Catapult Yourself Into the True You

Are you ready to experience yourself for the first time?

An experience that seemed only available to some lucky ones? The ones who seem to be in the right place at the right time…

Well, no more excuses and no more dreaming, You are in the right place and this is Your time. We are here to help you reach the destination you never left.

HAHAHA – We are Joyfully! going to pull the cord, point the way… and watch you be catapulted into the True You…
Why? Because this is why we are here:

To Know our Divine Nature and live in the Abundance of Christ Awareness…

This is the most exciting! time to be alive since the “big bang” or the beginning of time and you chose to be part of it.

The 40-Day Program is launching in just a few days (May 1st) and this can be your alarm clock in your own awakening. This is NOT just any program. This is the holographic content of A Course in Miracles presented by one of the Best! teacher/students of our time in a way that is simple to understand and apply in your everyday life. This is about Mastery. It is allowing yourself to fully awaken to the Self that God created you as. We know you can do this and we are here for you for the 40-Day Transformation and liberation you have been looking for. See some of the highlights of the 40-Day Program in the video below…


For more info and to sign up for the 40-Day Program, click on the link below:

Be sure and share this link with a friend or on Facebook. Thanks!

I’ll see you online… Enjoy! 🙂

I Love you, we love you.

Bill Free
The Teachers of God Foundation


> Please feel free to share your thoughts on any of the above in the blog comment area below! <


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0 thoughts on “Catapult Yourself Into the True You

  1. Bill,
    This is a great video showing what the 40 Day is about and how good you feel on this path.How life changing it really is. I am glad to see you. I love you Brother, you are a shining light for us all.

  2. I’ve been a student of the ACIM for over 10 years now. I am thrilled to see how the Holy Spirit is inspiring others to share His Message!! I am honored to be a part of your All Inclusive Love through your 40 day program!! You got this!!!
    Elizabeth ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Great Video Blog Bill !!!

    It’s so great how you gave people actual examples of what the content will be about on some of the days so that people can get a real taste of it.

    This program is a game changer! For Life!

    Thank you for doing this!



  4. Dear Bill
    i signed up already very early to the 40 day program, but as i did not receive lisa’s email this morning, I signed up again.
    But still there is no email from Lisa, i got one as a welcome but not the one from MAY ! !!
    i hope it wil arrive.

    I started now by listenig your video and it als prepares me in a good vibration, in a deeper peace and connection with my ChristSelf, so thank you for that!!
    Love to you and Lisa, Mieke

    • Hi Mike,

      The 40-Day Program email messages are generally sent at 10pm eastern (New York) time and apply to the following day (so the first / May 1 message was scheduled to go out at 10pm eastern time on April 30… and, we know that there are a few of you who had signed up previous to April 30 and are receiving this first message on May 1 – so please accept our apologies). Software glitches have now been ironed out, and our system is indicating that you have received the first / May 1 message. And FYI – each day’s lesson can also be accessed via the member page:
      Enjoy! Blessings to you…