Have you ever thought about starting your own ACIM study group?
How about joining a group? Maybe you have and maybe you haven’t. Either way, we want to toss the idea around with you for a minute.
Study groups are so much fun and add HUGE velocity to learning because we do it together! Before you know it, it feels like family.
Although A Course in Miracles is a self-study book, coming together with others on the same path is epic. Jesus says, “When 2 or more gather in My name, there I am among them,” and He wasn’t kidding! This, my friend, is where the magic happens. You don’t have to be an ACIM expert to start a group. Nor do you have to “teach” anything. It just means that you are holding a space for others on the same path. All you need to do is invite the Holy Spirit in to be in charge, listen with your whole heart and exemplify non-judgment and acceptance. You will be amazed at how beautifully it goes at each meeting. Whether 1 person shows up or 15 people, it’s perfect.
Why start your own study group?
● To make a commitment to study the principals of A Course in Miracles for those who want a better life.
● To provide a safe place for sharing without judgment or gossip and with total anonymity.
● To serve as a gathering place for people on the same path.
● To have fun!
● To build a community of people who want to support each other in walking the walk, not just reading. Real miracles happen when we actively apply these principals into our daily lives TODAY.
● Because you can’t do this work without your Brother.
Group location:
● Anywhere in your home; living room, kitchen, dining room or basement. As long as you have some chairs and a lamp, you’re good to go.
● Function hall, some space in your local church or a quiet corner anywhere.
● Online study group or telephone study groups are also a great option. Check out freeconferencecall.com. (NOTE: I personally love the in-person energy but it’s all good!)
What’s most important is to begin and end the group in prayer; inviting the Holy Spirit to take over as He is the only one who can provide all that is needed for everyone in attendance. This prayer can be from A Course in Miracles or it can come through you or anyone in the group.
How should you format your group? Any way you like!
● Study the ACIM Text, Urtext or Manual for Teachers (a section or just a paragraph or two)
● Choose a lesson from the Workbook
● Randomly select a section for discussion
● Have a different person choose a topic each week (remembering that every person is both student and teacher)
● Facilitator teaching
● Revolving teacher
● Open discussion
● Meditation group
● Set a “group goal” for the week on how you will “walk the walk”.
● No particular format; simply trust and let Spirit guide the meeting
● Feel free to add in a time for meditation (either guided or silent), music, ACIM YouTube videos, potluck dinner, simple snack, tea or no food or drink is fine.
Here are some other helpful hints:
● Remind folks to leave their stories at the door. This should not be a place to unload your garbage, unless it is used as a tool to shift perception from fear to Love.
● No crosstalk – no one should correct or offer advice to a brother under any circumstances, ever.
● Never use a study group to argue or debate principals of ACIM. This is never helpful and counterproductive to our goal of peace and joy.
● Introductions are a nice way to open up the meeting. If you’d like, you can have everyone (briefly) tell their name and set their intention for this meeting.
● Don’t have a pre-conceived idea of how the meeting should go. Be guided with an open mind and heart.
● Remember that everything is exactly as it should be: Whether 1 person shows up or 25 people, it’s perfect.
● Close each meeting with a short prayer or meditation.
How to invite people to your group:
● Online listings: There are many websites that list ACIM groups. Here are a few:
ACIM.org: A Global Map of ACIM Study Groups
MiracleCenter.org: Search Tool to Locate ACIM Study Groups
Miracle Distribution Center: ACIM Resource Hub
Community Miracles Center: ACIM Study Group Directory
Meetup.com: A Course In Miracles Meetups
International Association of Miracle-Workers: Study Group Info
● Facebook: There are also many ACIM Facebook pages you could post your meeting on, to find folks in your area who might be interested.
We think that starting an ACIM study group is absolutely fantastic! It is going to change so many lives, most importantly… your own.
You totally rock!
“A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interest as apart from some one else’s.” (Manual p. 3)
If you feel called to, you can add a suggested donation of $5 or $10 each to support the space and facilitators and to bring the energy of money, sharing and abundance in. Also, you can use this money to teach and demonstrate the benefits and blessings of tithing as a spiritual community practice.
If any of this feels right to you, just step in and let Holy Spirit work out the details. You will be so glad you did.
Again, if you don’t feel called to start one, go out an join one. Try out a couple of different ones and find one that feels like home.
Remember, we’re here if you have any questions or need further support.
Much Love,
Linda Leland
The Teachers of God Foundation Team
Thank you for the nudge!~!