Living in Abundance is For Everyone

I have discovered a secret that most people spend their whole lives looking for and often never find.

This practice is right under our nose and we don’t see the value or the power in it because it seems too simple.

Could this be it?

Could this be the answer to Unlimited Abundance and Freedom?

If you could spend 30 minutes a day and discover this is true, would you do it?

Watch this video and discover a practice that will absolutely change every aspect of your life for the better.

Lisa and I offer these ideas and practice in a brand new workshop we call the 5-week Abundance Challenge.

This cutting edge formula will not only catapult you into a new state of awareness, but you will also discover that you always had this Unlimited Abundance available and you just couldn’t see it because it seemed too easy, right?.quiet-jpg

I’ll give you a clue… but you must be very quiet if you’re going to notice it.

Shhhhhh! Quiet.

I love you.


Bill Free

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0 thoughts on “Living in Abundance is For Everyone

  1. Thank you
    That was really beautiful.
    It’s so simple. I must remember that is what TRUE abundance is.
    So Thank you Bill Free.

  2. Thank you Bill for the beautiful teaching.
    I am new to the book ACIM. I actually bought it several years back and signed up for a course with Chris Cade but working 6 days a week at the post office left me too exhausted in the evening. I started this 40 day program with Lisa. At any rate I would like to say thank you to both you and Lisa.
    I had an awakening in the 80’s which brought visions, songs which were sung to me, and volumes of what I called messages which have filled boxes of notebooks. I was guided to do things with them, which I did, and then I stopped devoting the time. I spent time in guilt and doubt, but I am very happy to let those go..
    I am amazed that the writings of ACIM are totally in alignment and all the writings and the teachings are the same. There is but one I Am. Lol.
    When I was waking up I was told, “prayer is when we speak to God, meditation, quiet, is when God speaks to us.” I am so thankful to find this community. Thank you for all you do.
    I know Lisa has said no stories so I am really trying to refrain. For me, the stories are the spiritual stories, the songs which I felt sung to by God, Christ, angelic choirs, and one was with a Native American grandmother whom I had not met. I have held in these stories..the songs go with what Lisa has been teaching and they were spiritually discerned. Such a blessing. When class is over I can’t wait to share. This is what I have been hiding.. I will close with one line from a song from the collection title… I Am…Going Home
    The song is Home is Where the Heart Is… This is
    “I don’t care now, I don’t care now, let it come to mind, let me feel it, let me feel it, for it wants to be divine.
    Namaste and thank you

  3. Thank you so much Bill. I am feeling so great doing the LIP and following you guys. Yesterday I had a very busy journey but joyful, at the end of the day I realiced I was talking with two friends about ACIM and it was just what they was needing and looking for , they will join my group on tuesday!. I felt greatful being able to do that with so much love. Bless and love you all!!!

  4. No truer words could be spoken and so easy. Yet, we as humans do not realize that it is in quiet where our true answers are to be found. Thank you for the reminder.

  5. Had to laugh! The universe illustrated your message while you spoke! You remained oblivious to the external world during quiet time while going within (note the fish jumping in the lake in the background at about 0:40s; center your attention at about the top of ear level approx. 1/3 of the way from the edge of the left border, i.e. on YOUR right). Also, the dragonflies passing through the sky behind you are the thoughts passing in and out of the mind (like the clouds in your illustration) while you remained totally undisturbed by them passing through. Priceless! Trust messages from the universe!

  6. I love the tranquil setting of this video and the way you ended it. The metaphor about the clouds was particularly helpful. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance!

  7. Thank you Bill. Your videos are always so simple, yet heartfelt wonderful guidance. A beautiful description of how we should live and who we really are. Thank you.

  8. Thank you Bill!
    I landed in the holy instant immediately while you were talking. Strong sense of being in contact with my true Self. Ill increase my quiet time and keep investing in trust.
    Very clear and useful. Thank you. ❤️🙏🏼☀️

  9. “This world is not governed by the laws of this world.” – Excellent!

    A very good video, Bill. Thank you.

    The issue of abundance is a big one and is one of the most compelling ideas the ego has in its bag of tricks.

    I think another one way of working with abundance is coming at it from the idea of total equality.

    In this world, abundance is parceled out in this world is through relative values, i.e. how much people are contributing, their skill levels, blah, blah….and the complexities of that. But if you refute that and declare that everyone is 100% equal and is of equal “value”, then you start to erode the many, many layers of comparisons which are at the root of this part of ego-mind.

    Thank you for focusing on this very important topic.


  10. Thank you Bill, I always like what you pass on to take into my days to practice which have great outcomes for me.

    Blessings to you

  11. Thank you Bill for this wonderful video, that gave me peace. Indeed the mind always chats, and it can be difficult to stay in quiet, something I’m trying to learn in the 40 days program. But I’ll remember your words, and how to receive God’s word. Namaste

  12. So very concise and complete ! Thank You, Bill CHRIST ! (As each of us Is, in Truth !)
    Blessings of Inner Peace to ALL !

    Hollis CHRIST