OMG! I Love Christmas!

Will the Real Christ Please Step Forward?

I love the colors, the beautiful Christmas carols, and the holiday songs. I also love to witness people beginning to pause and think about other people. alot ofΒ people, including me, genuinely live in somewhat of an altered state beginning with Thanksgiving (which is my favorite favorite holiday) and ending at New Years Day.

Christmas has accounted for some the happiest (and also a few of saddest) times in my life, but in general I LOVE IT.

I mostly love it, even though it’s largely been made into a meaningless commercialized shopping and selling frenzy, behind it and at it’s inception IS…

The BEST news the world will ever know.

The news is that even though we may have been totally wrong about the message portrayed of Jesus for nearly 2000 years, the Truth is way better than we ever could have imagined.

What If Legend and History Were Wrong?

What if most of the Bible stories were mistaken about the message of Jesus the Christ, and that all of us are just what Jesus is?

This might blow your mind. I hope it does. πŸ™‚

For just 15 minutes press the pause button on the thinking mind, traditional beliefs about Jesus and the stories we’ve all heard from Bible stories, friends or family and allow yourself to be open to a better story, a more sensible understanding of what Jesus was here to share with all the world until the end of time.

Maybe It’s time to embrace Christmas with a whole new understanding, which will also give you a brand new experience of this seasonal joining around the world.

Watch this video and see if you don’t come away feeling more a part of the Christmas message than you ever imagined:


Download the Video Transcript

Like the song Joy to the World: Give yourSelf and others a gift this year. Sing the songs you hear about Jesus and make them about you and your brother, your sister your neighbor the Christ. This child of Bethlehem is the Christ that is born in you and this truly is the born again experience.

Try this as a practice and you will actually embody and share Christ with all the world and yourself.

When you look on anyone for the next 10 days no matter what the situation, in your mind say:

You are Christ, pure and innocent, and all is forgiven and released.

Share Your Experience: Has this video blog been helpful in providing you with a new way of seeing the Blessings and the Joy even in the commercialized version of Christmas? Has it been insightful? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

We have A Course in Miracles group that meets every Friday Live online at 10:30 Eastern. Last week I gave a talk on Grace Wb lesson 168 and 169 from the Course. If you have any questions about the Power you have in Grace,Β  watch the replay:



Have a Merry Christmas and the best year ever in 2017.

I Love You,

Bill Free

P.S. If you would like to sign up for ACIM 365 before January 15th 2017 and save almost $100 the price is going up to $247 and you can get it now for the 2016 price.

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0 thoughts on “OMG! I Love Christmas!

  1. Thank you so much for this beautiful message Bill! For me, in my heart, I still see jesus as my Savior and the world’s Savior, because he was the first one and my beacon of Light and Love! Taking His hand, being led on my path by Him, I have experienced such love, such complete devotion to Him that I gave Him my lif, years ago already. Nothing has changed for me, but as you say the Course has just added a whole new dimension to this : I can now BE as Jesus is, BE the Light of the world, BE the Love for all mankind. And that is the biggest gift ever! I wish you and Lisa a very very happy Christmas sweet brother! xxx Joan

    • Hi bill , I thank God for you too and healed vision πŸ‘€that sees only Christ ✨✨✨in every brother no matter what ✨✨☝️️✨✨ my favorite part of course is your singing 🎼🎧Joy πŸŽ‰to the world β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈπŸŒŽβ€ΌοΈπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„ ho ho ho , holy πŸ™β˜οΈοΈmerry Christmas β˜οΈοΈπŸŽ„everyday to you πŸ™πŸŽΌπŸŽ§πŸŽ§πŸŽ§I loveπŸ’–πŸ’›β€ΌοΈ you , Vicki πŸ’–πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ’›

  2. Hey Bill,
    Real nice message – thanks dude. Listened to it whilst doing a little yoga and it mellowed me out.
    Warmest wishes

  3. Ho ho ho bill β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„I thank πŸ™God for you too ☝️️✨✨☝️️✨✨ and healed vision that sees Christ in every brother no matter what πŸ’–βœ¨β˜οΈοΈβœ¨ my favorite part was your burst into ..Joy to the world πŸŽ‰πŸŽ§πŸŒŽπŸŽΌπŸŽ§πŸŽ‰πŸŽΌπŸŽ§πŸŽΌ πŸŽ‰ Blessed , happy and holy Christmas my dear brother , thank you for sharing the light of Our Fathers Love βœ¨β˜οΈοΈπŸ’›πŸ’– I love you πŸ’–πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ’›vicki β˜οΈοΈπŸ™πŸ’›πŸ’–

  4. Thank you, Bill, for this message. Beautifully expressed, so inspiring. This is the message of Christ that led me to the Course and has kept me here. Christ is so accessible in the Course interpretation, as close as my breath, as close as my brother who is One with me. Amen.

  5. Thank you for validating virtually all my beliefs about the Christ and Christmas. The traditional message is so diluted and twisted by the churches and the commercialism in the world we live. Nice to escape for a few minutes and here the message that resonates in my heart. Please persevere and let your light of truth be known.

  6. Thank you for this beautiful, uplifting message. Joy to the World and Merry Christmas to you and Lisa. You are such beautiful people, making a huge difference in this world by sharing and spreading your wisdom and love. We all need you.
    Blessings also to Linda.

  7. My Dear Friend Bill,

    You bring JOY to me. My heart is full. Thank you for appearing. Thank you for being you!

    Lots of Love,

  8. Tada! Bill! Wow! Totally Amazing to me! You are so beautiful, and thank you.. I am so grateful for this message that I have been inquiring about. Just this past Tuesday am as I was driving, I asked myself, “To what is this new understanding of Christmas for me?” Thinking and doing of past Christmas belief’s have been fallen away from me and what is this new way that is emerging? I am devoted to acim teaching, and advaita vedenta for three years. Each of these yrs a noticeable fallen away of Christmas, thanksg., New yrs., 4th july, etc. all past beliefs, more and more layers fallen away..feeling lighter, happier. This year found myself just enjoying space, being of it all and singing and then, Saturday the cashier caught me off guard as I was in my state of joy and asked “how is your holiday gift shopping going? I froze for a sec. with a thought of “how alien that sounded-what does holiday gift shopping even mean”? I found myself responding quietly to her: “I am not buying gifts; I’m doing something different this year. Her face stun without words and the line of customers also seemed to be motionless, just glaring at me- LOL I thought. And I too share that guidance to listen to Christmas music like you mentioned Bill, and hearing words replaced in my mind chosen for a true meaning and purpose-fulfilling me. So I thank you my love, and friend, your answer or rather confirmation I had been seeking, hit the spot. I am Christ pure & innocent- all is forgiven and released Love to all:D

  9. Bill Free what a wonderful message! And at the end when you said I thank God for you I got tears in my eyes. πŸ˜€ I am truely inspired by the e-mails and videos. A Course In Miracles came to me this summer during a period of many loses. What I’ve gained through the 40 day, which I’ve signed up to do again, is nothing short of a miracle itself. I don’t know how I would be right now without the clear message that I’m on the right path through the gentle guidance of Lisa Natoli. I’ve always known I’ve been guided spiritually and now I understand it. I’ve heard the voice of God, I’ve had miracles!! Ill be doing the ACIM 365 days. Can’t wait. I thank God for you Bill Free, Lisa Natoli, Bill Washboard DeTellis and all those that have walked this path with me. Merry CHRISTmas. I am joyful!

  10. I signed up for the 40 day program and was accepted, but have not received any emails or update since, just wondering if there is a problem with my email address. Anne