You will begin to heal when you allow truth to correct all errors in your mind.

I love the workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles. I’ve done them several times already over the years, and I’m doing them again this year in 2015. I started on January 1, 2015 and I’m loving it.

I do an audio commentary every day called Guide to 365, for anyone who wants to make the one-year commitment to start and FINISH all 365 workbook lessons. You can find out more about Guide to 365 and sign up by clicking this link:


Here is Lesson 119: Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any way. I am God’s Son, whose Self rests safely in the Mind of God.

To give and receive are one in truth.

I will forgive all things today that I may learn how to accept the truth in me, and come to recognize my sinlessness.

I love having the power to change my mind in every circumstance. If someone says something to me that is hurtful, or if a situation arises that makes me afraid … I remember: THERE IS ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THIS.

“I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any way.”

Nothing can affect me except my own thoughts.

You are always looking at your own thoughts, projected outward. All those people you see? They are not there. They are ideas that you hold in your own mind about yourself and the world.

Like looking in a mirror.

So instead of being afraid (or cautious) of people, places and things, you now say: BRING IT ON.

It’s fun to pull up crap from your mind and not react to it. It’s a happy game. You dive in head first. You go where it’s scary.

Have the courage to say your desire out loud. Let your private ideas be made public. Live with integrity and let your words match your actions and thoughts. All hell will break loose when you finally stand up and say “this is what I really want. I refuse to accept limitation.” Figures will come out of the woodwork to stop you and bring you down, which is just hidden crap in your mind that you’ve kept buried for years and years.

Don’t be afraid of people saying things to you.

Keep following Jesus.

Where before it was all nice-nice while you were the perfect wife, student, employee, husband, son, daughter, citizen … when you begin to break out of the role that you have made for yourself to keep everything in balance, you will encounter resistance.

If you don’t resist it or react to it, it disappears.

Because there is nothing outside of you.

So let everything rise to the surface. Don’t be afraid when someone is telling you you’re doing it wrong, or that you’re a failure. Don’t be concerned if people are disappointed in you. You can’t please everyone so don’t even bother – it’s a waste of time.

Instead allow truth to correct all errors in your mind.

“I will forgive all things today, that I may learn how to accept the truth in me, and to come to recognize my sinlessness.”

I will forgive all things today.

That’s a good practical thing to do.

I will recognize my sinlessness today.

Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

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