the structure of the rules to play this game that struck me as metaphorical to our everyday life when we are stumped  or stuck and what we really want is to be happy. 

How Do We Get Back There?

In the game when you were stumped, you called a lifeline, polled the audience or called a friend.

Often you think if you are on the spiritual path and you’re stumped or you are in the middle of slippage, you must be doing it wrong. This shouldn’t be happening.

We begin looking for answers or trying to change the effects, or we freeze like the contestants in the game show and when you’re in it you can’t find your way out.

This is the time to go to your life line. Go within. Go within, be still and quiet, go within as pure presence.

In this place of quiet awareness, the answer can/will come.

The Course is really good at giving you a practice and a formula for getting unstuck but, unfortunately, when you’re in it you are so committed to the mindset of illusions that you won’t listen and you can’t see until you let go of the attachment of being right or letting go the attachment of victim-hood.

The secret of salvation is this:

I am doing this to myself. There is no other way to look at this and find Freedom.


Anything that is not joy, that is not peace, that doesn’t feel good is required to show itself so we can clean it up.

Like many of you, I’ve been doing the course for a long time, over 10 years, and last week I found myself right in the middle of Hell in the mind over nothing.

This is what I did to get out:

[embedyt] https://youtu.be/Wip0HxwjQ-8[/embedyt]

Going to Your Lifeline

We all have the ability to go to our ‘Lifeline’.

We all have the inner life line, the Holy Spirit, when we are still. We must be still to hear…

  • First I became very quiet and went within to the quiet place. Watching the mind. I was reminded of Workbook 125. In quiet I receive God’s word today. This means, When I’m quiet the mind is no longer running the show but it (the mind – passing clouds, the audience) can be seen from this place of quiet awareness.
  • From here I intuited to read workbook 44: God is the light in which I see. This one idea invites me to reach the light and I used it as a mantra over and over and over and it worked to bring me back into alignment and experience peace for a time but it came back when I picked the thread back up (not as strong but it was there).

Calling a Friend

  • A long time Course in Miracles friend and Lisa (who reminded me of the Truth and invited me to say what I was fearful about or what I was believing that could disturb my peace) reminded me to allow the discomfort in and be vulnerable. She did not ask for or want to talk about the story at all.
  • Then I was invited to be quiet like I was on a silent retreat, just watching the mind and being grateful for every thought that comes up for the rest of the night. Gratitude and appreciation became a mantra for the next several hours.

This was an overnight healing for me and in my mind and it came from the Lifeline. A willingness to go to the Holy Spirit in Quiet Awareness. Being told what to do and what to say to whom becomes very natural and easy now and this is how the blocks in my mind that I can’t otherwise see are removed.

Salvation is the only accomplishment that has any meaning, because it the only one that has any real use to you at all. ~ Jesus

If You Find Yourself in Times of Trouble

Here’s what I recommend:

  • Have a friend you can call who will remind you of the truth, one who is not going to people please you but instead will hold you to a higher order of seeing without the story and will listen to their own inner Teacher to hold your hand in the discomfort (a miracle worker).
  • Go often into Quiet Awareness to your lifeline and watch the mind that wants to fix it or figure things out and let the thoughts just pass by. Let them be passers by…

I recommend reading workbook lessons 44-47.

God is the light in which I see.

God is the mind in which I think.

God is the love in which I forgive.

God is the strength in which I trust.

This is the Great Awakening. This is what we signed up for. 🙂

If this is helpful for you, let me know.

If you would like to share your own practice for getting back to the Truth that has worked for you, please post in the comments and share it here for someone else. 🙂

I Love You,


p.s. Happiness is a decision. Are you ready for a life of joy?

Sign up here for The 40-Day Program.

It’s free and it starts September 1, 2016!

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0 thoughts on “Who Wants to Be Happy? :)

  1. Thank you so much for this very candid and helpful blog Bill. Your timing, as always, is just amazing. Having been caught up in a story about family these past few days this has been a Godsend to me. Thank you brother, for your honesty and your beautiful ability to share so generously what I needed to hear. God is the light in which I see. Bless you for this. You just catapulted me back into awareness of what I’ve been believing that was never true. Thank you a million times Bill. Your clarity calls forth mine as I remember this is my truth. I’m so grateful. xxxxxxxxx

  2. I too got caught in hell with a family member and I knew I was in it, caught in it’s pit and attempting to get out. Agitation rose up, fear of being dismissive to a sister, even taking responsibility to fix (appeasing a god). I rooted out the cause and I found quiet this morning, listened to a few Mooji videos and then your blog Bill. Remaining open I now am being guided to lessons 44 – 47. Much gratitude.

  3. Thanks much for this blog. It put a better spin on slippage and not feeling that one is doing something wrong.

  4. Your writing validates my own experience of coming back from hell.
    I didn’t remember who I was, Or was convinced it was BS.
    Love the association with the Lifeline which iwhere ACIM leads us .
    Thanks for your honesty.
    I greatly appreciate it.

