Are you "too busy" to put gas in your car when it says it's almost on empty?

Many people say: “I don’t have time to sit quietly with God – I’m so busy! You have no idea! You should see my schedule!!”

I would like to remind you that when you are driving your car and the gas tank says EMPTY – do you say that you are too busy to stop and fill up the tank with gas?



Because you know what would happen.


You would be on the side of the road, and have an even bigger problem on your hands.

But that’s exactly what almost all of us do on a daily basis. We say we are too busy to stop.

Teenage Driver Series

And then life forces us to stop – with problems & sickness.

We’re not stopping for gas – not stopping to fill up with God – when we need to be.


So many people are stalled on the side of the road with sickness and problems and a flat tire, waiting for assistance because “they were too busy” to fill up with God. JUST SAYING. And like a car, you have to fill up regularly.

Time with God is non-negotiable.

I often hear people say they are “running on empty” but actually they are stalled on the side of the road. After a while, the car just stops running. It doesn’t keep running on empty. It putters, it makes strange noises, it begins to slow down and you have NO CHOICE but to pull over by the side of the road, get to a gas station and put gas in the car.

In our lives, sadly, this means to get to a hospital or pull ourselves out from under a mountain of debt and problems.

When we could have just as easily been stopping for God on a regular basis.

Stop for God.

Stop to play.

Stop to pray.

Stop to fill up with gratitude and joy.

Stop to rest and rejoice.

It sounds very simple and obvious and logical when we are talking about our cars, and yet we don’t take time to fill up with thoughts of gratitude, love, appreciation, wonder and joy.

In what ways are you stopping to fill up with God every day?


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0 thoughts on “Are you "too busy" to put gas in your car when it says it's almost on empty?

  1. I take time every morning to fill up with God. When I do this, I am confident that I will not break dow. Better yet, I know that he will be there to pick me up, “foot prints”.

    Praise God ALL DAY and Every day!

  2. I have programmed myself were the first thought I have in the morning is God, and as I move through moments I take breaks to breath and relax with God. I take time at morning and at night to sit, quietly, to listen to God. Living in God makes everything, perfect.

  3. Every morning as soon as I wake, I lay in bed and I listen for the sweet chirping of the birds.
    God connection made with the first chirp.
    Always there, never fails. Thanks God xxx