An Early Christmas Gift For You

By Linda Leland

We wanted to give you an early Christmas present because it’s too good to wait!

Everyone is going to wonder where you got it so they can get it too!

This gift comes wrapped with so much Love. No, really.

Amid the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this gift will instantly remind you of the divine perfection that is here and in every one of us.

What is this gift you ask?

It’s a game.

We’re giving you a new game for Christmas. Just like when you were a kid.

It’s a really fun game because every time you play, you get a prize.

It’s a holiday game of JOY and Awakening.

It’s portable so you can play it anywhere. It’s called the…


Here are the game rules:

The object of the game is to get as many points as possible. Every time you see one of the symbols below and use it as a reminder of the Truth, you get a point. The more points you earn, the bigger your prize!

Here goes. Good luck.

        • Each time you see a wreath, remember that you are infinite and eternal with no beginning and no ending. You were never born and you will never taste death.


        • Let every star you see remind you to follow Jesus, just the way the dignitaries did. He is right here and he’s asking you to join Him. Take His hand. He represents who you were created to be and came to help you get there.


        • Legend tells of a poor girl who could only offer the Baby Jesus a handful of weeds, but when she gave them to Him they blossomed into lush red plants. Each time you see a Poinsettia, offer up all of your weeds knowing they will be transformed into something beautiful.

          Christmas gift

        • Holiday lights come in all colors and sizes just like us! No matter what color we are or WHERE WE ARE on this journey, we are all reflections of God’s Perfect Love. No matter what.

          holiday lights

        • All the needles on the tree point upward reminding us where to direct every thought. This is the fast-track to healing.


        • When you see ornaments it represents how each of us can adorn this life with our own uniqueness. Be yourself. That’s all you have to be. Never compare. God created you perfectly.


        • We are all tied together as one. We are not separate from God or separate from each other. Let the bow become a symbol of our Unity. We are all the One Son of God.

          christmas bow

        • A Gingerbread man does not create himself. You do not create yourself. A cute and tasty reminder that you are as God created you.

          gingerbread man

        • Last, but certainly not least… the only real gift you can ever give anyone is to recognize the Christ in them with no judgment. This gift instantly heals both of you. You MUST see their divine perfection before you’ll ever remember your own. Seriously, this is the gift that keeps on giving!

The whole point of this game is to have fun and frolic through this season as if you already have everything.

Because you do. And we should all fall on our knees with praise and thanks at the realization of this.

Not to mention, each time one of us is in alignment with the Truth, we’re all raised up. Every person and every part! And the more who play, the higher it goes! The bigger the prize gets!

You see?

We share One mind. This is a very important game and everyone wins, even those who aren’t playing right now. Your participation means the world. LITERALLY!

Question: Can I count you in? Will you play the Holiday Truth Game with me? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

All my Love.

Linda Leland


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0 thoughts on “An Early Christmas Gift For You

  1. Nice reminders of symbols that bring us closer to the true meaning of this beautiful season.
    May love shine brightly through and around all of us!

  2. This is totally beautiful Linda! Thank you so much for sharing this. Yes…Absolutely…I am playing! Merry Christmas every day.

  3. Thank you TOG and Linda for offering us this beautiful touchstone to Truth. It will definitely be fun to play along with others. Much love and gratitude for this game and all that you do in sharing LOVE with all.

  4. Wau, beautiful gift😍❤️❤️❤️
    I’m all IN😃
    Then december Will be even greater, thank you🙏✨❤️
    Betinna Silke

  5. Ofcourse I’ll play this Holiday Game with you Linda, I was already doing it anyway! You and all of you marvellous Teachers of God, I love you with all my heart. I can’t begin to say how my life has changed in every way, since I started the programs of the TOG Foundation and really studying the Course. I am in awe every day before God and so very grateful. So here’s to the Holiday Gift that keeps on Giving! Cheers! xxx Joan

  6. Dear Linda-Thank you sooooooo much for my early Christmas present. I was grinning from ear to ear as I “ripped” it open. Peace and joy are in my heart. What a beautiful gift you and the TOG are. Thank you. May Blessings and Miracles abound for everyone this Season. ♡

  7. I absolutely LOVE this game. It’s the only game in town! The game that makes everything a joyous game of life and love. Thank you for the yummy symbols for this holy symbolic time of year. I’M IN!
    Infinite Joy and Love always…

    • Non je ne sais pas hacker des sites web. En fait je suis un petit puceau qui s’est égaré sur ce site, un newfag sans connaissance qui vient s&21e87;ass#oir dans la cour des grands. Mais bon, je pense que je vais retourner à l’Eglise, salut connard.

    • Moi, c’est Guernesey et Serk , dans « Les Travailleurs de la Me&labsp;»…Girlintt et les mouettes. Voilà le roman que je lirais et relirais sans cesse, en boucle…et les îles, il y a un blog qui en parle…

  8. What a beautiful message to receive on the first of December. Let’s all of us make Advent & Christmas full of love & light ❤️

  9. This is so beautiful and creative. What a fun & joyful way to remember who we are, our truth, and why we chose to come into these physical bodies. I will play the game, and I will share it. Thank you, Linda – glad I joined the lovely community of love.

  10. What a great idea! I am an artist and as I was reading, I thought of how I could add specific decorations in my home to call attention to these “truths.” For instance, I have an empty frame on my wall, as a reminder to get past the outside image and really see the perfection in others. I facilitate A Course in Miracles in my home, so there is often something special as a reminder. I can see that frame would be perfect for a really big bow! Anyway, I’m in! Thanks for stimulating even more ideas. Have a joyous season, filled with expectations of joy, peace, love, and faith!