  5. Bill muchas, muchas gracias. Acabo de terminar los 40 dias, fue fantastico, tus pabras me ayudaron mucho para salirme del miedo en una situacion. Que Dios te bendiga.igual a Liza. Los amo

  6. I had a similar experience with my sister a few weeks ago. I was arguing with her and I personalized that she didn’t agree with me on how to handle a family situation. I lost my mind and thought my value was based on getting my way. I felt myself slipping into that dangerous neighborhood like an out of body experience but could not stop myself. I wanted to be right more then I wanted my happiness. That night I prayed with all my heart asking HS to soften my heart… to restore me to sanity and Grace. I hardly slept but when I woke up I felt totally clear. I realized I wanted the PEACE OF GOD more then anything. I could see my sisters perspective was the best choice for the family. I thanked my sister for being the voice of reason and praised her for her vision. Wow I’m grateful when I invite in HS there is a turn around much faster these days and I’m able to clean up my side of the street. HS is the fast track back to peace and my lifeline…LOL no one ever called Jesus for one of their 3 lifelines on that TV show! I love your teachings Bill and I choose to be happy 🙂

  7. The timing of this was perfect. I’ve been struggling still and this was a wonderful reminder of what to do when we get stuck in monkey mind and fear. Thank you so much Bill!

  8. My inability to ask for help for fear of being told no, Ouch!
    Results in my feeling helpful and depressed. Equating Lifeline to Holy Spirit may help me get “out of Hell” sooner and bring me the Peace that JC Promises.
    Something to add to my “Tool Chest” for Serenity.
    Thank You for sharing. Also, all the comments revealed to me that I am not alone with Family problems.
    That validation from others
    Was a “Miracle ” Sincerely

  9. Hello Bill, this mail, message came to me just on time!:) i really love and very happy to know you and Lisa!
    Thank you very much!
    I Love you,

  10. Something shifted in me after listening to your blog and reading the lessons you suggested. I received some disturbing news and my day was devoted to seeing it differently. I loved your share about being among “chaos” and being drawn in. I was feeling guilty about that exact thing. I now feel peaceful! I am so grateful to receive answers as to how to “see/feel” things differently. The lessons you suggested were spot on for me. My meditation was the best I ever experienced. I have been a course student for a year and a half, did the 40 Day Transformation, and am presently taking the Living in Purpose Program. I am inspired to keep on keeping on!💕💕💕

  11. Gracias todos estos mensajes son útiles, para mi es reafirmar el camino que he elegido y saber que puedo caer pero también levantarme, Dios le bendiga

  12. Thank you so much for this blog – this timing is just amazing. I´m doing the lessons and today is lesson 45 😀 Yesterday 44, and I did find it a little hard to get, so searching for some help. I signed up for the guided lessons right now, and TADA I forgot about this mail/ your blog ( sorry ) but look at this timing 😉 you just made it all so clear to me…. Yep – I´m amazed. And by the way – I know this tv-program it´s in DK right now – your idea is brilliant, and Yes I choose to be happy.
    Much gratitude

  13. Hi Bill, your teachings are very practical. I like using lifeline and phone a friend as my rescue to get centered in God. I also go into silence and be still and let God reveal to me what to do next.

  14. Bill,
    I love this blog, it just reinforced what you talked about on Friday. I think we all think you are “perfect” and so “enlightened” that maybe you just float through this thing called life and never have a “human” experience and it is comforting to know that we are all exactly the same in our experiences. You are the best truly and I love you like crazy. Thank you for this experience.

  15. Thank you everyone for your comments and insights… We walk together on this journey of SELF realization and No One misses doing the work and yes it can seem messy sometimes but just know we’re all doing it and it absolutely is a required Course or we wouldn’t be here… And

    We’re Not here – LOL crazy huh! I Love you <3

    Keep going:)

  16. Hi Bill, Sorry, I’ve been catching up with my e-mail and didn’t see your post til last night. Just wanted to add my thanks too. Thank you for your honesty in admitting that, you too can find yourself in a dark place and thank you for the reminders of how we can find our way out. It’s so easy to slip back into the ‘human’ way of doing things, when Divine help is always there, if we will just be quiet and listen. Thank you, and Blessings for sharing this. <3

  17. Gracias Bill!
    Parece que nuestras vidas dependen de esta “LIFELINE” . A mí me ha costado mucho trabajo pedir ayuda, incluso a Dios!
    Mi padre solía decir que sólo los débiles necesitaban ayuda…y yo me he creído muy fuerte, hasta hoy…que me desmorono.
    Gracias nuevamente, un abrazo para ti y Lisa, les amo.

  18. I’m taking everything happening these days as being in “divine order”; as being the right thing @ the right time and I’m so grateful for your video (which on my system has consistent voice though not always visually active) since you are saying it’s still occurring for you 10 years in. I touched in quite lightly back in San Francisco with ACIM and then it went away for these 30 years. And is gratefully back . . . this time it’s so totally relevant, so true in being “the” right path for me . . . the only path. Noting these 4 lessons will be an instant resource as is my present review lesson of I am as God created me. How more joined can I be than this? Flipping the ego out of the way is not easy . . . as this illusion is its creation. And a spouse I use for my lesson on my brother blessing me. I’m counting on ACIM leading the way out via Jeshua’s writings! I love what you all provide . . .many thanks, Bill!

  19. Dear Bill.
    Thank you so much for sharing this message. It was just what I needed today. 2 days ago I got an e-mail which somehow disturbed me. I noticed my mind – it started constructing a story which wasn’t helpful to me, and I couldn’t quite stop it. Thanks for reminding me, that these emotions come up reminding me to allow them to come up without engaging in them. It was very helpful to me 😊