Acceleration vs Velocity – Are you busy all day long, but going nowhere?


A few days ago I started thinking about the difference between acceleration and velocity and I was inspired to write this message. Enjoy!
Do you know where you’re going? Do you know what you want?
Do you feel alive and happy?

Or are you simply in a lot of movement every day, but going nowhere?

“The first change to be introduced is a change in direction.” -A Course in Miracles

Most humans are just busy. They live their lives in motion and speed, but they have no direction. They simply go fast. They race around. They get up early and go to bed late and have no time for rest. They rarely stop. But at the end of the day (at the end of their life), they have gone nowhere.

They are right where they started.

This was how I lived my life for years – as if my days were a big race, only one problem: I didn’t know where I was going. I had no destination.

Once I took the time to slow down – thanks to the practice of A Course in Miracles – and I started to RELAX and just BE, I realized that I hadn’t gone anywhere.

I had not achieved happiness or peace.

In fact, I felt more miserable than ever.

I had nothing to show for all my “efforts” of being busy from morning to night.

Slowing down and taking a good honest look at my life was the best thing I ever did, because it made me realize I needed to make some changes in my thinking, and in the way I showed up in my life. 

One great way to see change is to make an unwavering commitment to try living life in a new way and to set an amount of time that you will dedicate to live in a new way.

At some point I realized all I was doing was circling around and going nowhere. I was nowhere closer to my goal than when I started.

And why not??

Because I had no goal.

I didn’t know where I wanted to end up. Back then I didn’t know that happiness was the goal – and that true lasting happiness comes from knowing God as my Identity.

Every day I was simply trying to get through the day – speeding along with no direction.

Sound familiar?

This is called acceleration. Speed with no direction. You go fast and then you circle around at the end of the day so you can get home, so you can relax, so you can do it all over again the next day. 

Round and round and round we go!

Velocity on the other hand is speed with direction. Velocity is a straight path, with no left or right or circling around.

At the end of the day, you’re in a new space from where you started.

Most humans circle around. They have acceleration – they are busy from morning to night – but they don’t go anywhere. They have no direction, no intention, no goal.

Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast an object is moving AND in what direction the object is moving.

Most people have a lot of MOVEMENT but their lives often never seem to change or go anywhere.

They’re just tired.

Are you tired?

Being tired is an indicator of speed with no direction. If you often feel exhausted, it’s a good idea to just STOP and ask yourself: Where I am going? What do I want?

When you have a direction and you are clear on your destination, life is a joy.

The best part that I love about A Course in Miracles is that the direction is God and the goal is peace, and you can go there now. Mission accomplished! What more is there left to do?

If there is something to do, you will be doing it – and it’s easy and takes no time because you’re clear on what you’re doing, and the Holy Spirit is doing it!

What better way to live life!

It’s an incredible feeling to know where you are going – to an experience of consistent Love and Joy and Peace – and to have Jesus snip out time segments that are not necessary so you get there faster!

Life is very simple. It’s being present to whatever is directly in front of you. What could be easier? Pay attention. Be alert. Love where you are.

Stop reading this and look around you right now – this is life. Everything is perfect exactly the way it is.

And yet most people live their lives telling stories about what happened in the past and what they hope will happen in the future. They are never actually present in the now, and yet this moment is all any of us have. This is it!

A lot of people talk about wanting an “experience” (when they will feel alive) as if its going to come in the future. Yet what could be a more direct experience than this moment, right now? I love it. Everything is happening in this moment. I can hear the neighbors talking. There is a dog barking. I feel a breeze and a little bit of a chill on both of my feet. This moment right now is beautiful and marvelous, and I’m in full appreciation for it. Who knows what the next moment will bring? Who cares! I’m here now having a direct experience of this glorious moment.

Most people have a way of slowing down their speed with fear and by making everything complicated and complex. The way you slow down your speed is with stories, judgments, explanations, staying in the narrative – he said this, she said this, I thought this, I felt this, I said this, they did that, here’s what happened. All this will SLOW YOU WAY DOWN on your way to your goal. There is no power in this, no juice.

What you are actually doing when you are telling a story (or thinking about a story) is staying stuck in the past. So you are REALLY not moving forward. You’ve got the car parked with the key in the engine but the car is not going anywhere.

Almost everyone has the feeling that they are not being their authentic self – not living up to their fullest potential, not using their gifts. 

It often shows up as a little nagging feeling of “dying with the music still in you.”

Don’t die with the music still in you.

Life is not for playing small nor safe.

You want to be alive for this glorious adventure called your life.

A miracle is the realization that you can change.

A miracle is a shift out of boredom and fear and doubt into a full-blown experience of love and gratitude and passion and joy.

This requires a breakthrough.

It requires a decision to shift out of old patterns and habits and that no longer serve.

You can shift any time you want. Now is a good time.

I love you.


This is how the 40-Day Program was born. I was tired of my life and set a goal for myself – 40 videos and 40 messages in 40 days.

It was a turning point in my life and it’s been a turning point in many people’s lives who have taken the 40-Day Program because we all started doing things differently. 

And when you change one aspect of your thinking, your whole life will change!

The next 40-Day Program starts in early 2016. Sign up here:

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0 thoughts on “Acceleration vs Velocity – Are you busy all day long, but going nowhere?

  1. Thanks a lot for your words!!! This is a pretty article I agree with, and I think it’s going to be a Wonderful program. I’m committed to make my personal change.