  11. Hola Linda, muchas gracias por el mail. Esta lleno de amor, com todo lo que hacen.
    Es un regalo muy lindo y me llenó de paz y alegría.
    Les mando mucho amor.

    • Funny that Addictednoob is calling people &#2n20;fa2boys⁙. But I’m sure you’re not one, right? and BTW…the 360 version has superior lighting, but it’s still tough to tell, both versions look pretty good.VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

  12. I’m in. What a lovely way to remember all of our many gifts! Praise be to God! I am filled with thanks and immense gratitude.
    Love to you Linda and all God’s children ❤️🙏🏻

  13. This is Brilliant! I am so grateful for the spirit in all showing up with continual ways to connect and reconnect to truth. Thank you thank you. I AM IN! 😁👍🏼 🎁 ⭐️

  14. This is FABULOUS!!! Let the festivities, rejoicing, and illuminating begin. Thanks for the early gift wrapped in LOVE. Abundant Blessings to All!

  15. I’m ALL in sistah ! Thank you for your playful mind that has but one purpose and that is to Heal and Forgive…Your the Light of the World and thank you for the fun that you have injected into this Holy Holiday season.

    Always Rozes

  16. Only the hand of God could design such an ingenious game! Thank you for being the channel of Love through which it comes to us. I send you a gorgeous evergreen and pointsettia wreath, it’s needles pointing upward, it’s flowers open; sparkling with lights, adorned with beautiful ornaments, tied with a shimmery bow, with a gingerbread bro perched upon it. Rocking the birth of Christ consciousness!

  17. Linda, this is just beautiful! Thank you for helping us all see in new ways the Truth that sets all of us free. Blessings to you.

  18. Gorgeous!!

    U will never look at a pointsetta, star, xmas tree, gingerbread man, lights, bows the same…ever again!!

    Supremly glorious early xmas gift, indeed I’m so greatful!

    • Thanks, Midge, for stopping by! Yes, Barry Lopez is one of our best nature writers, is7128#&n;t he? The Big Horn canyon looks splendid! Since the water is controlled by a dam, I take it there is little current? I’ve never boated on a reservoir so am wondering if there is any current.

  19. Hello…miracle workers..!
    Today started grey and misty …I felt even some irritations around me from my co-workers (my boss broke his elbow and went home) ….now everybody left the office ,and I am sitting alone , reading some mails and fb posts neutral and peaceful… Then I noticed a msg from Lisa with a Xmas gift from Linda and a bit thrilled I opened it ,and…….The day suddenly changed into a joyful one, silence became a blessing , love came over me …..and it felt beautiful again.
    Thank you “light of the world ” which you truly are , I am grateful and blessed to notice we actually all share the same one Mind …

  20. Thank you Linda! I fully accept this gift with all of my heart and I will to play it every day! What a wonderful gift! Thank you for inviting me to join in the game!


  21. Yes, I have always felt lucky to be born on Christmas eve and that I get to celebrate with all. All the festivities all the giving and receiving, special Christmas Carols, the whole bott and booty! This will add to the fun of the Holiday spirit and the rest of the year.
    Thank you Linda for sharing.

    • "We're in the end-game and we're going to win this. Abytlutels.&quoo;Not if our heads our up our asses so far that we miss vital information trying to 'show off.' *rolls her eyes*(BTW, thanks for crossposting, ORYR!)

    • Ce film « gentiment » autorisé n’est -il pas &lu&&o;unbsp;programméqnbsp;&raqao; parce que les élections présidentielles s’approchent…?

  22. Wow! Thank You so much for this gift I love it, I don’t speak English very well but You can count with me!!!! Bless for all of You

  23. Linda, Fabulous way to usher in the holidays! Will forward it to all my friends!
    Grateful you are on the team. May every day be a holiday of living in the
    Truth, Love, Light and Peace, Melinda Martin in Maui

    • Do you have the Body Shop near you? They sell a diluted tea tree oil which is really good. You can usually buy tea tree oil from grocery stores too. Make sure that you dilute it if it;#2817&s 100%. Then just use it as a spot treatment – it’s great for the under the skin pimples.

  24. I LOVE this Linda! What a brilliant idea. I’m gonna play for sure! Thanks you..xx And thanks for not putting anything to do with snow or fireplaces or scarves or hot cocoa..LOL! 90 degrees here on Sunday, and that’s Southern Australia! <3 <3 🙂

  25. Yes Linda Iwill play the Holiday Gift games Id be so honor thank you so much for the gift. Now I would like to give you something from me to you,ready OXOXOX Have a Merry Christmas my sister Love&Blessings <3

  26. I am happily playing this wondrous game with you!
    Thank you for this invitation to remember the Truth.
    Blessed be, Linda “Namaji”

  27. I’m in, I have struggled with the holidays for years, not enjoying or liking them. I set a goal to change that this year and here I am !!!

  28. What a awesome idea! The gratitude just keeps on growing too!
    Love and Light back to you! XOXO

    I want to share on my FB page????

  29. What !! no Rein deer , fat man with a beard and a Coke. ? I’m missing the illusion. “You see that your thoughts actually have nothing to do with you and mean nothing about you —the real you , that is—although they have everything to do with the false self.

    • Our booming Australian economyIt will be interesting if Keen’s walk creates an awareness in &#ti;61ci82zens average’ that buying houses for investment when the return is less than servicing costs or bank deposit interest is actually speculation that can result in negative returns.

  30. Thank you very much! Thank you for a guide to the symbolizm of Christmas; How often we do something not knowing why and what they mean for us.