My Extreme Christmas Makeover

Yes, that’s right, I gave Christmas an extreme makeover.

OK, I used to dread Christmas. I HATED IT!! It was one big stressor for me. I was grouchy. I abhorred holiday music. Mainstream, conventional Christmas, for me, was about spending a Santa-sized sack full of money, standing in long lines at the department stores, all sweaty under my winter coat, afraid I won’t get it all “done in time” and it always triggered a feeling of “never enough”… It left me exhausted.


I was focusing on all the wrong stuff! None of those shenanigans matter! I’ve since learned the totally awesome Truth about Christmas, thanks to A Course In Miracles. I couldn’t wait to give my old ugly Christmas a new makeover.

Now I totally Love Christmas!

First of all, aside from shopping, decorating, wrapping, cooking and over-committing, I thought the birth of the historical Jesus was the main point of the Christmas story. Now I know that Christmas carries a meaning far beyond one man born two thousand years ago.
Christmas in the deepest sense is the celebration of His birth inside us all. If he is born anywhere, he is born in us.

Christ is being birthed in YOU!

We’re preparing for the birth of our possible selves.

This is an event which we have been psychologically pregnant all our lives!

Christ is born into the world through each of us.

Woah! This is a big deal people. We must prepare!

That’s what the Christmas season is really about.

How did we miss this?


But HOW to prepare (aka celebrate)?

You get more and more prepared every single time you:

● Open your heart (just a little willingness will do) to God and His Will

● Choose forgiveness for your brother AND yourself at every opportunity

● Trust

● Become aware of thoughts that don’t serve you and hand them over to your guide to be completely healed.

Jesus tells us over and over again not to judge by surface appearances. There is always much more going on than what our eyes see. He says, “as above, so below”. He was telling us that any visible event is showing what’s going on within us!!

● When you’re angry, you can give birth to gentleness

● When sorrowful, give birth to joy

● When you’re at war, you can birth peace.

Listen and listen well. Christmas is a season when we remember the ONLY REASON we’re here is to reach a higher state of consciousness. To raise us all (this means you) into a state of Heaven where pain, sickness, suffering and death do not exist. Ummm, please fill my stocking with a bunch of THAT and pass the eggnog.

Now, I feel like jingle-jangle celebrating!

Jesus, our brother, embodies this divine spark and is assigned the task of helping us do the same. Now there’s something for your “wish list”!

● Jesus tells us that He doesn’t have ANYTHING we don’t have! He just doesn’t have anything else clogging up his vision.

● He is showing us the potential for the rest of us. YES!

● He is a magnificent and eternal spiritual force. So are you.

● He is the transformer of perception because the only thing we need to be saved from is our own insanity; our own crazy thoughts.

● He is your friend and Comforter

● He is showing you, while on earth in your life right now, how to become what you Truly are. He represents who we were created to be and who we shall be. More than that, He can and WILL help us get there.

We should fall on our knees with praise and thanks at the realization of this.

Please remember, we can only birth something that is already within us. The Kingdom of God is already within YOU. Once you accept this, you will only know indescribable love, joy and peace. You will birth the total innocence and total holiness within you. That’s the #1 greatest news I’ve ever heard.


Jesus says you’ll laugh at the discovery that it has always been your natural state. You’re already there. You already have everything.

So, amid the hustle and bustle, you can CHOOSE to remember that this holiday is about celebrating YOUR OWN AWAKENING. Be joyful, playful, and make it a fun game. Check this out: Whenever you see the following holiday symbols, use them as Joyful reminders of the Love, and Freedom that is right here for you:

Whenever you see a wreath, remember that you are infinite and eternal with no beginning and no ending. You were never born and you will never taste death.


Let every star you see remind you to follow Jesus, just the way the dignitaries did. He is right here and he’s asking you to join Him. The Course says, “If you knew who walked beside you on this path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.”


Mexican legend tells of a poor girl who could only offer the Baby Jesus a handful of weeds, but when she gave them to Him they blossomed into lush red plants. So, every time you see a Poinsettia, offer up all of your weeds, knowing they will be transformed into something beautiful.


You are the light of the world. Lights come in all colors and sizes, demonstrating that each one of us, no matter what color we are or WHERE WE ARE on this journey, are all reflections of God’s love.


All the needles on the tree point heavenward reminding us where to direct every thought.


Ornaments can represent how each of us can adorn this life with our gifts. Be yourself. That’s all you have to be. Never compare. God created you perfectly.


We are all tied together as one. We are not separate from God or separate from each other. Let the bow become a symbol of our Unity and brotherhood in Christ.


A Gingerbread man does not create himself. You do not create yourself. A cute and tasty reminder that you are as God created you.


Last, but certainly not least… the only real gift you can ever give anyone is to recognize the Christ in them with no judgment. This gift instantly heals both of you. Seriously, this is the gift that keeps on giving!


Finally, I’ll end with this beautiful Christmas quote from ACIM:

T-15.III.7. In this season (Christmas) which celebrates the birth of holiness into this world, join with me who decided for holiness for you. 2 It is our task together to restore the awareness of magnitude to the host whom God appointed for Himself. 3 It is beyond all your littleness to give the gift of God, but not beyond you. 4 For God would give Himself through you. 5 He reaches from you to everyone and beyond everyone to His Son’s creations, but without leaving you. 6 Far beyond your little world but still in you, He extends forever. 7 Yet He brings all His extensions to you, as host to Him.

Have fun! Frolic through the season as if you are unconditionally Loved, supported, guided, eternally safe, appreciated and adored.
Because you ARE!
Merry Christmas to you.
Much Love,
Linda Leland

For more info, inspiration, and guidance similar to what’s described above — check out the Teachers of God Foundation’s listings of programs, events and other online offerings.

Join us each Friday for A Course in Miracles meeting live-streamed at 10:30am EST…!


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0 thoughts on “My Extreme Christmas Makeover

  1. Merry Christmas Linda.

    This is an amazing post! I love the reminder that this is a celebration of my own awakening. I accept that the Kingdom of God is already within me, and can’t wait to birth that total innocence and total holiness. Thanks to you, all those holiday symbols will now take on a whole new awesome meaning:-)

    I am so grateful for all your encouragement and support.

    Much love and many blessings,
    Joyce xoxoxo

  2. Thankyou blessings …blessings .blessing s and miracles abound …….Thankyou for this beautiful connection ..yes God …Yes I AM ………

  3. Love what you’ve shared, Linda! Throughout our house we’ve placed lights – LED string lights in containers, battery candles in candle holders of all kinds, lights on the Christmas tree, lights up a driftwood tree in the sunroom, etc. etc.. We turn them on late in the afternoon or anytime if it’s a gray and cloudy like it’s been this week. It feels like a beautiful reminder of our true Self.

  4. Linda,
    I truly did not know you felt like this before because that is the way I have felt for 40 years and this is the first year I am so joyful and not even stressed and I am busier than ever but it is all great knowing what we are celebrating truly. You are a light in my life for sure and I am so glad I get to see you all the time because it makes my day, week and month. Blessings abound to all of us in the world, we don’t know how lucky we are and I am finding out everyday. Merry Christmas and enjoy the spirit of it all.

  5. This is such an inspirational sharing, Linda. I will save it and read it over to remind me of our grow purpose. Thank you so much.

  6. This is so awesome…. I only wish I had read it BEFORE Christmas this year! It’s amazing that even when we are in the process of Birthing the Christ within us, we can still “sneakily” get caught up in the stressors and hustle-bustle of the season. Thank you for these wonderful reminders… I will never look at Christmas decorations the same way again! So Beautiful, Thank you, Linda! XO